Major activations are going on these days, sorry for those waiting for energy readings or crystals attunement, major energies are boiling right now. There’s some major development in regards to the financial grid and financial veil. For those who missed the previous articles about it, the financial veil is an energetic barrier preventing money from flowing between the old matrix and people of high-frequency of Divine Feminine energy, the new energetic grid. In a pyramid business to purchase gold that was growing at insane speed, an entire downline of over 100 people froze overnight when I reached the break-even point. Bitcoin took a serious hit the day I put my first $100 in it in December, and started going down the day I published the Bitcoin Predictions from a Psychic video — on those exact dates. That’s how serious the financial veil is. What I found is that it didn’t matter what was the source of income, it would always freeze and block at the break-even point with such force that it could stall any large organization or even crypto-currencies.
We’ve been trying to pierce the veil which got thinner and thinner, but it never completely broke.
A few days ago I did a few global merging. First, I requested that the Heavenly Father cannot be invoked anymore without the Heavenly Mother. Kali shall also be present. Second, I merged the essence of Kali with all currencies worldwide, which have since gone from a vibration of -400 to a vibration of 1900, …Read More