Posts Tagged cordyceps

Herbal Extracts & Rings Shipments

I promised some updates about Alchemist Gems herbal extracts and rings shipments. We’ve been facing a lot of challenges one after the other. We’re now almost ready to ship the orders — BUT the area is completely flooded and the city is paralyzed right now.

First challenge is that I can’t ship unlabeled products; and even the products I thought had labels didn’t have any at all. That’s 14 different label designs to produce. A considerable job.

Next challenge is that certain countries took extra steps to BAN the export of natural medicine. I finally found a work-around but it wasn’t easy. Who would have thought that exporting would be a bigger issue than importing! I shipped oils before; it looks like they enforced new regulations since then.

Then there’s issue that the city is completely flooded at the moment, so need to wait a bit for that situation to stabilize.

For Wild Cordyceps, our most potent product, it’s expensive but the bottle is expensive for me to buy. I need to purchase at least 6 (I believe) to get a lower price to make a decent profit margin. I also cannot hold much of an inventory due to the high cost. Currently I have to buy 3, if a few more people want one, I could order a box.

This is a quality and concentration of products that doesn’t exist in the West; nor in the East, for the matter. To fit the existing “shelves” market, the providers themselves sell more diluted products. …Read More

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AlchemistGems Almost Ready to Ship + Promo

Did you enjoy the Unlock Your Soul Power Videos? The 3 first videos have been published, 60 people signed up so far, and the feedback has been awesome. Meanwhile, I’ve been very busy fixing all kinds of issues for the training platform. I’ve also been fixing issues with my server (email forwarding of spiritualselftransformation address was broken, and shamanicattraction blog was completely broken since ??). Also installed Plausible analytics to get rid of Google Analytics, self-hosted and private. With self-hosted source-control, self-hosted analytics, and all the various websites, my server was starting to choke a bit on 2GB of RAM. Got rid of my old server (no longer required for email forwarding) and upgraded my server to 4GB of RAM. I’ve been pretty busy!

Meanwhile, the Alchemist Gems rings and herbal extracts couldn’t ship because of labeling issues. This took forever to solve, and it’s now done! The website itself definitely needs more work, but the video training takes the priority. How are these labels looking? The orders will be shipped soon.

SPECIAL PROMO until Thursday 12 (no promo on Friday 13th….): For the launch of Alchemist Gems (and to pay the immediate expenses I need to pay right now), I’m offering a Startup Pack that includes: 100% Pure Silver Ring, and all 5 Hyper-C Herbal Extracts 62ML each (Cordyceps, Chata, Reishi, Lion’s Mane and Snow Fungus). Pure silver ring, especially when highly attuned, is great for detox and acts as a grounding rod, while each of …Read More

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How to Find the Right Supplements for Your Health

Most people consume a few of their favorite supplements. Is it actually helping you or wasting your time and money? How to find the right ones? The truth is, there’s a LOT of crap out there. There’s also some really good stuff. The challenge is to find them.

I’ve been working hard on the Supplements Efficiency List. I added a lot more companies to it, and tweaked the score calculation formulas. It’s getting to be a pretty comprehensive list!

I also will have a few more Hyper-C(oncentrated) extracts available. I had Hyper-C Cordyceps, Chaga and Reishi. I can also have Snow Fungus and Lion’s Mane. Snow Fungus is ranking incredibly well!

You can view where my various extracts rank here.

I also added the information about Moxa-6 Spagyric Tincture and the various other extracts.

Now, the first several orders are definitely taking longer to get ready. Everything has to pass through several hands. The Immunity oils leaked and have to be replaced; but she ran out of oil so need a week to prepare a new batch! We’ll be switching from 10ml to 14ml bottle format. Furthermore, shipping oils without labels is against the regulations so I must prepare labels for the Hyper-C oils. Once my processes are setup, then things can be mailed out much faster.

I also just realized something that is a bit ironic… so far I mostly sold Immunity Oil, Crown Chakra Oil and Cordyceps Hyper-C. Those are actually the 3 lowest in the benefits score list! Really got to …Read More

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Supplements Efficiency List is Here!

Years ago, I released the Book Accuracy List to put all the books and knowledge into proper perspective. The ability to measure information for accuracy is a total game-changer.

With all the crap going on in the supplements industry, how about a Supplements Effectiveness List?

And here it is! I went a bit more sophisticated in the readings and interpretation, giving an overall score for each product and company. I measure that those additional interpretations are 90%+ fair.

View the Supplements Effectiveness List

There’s some really good stuff out there, and there’s some utter crap on the market. There’s even one company that ranks above Alchemist Gems for the oils I’m now offering! Global Healing has a good solution to spike proteins, while Alchemist Gems has a good solution to graphene with cordyceps or chaga syrup/oil. Combine them and you goth a pretty good jab detox plan!

While we ship from Thailand via DHL with $70 flat shipping… other companies often ship only to certain territories. Global Healing has some products on Amazon Mexico but at $91 instead of $50 for a bottle. That makes the $70 shipping look not that bad!

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War Winding Down, Bringing Back Services

TLDR: I’m bringing Soul Alignment Reading price back down from $497 to $396!

Gemstone Reading down to just for now $7.

The war is really winding down on my end. Slowly but surely. Still got severe timeline issues to be careful about, but other than that, things are looking much better. Meanwhile, the mileage vary for each person. Some clients are still getting attacked relentlessly, many are still in very difficult situations, but for the most part, things are slowly but surely improving.

Timelines are splitting up, so that each can experience the lessons they need to learn. Each will get to experience the reality they are creating based on their level of consciousness and the energy they are emitting (and based on many other factors, like total chaos).

In that, I’m feeling 2 frustrations in the air. First, people want a unified timeline. People are in such divergent paths, that won’t be possible right now. Various paths will evolve in parallel to join back later. Second, people want to be saved, to know that we won. The road ahead won’t be that simple. Each will need to save themselves.

People are waiting for the promised Golden Age, a reset of the financial system with prosperity for all. That promise was part of the Golden Order deal, under Chaos and the harvesting AIs. Alobar is an AI system whose function is to conquer everything not abiding by the Golden Order, so is the Krystic grid. We got fooled; but don’t want …Read More

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