Posts Tagged buddhism

Amending For My Mistakes

First, the training platform for Unlock Your Soul Power is now complete, with the share feature working. Test it to make sure it behaves as expected. The person you invite should get an email, and you should get a notification after he registers. You can now unlock Module 4: God & Money, by inviting 2 people. There are still only 3 videos released but I’ll be releasing more videos soon.

By the way this training platform could be very useful for others too, combining the Experience Formula with the ViralShare formula. There’s a lot of technology packed into it to increase the lead generation effectiveness, course completion rate, and referrals. I’m curious how it will perform once fully released.

Now to the main topic, I have a confession to make. As explained in my book The History of the Universe, at a soul level, I was the First Commander of the Orion Federation before the evacuation to Earth, as the right-hand of Buddha. The Orion Federation was essentially a Buddhist empire.

We were working closely with Metatron, which we now know, was a harvesting grid and a trap.

The Orion Federation was also criticized for turning a blind eye on many dark things that were happening. Although some of it could be justified… now I can see that there were planets harvested under the Orion Federation. They were veiled within trillions of timeline layers so nobody saw it happening.

Furthermore, the Orions had a backdoor built into their DNA that was used to …Read More

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State of Lightworkers in April 2022

After defeating Thoth, my main focus has been on clearing my shadow and Sophia’s shadow. This accelerated the collapse of timelines. Let’s look at where we are at with everything, as of April 4th 2022.

Energetic state of cities

Vibration of… (above ground / below ground)
Playa del Carmen: 515 / 200
Cancun: -14 million / -1.6 billion
Miami: 2 / -6 billion
Los Angeles: -15 billion / -316 billion
Ottawa: -6 billion / -14 million
Montreal: 15 / -200 (WOW! That’s the most impressive reading so far!)
Sherbrooke: 12 / -218
London: -6 trillion / -516 billion
Barcelona: -13 trillion / -16 trillion
Moscow: 14 / -216
Beijin: -416 quadrillion / -6 quintillion
Taiwan: -8 / -14 million
Bangkok: -14 billion / -16 billion
Chiang Mai: 15 / -213
Sydney: -8 trillion / -16 trillion
Moon: -14 billion / -18 billion
Mars: -6 quadrillion / -13 quadrillion

Next issue.

Can you date vaccinated person?

Threat level of having sex with a vaccinated person? 55% to 95% threat level, depending where and depending for who. Anything I measure above 15% threat level needs to be taken very seriously, and I very rarely measure threat levels above 50%. I posted that on Facebook, and everybody agreed, with many sharing bad experiences that they still hadn’t fully recovered from.

The energetic infections are extremely hard to remove, and we’ve been battling this 24/7 for 2 years now. You won’t solve this overnight. This does make dating a lot more difficult… the compromise isn’t worth it.

State of Lightworkers community

The reason very few Lightworkers listen to what I share is because they do not know how to integrate …Read More

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What I Learned During the Thailand Road Trip

As I’m back from my 12-day road trip across Northern Thailand, some people are asking me: what did I learn while traveling? I did observe and realize a few interesting things, which I’ll talk about here. In this trip, I went to Lampang, Phrae, Uttaradit and Sukhothai provinces. I visited 2 power plants: Mae Moh and Sikirit dam.

First, it is amazing how each city has a completely different energy. I’ve said before that Thailand was under heavy energetic attacks over the past 10 years up until recently, and that the younger generation had lost their roots, and that 35-year-old people look younger than 25-year-old people because of that. Thailand is a Buddhist country and thus should have a lot of knowledge of the soul, but that has been mostly lost in Chiang Mai and many of the places where foreigners are going to. Thailand turned into an emotional garbage dump where foreigners go to escape their problems and dump their emotional baggage there, and this has caused severe problems and is why they’re tightening on immigration policies. And I’ve heard Pai turned into a hippies town. Situation is stabilizing since the past 1 or 2 years.

So as I went to Lampang, it turns into a ghost town after 5pm as everything closes. The guy working at the hotel was eager to show me around town, and then the main bar and club of that small city are full every day of the week. Met some people who got drunk …Read More

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Stillness vs Force of Life

The Force of Life FREE Training I just hosted was really powerful. Here are a few interesting things that happened since
– The next morning, I energetically felt cascading beliefs systems collapses; collective illusions crumbling and causing ripple effects
– Various people messaged me with questions as to how what I shared fits with what other highly conscious people are teaching
– Just this morning, I cleaned 140 energetic attacks. I’m ready for the next wave.

Let’s clarify a few things when it comes to how the Force of Life relates with the connection to stillness. If you look at Eckhart Tolle, he is extremely connected to stillness but not nearly as connected to the force of life and the physical and emotional polarity energies. In contrast, Elvis Presley was very connected to the Force of Life… but he almost doesn’t have any connection to stillness. He had a strong connection to power but also a strong shadow side. So, both aspect are important.

Simply put, here’s how the Force of Life and Stillness relate with each other. When you remove the emotional noise and reconnect to stillness, it removes what prevents the natural expression of the Force of Life energy. But if you don’t directly value and tap into that Force of Life energy, it will only awaken indirectly and you will only be connected to it to a certain extent. For example, in Thailand, there are lots of Buddhist monks and they focus only on their connection to stillness, …Read More

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