Let’s first review some of the major updates I posted lately. The Baal cancer feeding network looks gone. We should be seeing massive health improvements.
Then, Baal the white mage was called Kalleth, a name long forgotten. When he placed the seal, he did not only destroy innocents at the academy. He destroyed all history that preceded it! The destruction we found beneath the seal was impressive.
The meditation we’re using with a lot of success lately is the Final Judgment. It’s like the Needle of God meditation, but it has to be final. There are 6 levels to it. Level 1 is like a potent round into the Needle of God. Level 2 is like a Cease & Desist order from God. Level 3 to 6 are like a death sentence.
It’s easier to face God forward that backwards. I talked to Baal, Pistis and all these other players, and said they’d face the Final Judgment anyway. God is offering mercy if they surrender to it. Most of them took the offer. Baal was surprised I knew about his past, and told me his former name: Kalleth. They faced the Final Judgment voluntarily and avoided death sentence.
Remains the question of what to do with all of their customers on Earth who control the governments and corporations. They also need Final Judgments.
There are more problems though. When I look in the street, people feel a lot more organic than before, but still have 95-99% dark energy! They’re like walking time-bombs with only surface …Read More