Posts Tagged procrastination

What Is Value Conflict

Lately I have been exploring the concept of value conflicts, and this topic is extremely impactful for your growth and freedom. First I will explain what is a value conflict and how to recognize when it happens. Value conflicts are often rooted in false layers of self-identity and will block your progress.

Your subconscious mind always values truth, always values freedom, always values power and always values abundance. The problem is when other conscious values conflict with those. Or, when you have blocks towards certain values that are required to make the deeper value a reality. If you want to lose weight but don’t like exercise and love cakes, that’s a value conflict. If you want to live abundantly but don’t want a job and don’t want a business, that’s a value conflict. If you value renewal but not death, that’s a value conflict.

When it comes to spiritual growth, value conflicts are all about you and have nothing to do with anybody else. I would describe the effect you can get from resolving value conflicts as “self-sustaining open-air nuclear reaction.” It is very powerful. It is about shifting at your core to open new worlds of possibilities.

There are five different types of value conflicts.

1. Subconscious Denial: This is when you have knee-jerk reactions towards something related to truth, freedom or abundance and say “that’s not my cup of tea”. An example would be someone saying  that being emotional or vulnerable is for weak people. Someone could also be progressing in a …Read More

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Grounding Video: Return to Innocence

While exploring value conflicts, I just produced a new natural grounding video: Return to Innocence. It will help to resolve the value conflicts in your subconscious mind and bring your mind, body, spirit, heart and sexuality in full alignment. Resolving value conflicts can overcome procrastination, increase vitality, increase personal power and authenticity and even improve eye-sight.

Also, this is a powerful guided meditation I produced to resolve value conflicts. Go through the meditation a few times and let me know how it goes. If you are having a hard time getting the answers, do it again and this time stay at the plane of the absolute instead of going into the higher planes and ask the questions to the tree, and let me know whether this makes it easier or not.

Download the meditation to Resolve Value Conflicts


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Why The Law of Attraction Doesn’t Work Properly

Recently, someone gave me a copy of the program Your Wish Is Your Command from Kevin Trudeau. Personally, I’ve never been fond of all the stuff about positive thinking and the law of attraction. However, I have to say I was very surprised by the content of this program. He first got my attention by acknowledging that 99% of the books and programs on the Law of Attraction are fake or incomplete formulas because the authors never made any real money; perhaps they made a few hundred thousand or a few millions selling those programs, but then they’re just great sales people. I personally have extremely powerful tools and knowledge to transform your life in many ways, but I don’t pretend to show you how to make billions and I don’t focus much on the law of attraction.

What I got from this audio program is very different and much deeper than anything else I’ve seen on the topic, and the content doesn’t even come from him. If you look at all the teachers and authors offering trainings on the law of attraction, it’s all people who figured it out on their own and started teaching their discoveries. Kevin Trudeau came from a different place. He was trained in the secret societies (The Brotherhood), reached the highest level and is surrounded by other billionaires who are at the highest levels of other secret societies such as the Freemasons. This knowledge has been passed from generation to generation for hundreds of years and it …Read More

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Get Your Energy Profile Reading (50% OFF)

How has your life evolved since last month? What areas of your life are you most proud of, and what areas have been struggles? If you knew exactly where you stand right now, it would be fairly easy to walk out of that zone. The problem is that your subconscious mind is there to keep you where you are and plays all kinds of tricks to prevent you from seeing exactly where you stand.

The best way to become aware of what’s holding you back is to work with a coach or mentor of higher conscious who can see right away where you stand. Then, it’s very easy to overcome what you see. However, high-consciousness coaches are expensive. The next best way to become aware of exactly where you stand is the Energy Profile Reading methodology I developed. I can look at your energy field and measure your level of evolution on very specific key aspects in a precise and objective way. Then, it’s easy to work on these issues, especially with the free guided meditations I released recently.

Here’s great news. You can get your Energy Profile Readings at 50% OFF for a limited time!
Get Your Energy Profile Reading

If 50% off is still too much for you, here’s another option to get it for FREE. I trained a few guys at the Self-Awakening and Transformation Live Event in Thailand how to do such readings, for the first time ever. I have to say they picked it up quickly and …Read More

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I Have a Confession to Make

The last article about the top 3 beliefs keeping spiritual people stuck and broke was really profound and powerful. I should have concluded it with a call to action for those who want to play a bigger game, help others and live abundantly. I should have at least invited you to get your Energy Profile Reading. But I didn’t. Here’s why.

I know that the core of any successful business and helping others is the transaction of sale. I know that many of you have issues that you really would like to resolve. I know many of you are feeling stuck and would like to live a bigger and better life while expressing your true potential. Yet, I have been holding back from offering my 1-on-1 help.

I realized that my main challenge is that I would bring most people beyond what they’re ready and willing to step into. I challenge most people’s core beliefs and sense of identity. The reason I now focus on life purpose is because it leverages the whole transformation process, yet I believe most people need time and preparation to accept their life purpose. I challenge a lot of widely accepted ideas because the new perspective I bring is really the key to break through procrastination, yet I believe most people need time to reframe their core beliefs and be willing to go down a different road. I work intensively with Alchemy to change the way the emotional and energetic systems are wired in the …Read More

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