The 2nd interview of this series is up! We’ll be releasing weekly interviews for a few weeks.
If you have any questions that you would like answered, send them to us and we’ll cover it in the next interviews.
Mar 15
Posted by Etienne Charland in Consciousness Shift
The 2nd interview of this series is up! We’ll be releasing weekly interviews for a few weeks.
If you have any questions that you would like answered, send them to us and we’ll cover it in the next interviews.
Tags: Andromedia, dracos, Galactic Federation, GESARA, greys, Kim Goguen, laws of creation, manifestation, NESARA, orions, Q Anon, science of spirituality, spiritual laws, spiritual warfare, spiritual warrior, spiritul freedom, world updates
As you probably know, Joe Biden is trying to steal the US elections with corruption. At the same time, we’re dealing with a huge energetic infection push Universe-wide. Those two are directly related. The forces trying to overthrow Trump are the ones pushing the energetic infection agenda.
The energetic infection is an emerald green energy emanating from the Black Cubes that have been corrupted. It is a corruption of the Rays of Creation. The cubes were created to prevent various parties for fighting to control the root of the Rays of Creation… but the Cubes eventually got corrupted anyway. The Emerald Snake with golden eyes guarding it is dead. We’re dealing with the Cubes and the infection.
They are basically hijacking the original rays of creation to corrupt the ascension codes. Even in Royal Alchemy, the Emerald Green sceptre used to re-organize energies is corrupted. The Orion constellation doesn’t seem to be affected by this corruption of the rays though.
This is an operation that has been planned for a very long time, with agents infiltrating all important communities, including the P2P group, and they know exactly what they’re doing.
Now, this energetic infection completely takes over your will and discernment. If you ask questions about this and can’t see clearly, that’s a big red flag.
Furthermore, it feeds you with power, but not your own, so you may be feeling even better with this infection growing. That’s why many will reject the truth.
It infects all the dimensions up to 25D. Crystals are very vulnerable …Read More
Tags: black cubes, black cubes of saturn, consciousness, consciousness shift, crystal healing, emerald snake, energetic infection, infected crystals, life purpose, orions, psychic attacks, psychic defense, psychic hijacking, psychic protection, rays of creation, soul purpose, spiritual freedom
I’m calling them Siths because this came to my awareness while watching Star Wars Episode II. There are in fact lots of similarities between the current situation and what happened in the movie.
Lately, there was something clouding Lightworkers and spreading lots of confusion. Trying to do muscle-testing was resulting in all kinds of distorted answers. Lots of people diverging into different opinions and perspectives, and also lots of Lightworkers splitting from each other.
I started clearing the cloud and investigating where it came from. Here’s what came up.
As I mentioned 8 months ago, the Galactic Federation disintegrated and is being replaced by the AnPleiLe Alliance that will represent 53% of the Universe. The AnPleiLe Alliance is in control of 92.4% of the ships and weaponry of the Federation. There are however significant weaponry that remain in the hands of rebel groups that aren’t joining the Alliance.
This group that is responsible for the cloud of confusion is one of those rebel groups. They do not seem to agree with this AnPleiLe thing.
I call them the Arcturian Siths. They have very strong mastery of the force. They have a very structured civilization with a strong political system that is based on aristocracy with appearances of democracy.
If you think the matrix of illusions is strong on Earth — their planets are in a matrix that is much stronger than what we have here. It’s like in China, you have no choice …Read More
Tags: Arcturians, chemtrails, emotional power, Federation of Light, Galactic Federation, laws of the universe, lightworkers, mind power, Orion Federation, orions, science of spirituality, singularity, singularity project, siths, source of chemtrails, spiritual force, spiritual freedom, UniMatrix
There’s so much shifting on a daily basis. In China, we just crossed 50000 deaths, and there may be an additional 310000 in the final phase of the “coronavirus” disintegration who will die within 5 days. 25 people are in that final phase in the USA.
By the way, 95% of the public information about the virus is BS. What they diagnosed as coronavirus is plain common flu, to hide the real situation. This thing not a virus per se, it’s a bio-chemical agent and 70% of it is metaphysical in nature. It does not mutate like a virus. Since the damage is caused by metaphysical “rugged grappling chains” of insane strength, doctors are absolutely not equipped to find a cure. You can’t vaccinate for this like a virus. The Angelic high-dimensional beings have a cure, but it’s only effective when there is no karma involved. The karma will run out in about 2.3 years, and then the “virus” will magically disappear. The death rate of this “virus” can be anywhere from 70% to 95% unless cured energetically.
However, this is just the first phase of karmic cleansing that will take out 5 to 13% of the world population in those 2.5 years. No matter which timeline we look at, 35% of the population won’t be following us through ascension and must be cleansed out of the physical plane, one way or the other.
85% of the world population has been energetically injected a “cure”, excluding those who karmically must be cleansed out …Read More
Tags: angelic beings, angels, archangels, coronavirus, crown chakra, karma, karmic cleansing, orion souls, orions, spiritual freedom, spiritual healing, spiritual transformation, what is alchemy
I did quite a lot of remote viewing to determine why Trump decided to bomb Syria. In particular, I looked at the energetic connections of allies and those supporting him. What came up is very interesting, and I was told to release this intel ASAP because we are in a time-critical moment and this intel could be useful to someone.
I still had quite a few questions. Why did Trump bomb Syria? If he’s against the Cabal, why did he follow action on a clear false flag? Why does he keep hammering Russia? Who is behind the false flag in Syria? Remote viewing revealed the answers. I also measured the intents of various parties on the Hawkins Scale. Higher numbers mean more aligned with love, lower numbers mean more aligned with control and fear.
First, the order for a false flag in Syria came from Macron. Underlying intention vibrates at 53.
Second, he had phone conversation with Trump and convinced him for the need to attack Syria. Underlying intent vibrates at 300.
Third, what is Trump afraid of? Iran becoming a new North Korea. Underlying intent of Iran leaders vibrates at -93 million!!
The goal of the strike, mainly targeting airports and military facilities, is to prepare the ground for World War 3 in the area, and to protect economic interests of the USA — and to avoid an economic collapse of the USA.
The situation becomes complex because there are many parties involved, and as the world is re-organizing itself, each group has a different …Read More
Tags: andromedians, ascension, avians, distance healing, dracos, earth alliance, emotional power, energy healing, integrity, intention, laws of the universe, Lemurians, life purpose, nordics, orion souls, orions, planetary ascension, psychic reading, secret space program, soul purpose, spiritual power, spirituality, trump attacked syria
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