I did quite a lot of remote viewing to determine why Trump decided to bomb Syria. In particular, I looked at the energetic connections of allies and those supporting him. What came up is very interesting, and I was told to release this intel ASAP because we are in a time-critical moment and this intel could be useful to someone.

I still had quite a few questions. Why did Trump bomb Syria? If he’s against the Cabal, why did he follow action on a clear false flag? Why does he keep hammering Russia? Who is behind the false flag in Syria? Remote viewing revealed the answers. I also measured the intents of various parties on the Hawkins Scale. Higher numbers mean more aligned with love, lower numbers mean more aligned with control and fear.

First, the order for a false flag in Syria came from Macron. Underlying intention vibrates at 53.

Second, he had phone conversation with Trump and convinced him for the need to attack Syria. Underlying intent vibrates at 300.

Third, what is Trump afraid of? Iran becoming a new North Korea. Underlying intent of Iran leaders vibrates at -93 million!!

The goal of the strike, mainly targeting airports and military facilities, is to prepare the ground for World War 3 in the area, and to protect economic interests of the USA — and to avoid an economic collapse of the USA.

The situation becomes complex because there are many parties involved, and as the world is re-organizing itself, each group has a different intent and agenda.

There are 5 main groups involved in planetary re-organization.

Reptilians: Also known as the Cabal or the Establishment, it is those who have been controlling the world and most of the corporations for a long time. The Dracos, the metaphysical overlords at the source of their power, are now extinct from this Universe, and the incarnated Reptilians have evacuated and have been crushed badly throughout the Universe as they lost 90% of their psychic powers. They are crumbling but their presence is still being felt. Bush, Clinton and Rockefeller families are part of that. They have been trying to take down Trump ever since the election, and failed miserably. Their underlying intent vibrates at -93 million: control and destruction.

Nordics: When looking at allies connections to Trump and Macron, Macron has 3% allegiance to the Reptilians but 85% allegiance to the Nordics, an alien race that is more business-oriented. Trump is also aligned with the Nordics. Israel is 50% Reptilians and 50% Nordics; the situation in Israel still confuses me. Their underlying intent vibrates at 300: control and economic stability. What Trump wants is what he’s been saying all along: America 1st and Make America Great Again. He wants to ensure America remains ahead of Russia, and remains competitive towards China. The Nordics are also playing an important role in taking down the Cabal and chasing the Reptilians — but they’re here for their own personal gains. They are business people within a well-established civilization.

Humanitarians: An Alliance has formed between over 100 countries (I’m hearing 162 countries) to oppose the centralized world government and give the power back to smaller nations. The goal is to create alternatives outside of the Establishment and create a new system that benefits everyone, where each country is treated equal. Russia is the main player in this alliance, and Anonymous is also part of it. They have however been struggling with infiltration and corruption from the Cabal, and saw most of their initiatives sabotaged. Both sides are equally hurt at this point. Their underlying intent vibrates at 500: love.

Secret Space Program: As part of the Reptilians’ power structure, there are civilizations established on Mars, in space and on the moon who are part of the Secret Space Program. With the Dracos being gone, they’re on their own and are slowly drifting away from the control and destruction agenda. They’re going through a political reform with various factions going into various directions. Some follow old orders and want to maintain control and secrecy, while others want disclosure and to share their technologies with us. At this point they are too conflicted within themselves to get involved in our politics, and in fact, their political struggles perfectly reflects what’s happening down here on Earth. What they really want is to be an independent civilization, or several independent civilizations. The underlying intent of some factions vibrates at -15000 while the intent other factions vibrates at 249.

Orions/Avians: These are the forces of Heaven, advanced beings with immense psychic powers who are assisting Earth to become a Temple of Heaven. It includes Avians, Archangels, Orions, Lemurians, Andromedians, Arcturians and many others. Many of them have incarnated on the physical plane to assist the planet in its process of ascension, but most of those incarnate souls have forgotten who they are and are away from duty. The most active ones are the ones in the astral planes, who are watching over world events and balancing the flow of energies to ensure a planetary transition as smooth as possible. They are activating and installing many metaphysical technological infrastructure to seize control of the planetary field and raise the energy frequency. In particular, they are currently activating the Ergomenon Crystals which essentially anchors the energy of Heaven on Earth. The closest analogy to the Ergomenon Crystals is the Khala in Starcraft, and in fact the Orions somewhat ressemble the Protos, with a mastery of light and consciousness technologies. The Crystals express the Will of God and have chosen this planet to re-activate themselves after 12500 years, and this planet was also chosen to become the new home planet of the Orion Federation that was destroyed 12500 years ago by the Reptilians. This is an ancient war coming to a tail. Over 800 planets of the old Orion Federation are waiting for the Federation to be reborn from its ashes to come back together, and this will happen over the next 100 years or so. Should support be needed on an inter-galactic level, all of these worlds are available to help, with some of the most advanced technologies in this Universe. This planet can’t be taken by force, period. The underlying intent of Archangels vibrates at 6200, of Avians vibrates at 93 million, and of active Orion collective vibrates at 98 million (many aren’t active).

What about China? They are too busy dealing with their own internal affairs to care about what’s happening elsewhere in the world, other than taking care of their own interests. However they won’t let opportunities pass if they come by.

What about the underlying intention of active presidents of countries?

Measured on Hawkins Scale – with alignment to Reptilians, Nordics, Humanitarians, SSP and Orions

– United States (Trump): 300 – 3% / 85% / 4% / 5% / 0%
– Canada (Justin Trurdeau): all over the place – 45% / 3% / 1% / 4% / 0%
– Mexico (Enrique Peña Nieto): 38 – 100% / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0%
– France (Emmanuel Macron): 41 – 3% / 85% / 3% / 28% / 4%
– England (Theresa May): 43 – 1% / 92% / 4% / 22% / 1%
– Germany (Angela Merkel): 25 – 85% / 81% / 25% / 14% / 0%
– Germany (Frank-Walter Steinmeier): 32 – 92% / 3% / 4% / 22% / 0%
– Finland (Sauli Niinistö): 35 – 25% / 81% / 1% / 3% / 0%
– Israel (Reuven Rivlin): 33 – 100% / 85% / 0% / 15% / 0%
– United Arab Emirates (Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan): -15 – 100% / 13% / 15% / 12% / 0%
– Russia (Vladimir Putin): 513 – 0% / 13% / 100% / 14% / 15%
– China (Xi Jinping): 4 – 0% / 14% / 100% / 12% / 11%
– Syria (Bashar al-Assad): -12 – 0% / 0% / 13% / 0% / 0%
– Iran (Hassan Rouhani): -93000 – 0% / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0%
– North Korea (Kim Jong-il): -98 trillion – 0% / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0%
– South Korea (Moon Jae-in): 125 – 12% / 13% / 15% / 14% / 12%
– Japan (Shinzō Abe): 130 – 14% / 12% / 15% / 14% / 12%
– Ecuador (Rafael Correa): 512 – 0% / 12% / 100% / 14% / 12%
– South Africa (Cyril Ramaphosa): 305 – 0% / 12% / 100% / 14% / 13%
– Uganda (Yoweri Museveni, since 1986!???): 95000 – 0% / 0% / 100% / 12% / 100% (watch the movie Black Panther for explanation)

That’s all the intel I have for now. Whoever puts it to use can send me an anonymous check 😛

Update 2018-04-18: Here are some more readings

– India (Narendra Modi): 613 – 12% / 14% / 72% / 8% / 93%
– Queen Elizabeth II: -93000 – 100% / 12% / 0% / 25% / 0%
– Obama: -95000 – 100% / 12% / 12% / 25% / 1%
– Michelle Obama: -92000 – 100% / 13% / 12% / 22% / 0%
Elon Musk: -94000 – 100% / 0% / 1% / 27% / 0%
– Elon Musk’s girlfriend: -96 million – 100% / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0%
– Mark Suckerberg: -93 million – 100% / 0% / 12% / 15% / 0%
– Bill Gates: -95 million – 100% / 12% / 13% / 28% / 0%
– Steve Jobs: 25 – 93% / 26% / 24% / 25% / 12%
– Tim Cook (current CEO of Apple): 26 – 80% / 12% / 15% / 8% / 2%

Also what’s interesting is that there has been a huge energetic shift since publishing this article. The Alliance’s alignment with the Orion Collective went from 14.2% to 92.6% (!!)

Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
>> Get a Soul Alignment Reading to kick-start your awakening journey!