Posts Tagged laws of the universe

Genocide Update (September ’21)

I haven’t given much updates for a while. Now you know why I had to withdraw in March 2020 with the wave that was coming. In October there was a shift and “they” stopped focusing on us and went to phase B.

Fast-forward a year later, September 2021. The dark forces are very weak. At the Ultraverse level, dark forces have taken 97.6% of the damage. Neutral forces 1.3%, and Light forces 1.1%. A lot of their infrastructure in the astral are totally unprotected.

Still — the damage we take is very real.

Even though the energies are clearing up, I’m still seeing 15% of the population left within 30 years, possibly accelerated to 5 years. We’re kind of in a position where both sides check-mate each other.

It seems that God decided that our society didn’t need to exist anymore. It wouldn’t be the first time civilizations disappear on Earth or elsewhere. Note: when I was traveling in Chiapas that was strongly touched by the virus, I saw that Gaia was the main force behind the virus — using it to cleanse itself. If it has a Mandate from Heaven, or a Divine Purpose, then we can’t get rid of it.

As for vaccinated people, as much as I’d want to save them, it’s kind of hard to justify their actions when it officially provides 0 public health benefits (only reduces symptoms, not contagion) and people like Bill Gates said openly and publicly that he would use vaccines for population control.

Most who are reading …Read More

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Journey to the World: Playa del Carmen – Belly of the Beast

The next Journey to the World video is finally ready! Warning: this one is quite intense. It’s about some of the stuff that has been happening here in Playa del Carmen throughout the year.

This will conclude the first part of Journey to the World — BUT — we’re also just back from a 6-week road-trip across Mexico and I got tons of amazing 5K footage from it. Probably will do 4 more videos with that.

Enjoy this video!

By the way, I’ve been looking at how beneficial this Journey to the World campaign has been. It hasn’t unfolded the way we expected, but helped in different ways. I measure that the overall situation is 35% better with this campaign compared to if we didn’t do it. However, specific areas have been a lot more affected. Financial reality of Lightworkers is 72% better, thanks to the exchange of money, and avoiding an energetic collapse of the Lightworker financial space. My tribe in general (you) is 315% better than it would have been otherwise. Mexico as a whole is 108% better. Playa del Carmen 816% better. Basically our area here is very little affected by the chaos. That’s just for the short-term benefits of the first part of the Journey. There will be more to it later. Accuracy check on this assessment, I measure 95.3%, with 0.2% distortion.

Btw yesterday I also released a new interview with world updates which you can see here.

Playlists to follow: World Updates Series and Journey to the World. We released 2 Tulum videos recently. 3rd Journey to the World coming out soon where we walk straight into a portal to Hell for a rescue mission!

Talk soon,

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The Recovery Progress

Video production has been taking longer than expected, and here’s the next Journey to the World video. We recovered more relics in Tulum. This video is from 2 months ago. This one is quite intense. We went back later and recorded another video — **spoiler alert** next video after this will be hardcore.

> Watch Tulum: The Ruins

What we now know is that these “relics” are fragments of Infinity Stones, and that they teleport around. It’s actually related to my own chakras, so only I would be able to recover them (or a shadow fragment of mine…) Last week we went out to the park at 4:30am to recover… lost tiny fragment of yellow citrine that fits perfectly onto my citrine crystal?? The next day we found more yellow citrine fragments: in a rock wall on the avenue, by the woods around here, in the earth of a plant given to my daughter by the school, and… in a bag of fried plantain bananas?? You normally don’t find this kind of stone around here in Mexico.

There are other types of relics that will need to be recovered that we still know very little about, that are even more important.

We’re still dealing with crazy non-stop attacks and chaos but it should stabilize very soon. We’ve contained our shadows in huge furnaces to dissolve and integrate. We’ve pulled out the roots of the massive dysfunctions. Now we’re pulling out the FUEL, conscious and subconscious. It can’t keep going like …Read More

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