Posts Tagged herbal alchemy

AlchemistGems Almost Ready to Ship + Promo

Did you enjoy the Unlock Your Soul Power Videos? The 3 first videos have been published, 60 people signed up so far, and the feedback has been awesome. Meanwhile, I’ve been very busy fixing all kinds of issues for the training platform. I’ve also been fixing issues with my server (email forwarding of spiritualselftransformation address was broken, and shamanicattraction blog was completely broken since ??). Also installed Plausible analytics to get rid of Google Analytics, self-hosted and private. With self-hosted source-control, self-hosted analytics, and all the various websites, my server was starting to choke a bit on 2GB of RAM. Got rid of my old server (no longer required for email forwarding) and upgraded my server to 4GB of RAM. I’ve been pretty busy!

Meanwhile, the Alchemist Gems rings and herbal extracts couldn’t ship because of labeling issues. This took forever to solve, and it’s now done! The website itself definitely needs more work, but the video training takes the priority. How are these labels looking? The orders will be shipped soon.

SPECIAL PROMO until Thursday 12 (no promo on Friday 13th….): For the launch of Alchemist Gems (and to pay the immediate expenses I need to pay right now), I’m offering a Startup Pack that includes: 100% Pure Silver Ring, and all 5 Hyper-C Herbal Extracts 62ML each (Cordyceps, Chata, Reishi, Lion’s Mane and Snow Fungus). Pure silver ring, especially when highly attuned, is great for detox and acts as a grounding rod, while each of …Read More

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First Unlock Your Soul Power Videos Released

I’ve been working hard on preparing the Unlock Your Soul Power interactive training. There’s a lot of work on preparing the videos (11 videos written), a lot of work to prepare the PowerPoint presentations, a lot of work to prepare the videos (3 videos done), and a lot of work to prepare the interactive membership platform.

The interactive platform is now ready (except the sharing feature) and I published the 3 first videos.

– Introduction
– Making Sense of The Pandemic
– Break Science Boundaries to Discover Your Power

>> You can sign up here, totally for FREE (free for you, and some financial support is always welcomed as this is considerable expenses on my side; but this will be mint-class training to build the business for the years to come)

If you already registered, you should have gotten an email with your access link (make sure to check your spam folder). When I sent the first email, there was a technical issue that has been resolved, now the link should work.

Also wanted to update you on Alchemist Gems products. There has been long delays due to issues with labeling. It’s taking much longer than expected but it’s progressing. Also, I had issue finding a good helper. Almost all those who applied had 35%+ demonic infiltration in their core! Something big is roaming area the area, so I got to be careful with who I work with. I finally found someone good, so that’s major progress. My helper will …Read More

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Coming Soon: Unlock Your Soul Power

For a long time, I’ve been looking for a way to approach new people. I finally found an angle that looks pretty good.

There are many people who want to make a difference in the world but feel confused and powerless.

I’m currently designing a full training program so they can create a plan to build their lives in full alignment with God, in just 1 week.

I talked about that to several people who are more at the curiosity phase of their awakening, and they are highly interested. It will be called Unlock Your Soul Power.

And best of all, it will be FREE. I was originally planning to do a 3-video series, but I just can’t do it in just 3 videos. It will be 3 full modules, and basically an entire interactive training that normally could be sold for $197.

I’m counting on that to introduce new people into my business so that’s why it will be free.

One detail though; just for video production alone, with cheap labor from India, it will be at least $600 of expenses for a free program for 20+ videos.

I already have the content of 4 videos prepared, and it’s going to have pretty damn big impact. I’m also planning to programming multiple features on the training to ensure its success. It’s going to be big work.

To help finance this work, you can purchase some Alchemy rings and oils here, or get a Soul Alignment Reading. I’m feeling hopeful that soon we’ll be able to …Read More

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The Orion Second Awakening

Just had a Category 2 hurricane here in Playa del Carmen yesterday. It went pretty smooth, everything is fine. That one was energetically intense! Tulum went from a vibration of -65 billion to a vibration of -9768. The hurricane brought a cleansing of very deep energetic structures!

Wanted to update about the current status, since a LOT has been happening. The army of walk-ins that I talked about last week, they were completely surrounded and infiltrated by Thoth. He was to use them as hooks to come in, then gradually merge timelines around them to corrupt them and us at the same time. There’s been an extremely big battle against Thoth’s army. That group withdrew to focus on themselves. First they have to survive that Thoth assault, then re-evaluate the whole situation, and they’re welcome to come back after.

Thoth managed to get 13% infiltration in my subconscious mind without me realizing! 13% of Earth globally, with deeper infiltration in some people. I got to give him credit for that. As of right now, he still has 1.5% infiltration on Earth, 12.4% on that army from last week (down from 55%!). It’s not over but the immediate threat is dealt with.

I was digging hardcore into the timelines issues. There is still 1 billion years worth of timeline mess!!!

One person has lymph nodes that are hooks/implants coming from very deep into that timeline mess. Doing the Gemstone Reading on her daughter, it’s the first time the herbal extracts hit a wall they can’t …Read More

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How Do I Know It’s That Potent?

I regards to our fungu extracts formulas at Alchemist Gems, how do I know they are that potent? After all, I haven’t got my hands on them yet, and oils/extracts cannot be shipped to Mexico directly. I should have them in August (shipping to USA then carried over through the jungle).

My Kung Fu teacher in Thailand had been looking for Cordyceps extracts for a while and tried many different brands, until he found that one. If my Kung Fu teacher says it’s good, it’s definitely some good stuff. He’s even requesting 2x concentration on Hyper-C extracts, 3x on Natural Himalayan Cordyceps Oil, and 5x on Crown Chakra Oil. As a martial artist, he wants to feel the potency right away, and wants his students to feel the power right away.

Some may find the prices a bit high on the extracts (actually the jewelry is very low-priced!) but consider that 6 different Masters are involved in getting those to you, and the products have to pass through several hands! Myself, my Kung Fu teacher, the master jeweler, and 3 herbal alchemy grand-masters.

When you consider the potency of the extracts, it is really excellent value for the money, even when you consider shipping.

For example, let’s check one person that got absolutely crushed by the Alobar / Mephisto saga. Barely survived.

Physical health
Now: 5.9% / 5.7%
1 month: 5.7% / 5.6%
3 months: 5.2% / 5.4%
6 months: 5.1% / 5.3%
9 months: 5.2% / 5.2%
1 year: 5.1% / 5.1%
1.5 years: 4.7% / 5.2%
2 years: 4.4% / …Read More

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