Posts Tagged spiritual landscape

Spiritual Landscape Chart (Aug 2024)

Been working hard to produce a new chart representing all parties on a White/Red Light and Masculine/Feminine spectrum. It looks completely different than in 2019, and there also a lot of surprises in there! It’s really not as bad as I thought. This gives hope.

Each dark pit is just the tip of the iceberg and keeps refueling endlessly. We dark clearly see the dark areas on the map. I tried to estimate how deep those pits go with large circles.

There is so much to say about this chart, I could make an entire video on it. In fact, I’m planning to do so within the upcoming Unlock Your Soul Power video training series.

The ONLY people in the entire chart with extra pure core intent are Hanuman (myself), Project Varanasi (our team of monks), Suneel Shakir (education program I’m supporting in Pakistan), and Joseph Vitale. That’s it.

You can see my network of allies: Project Varanasi, Belzebub, Mammom and Mephisto. Pistis Sophia on the right has better intent but her connection to God is still null and she’s been keeping on her own, but she looks ready to join. We can see a dying Sophianic movement in the lower-right corner.

Then you see the various dark force pits and players in each extremity of the map. Lilith/Baphomet on the bottom, Chaos on the bottom-left, Elon Musk on the left, and Alobar Jones / Ashaya Deane in the middle.

Muslims are odd ones, all alone on the upper-left. I put …Read More

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Spiritual Landscape 2020 and Beyond

I’ve barely been able to do any work since coming back from Thailand in March, and a lot has been unfolding. Dealing with the Satanist Cabal, the Nazis, the Negas, Diablo & Lilith, then now the “agency” launched a fleet to attack Earth a few days ago. When is this going to stop? We’re eliminating the groups one after the other, and we’re getting very effective at it. This is getting incredibly boring and repetitive. Who is next? Many lightworkers have been fooled by the “agency” into fighting for the wrong side.

I have a pile of Soul Alignment Readings to do; doing it once in a while when energies are a bit lighter, but please be patient.

There are obviously very deep shifts taking place, and the new landscape is starting to take shape. This is what I want to share with you today. The spiritual landscape for 2020 and beyond.

First, as I kept repeating for years, lightworkers failed to fill the power vacuum left by the removal of the Dracos, so whenever we take out one group, another group comes through time to fill the vacuum. Last time was UniMatrix stepping in to fill the vacuum. In response, the Galactic Federations have stepped in to fill that power vacuum.

At the same time, 95% of energy workers are forking off into a 20-30 years karmic cycle. I don’t know yet what’s next for me, but these 95% who failed to fill the power vacuum, and who were spared from the virus …Read More

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