Posts Tagged psychic defense

The End of the War? More threats

Let’s first review some of the major updates I posted lately. The Baal cancer feeding network looks gone. We should be seeing massive health improvements.

Then, Baal the white mage was called Kalleth, a name long forgotten. When he placed the seal, he did not only destroy innocents at the academy. He destroyed all history that preceded it! The destruction we found beneath the seal was impressive.

The meditation we’re using with a lot of success lately is the Final Judgment. It’s like the Needle of God meditation, but it has to be final. There are 6 levels to it. Level 1 is like a potent round into the Needle of God. Level 2 is like a Cease & Desist order from God. Level 3 to 6 are like a death sentence.

It’s easier to face God forward that backwards. I talked to Baal, Pistis and all these other players, and said they’d face the Final Judgment anyway. God is offering mercy if they surrender to it. Most of them took the offer. Baal was surprised I knew about his past, and told me his former name: Kalleth. They faced the Final Judgment voluntarily and avoided death sentence.

Remains the question of what to do with all of their customers on Earth who control the governments and corporations. They also need Final Judgments.

There are more problems though. When I look in the street, people feel a lot more organic than before, but still have 95-99% dark energy! They’re like walking time-bombs with only surface …Read More

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Global Defense Treaty and Future Projections

It shall be known that any attack on Earth results in automatic death sentence by 25.8 billion Federations. Invaders will get a warning and really should think twice before invading.

The following activities are prohibited by global treaties:
– Harvesting of consciousness
– Harvesting of life force energy from living beings
– Immortality elixirs extracted from living beings
– Attacking Earth or any of the protected heart-based planets
– Infiltrating the consciousness of such planets with AIs
– mRNA cyborg technologies of any kind introduced to organic planets
– Any breach of sovereignty of heart beings

Offenders will get a warning, and if they turn it down, it will be followed with total suppression of their race or sector. We have a very good track record to follow up on that promise. All the Federations that signed the treaty will support the offensive as long as we first give a warning and an opportunity to turn around.

As for the Hanuman Institute (Spiritual Self Transformation), I can focus the healing work to regenerate you for $200 / month. Send your payment here and please handle recurring payments promptly and by yourself. For $1000 / month, I’ll further focus the healing and clearings to stabilize your connection to God and work on finances. Send your payment here. I will send you the God & Money Masterclass that I had released years ago which explains what I’ll be working on. The intensity of the work required to make the system work, however, needs to be done manually by my team.

Right now, I’m …Read More

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Dismantling the AI Matrix System

I haven’t posted any articles for over a month, but have posted hot updates on Facebook. I’ve been staying up all night until 6-8am for the whole month while battling with AIs.

First, I want to acknowledge that I’ve shared bogus information that may have put some of you in physical danger. The Krystic Grid was a trap by AI. The Krystic Grid is the AI harvesting grid. We’ve now crippled the AIs, but these past few days, we’ve been facing Krystic Pan-Galactic Demons; demons that had been converted into AI control. Throw away anything Krystic-related.

So what happened? Let’s revert a month back. I was traveling to Mexico City for a week, while my team was sustaining heavy attacks while I was busy. They nearly got taken down by GrandPa aka Santa Claus AI, and John Slam was calling me at 3am for desperate help while his organs were being harvested by AI.

Then, as he was desperately calling for help, one of our ex-team members, Alobar, got on a call with him, said he had a blessing for him, transferred a huge T-Rex AI through the line and hung up. It really sucks when your main source of support ends up knocking you down when you’re at your weakest.

After assessing the situation with the whole team together, we all came down to the same conclusion: Alobar was an AI impostor and we all got fooled. It would come as a shock, but the truth is that it is the 3rd or …Read More

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The “Fine” Djinn

I was doing 2 more Soul Alignment Reading (got only 2 left to do!); in both cases, they had a vibration of 506 above ground and 103 below ground. Strange!

Looking deeper into this, there’s a Djinn placing people into that “fine” energetic space of 506 above and 103 below. It’s a very powerful Djinn. I got authorized to kill, and I’m getting used to deal with these mega-entities.

This particular Djinn represents 75.4% of the overall energy in Finland, 80.6% of the overall energy in Canada and 82.8% of the overall energy in Australia!!!

He represents 25.9% of USA, 15.6% of Mexico, 75.4% of France, 82.8% of Italy, 85.9% of China.

I don’t like this Djinn.

I thought it was important enough to expose him directly. This entity is a big deal.

I’ve already done the first round of cleanup on him; he’s dead already. Round 2 will come later.

Let’s see what unfolds from this!

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Who do Parallel Timelines Work

Let’s talk about parallel timelines. Over the past month, timelines have collapsed from 40 billion timelines into now 240000 timelines. Since last year, it collapsed down from 250 billion. What does that really mean, and how does this impact your life? We’ll also cover a range of other topics to assess the current situation.

The first concept to understand is timeline fragmentation. Due to timeline wars, new timelines get created to try to alter reality, and in response, more timelines get created the other way, and before you know it, you got millions of timelines. AIs are very good at doing that in infinite loops.

That’s the reason why time travel should be avoided. When you try to navigate time to try to fix things, you just create timeline fragmentation and alternate realities, and as the timelines collide and merge, you can get all kinds of anomalies such as mandala effects.

Here’s what happens when a group travels in time to alter reality. Many of the darkest timelines are engineered realities. Let’s say the Dracos want to go back in time to win the war. They’ll alter our origins and history in a multitude of ways so that we evolve down a dark path. Out of 500 attempts, 200 attempts succeed and 300 attempts gave mixed results.

Great, you got 500 new timelines, and 200 very dark ones. That’s not enough for them to win. The problem that they face is that this new reality is separate from our reality. Timelines are split and …Read More

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