The last article about the top 3 beliefs keeping spiritual people stuck and broke was really profound and powerful. I should have concluded it with a call to action for those who want to play a bigger game, help others and live abundantly. I should have at least invited you to get your Energy Profile Reading. But I didn’t. Here’s why.

I know that the core of any successful business and helping others is the transaction of sale. I know that many of you have issues that you really would like to resolve. I know many of you are feeling stuck and would like to live a bigger and better life while expressing your true potential. Yet, I have been holding back from offering my 1-on-1 help.

I realized that my main challenge is that I would bring most people beyond what they’re ready and willing to step into. I challenge most people’s core beliefs and sense of identity. The reason I now focus on life purpose is because it leverages the whole transformation process, yet I believe most people need time and preparation to accept their life purpose. I challenge a lot of widely accepted ideas because the new perspective I bring is really the key to break through procrastination, yet I believe most people need time to reframe their core beliefs and be willing to go down a different road. I work intensively with Alchemy to change the way the emotional and energetic systems are wired in the subconscious mind, yet most people need time to accept the fact that all this is real as it goes against anything thought in schools.

I have this belief that it takes time for you guys to be ready for what I teach and I gradually open you up to new ideas with this blog and newsletter. I’m still not clear about whether this is a limiting belief and understanding I’m creating for myself, or whether it is a real situation.

If I’d work with someone who is not enough familiar with the concepts I work with such as life purpose, results-oriented spirituality and energy healing, then I would only provide information over the phone which is not a good use of my time in my opinion. What I’m really good at is helping you integrate the shift once you have the intellectual understanding. I had Sylvain St-Martin with me at the Montreal event, who is an excellent coach. He’s really good at opening people up to new ideas, but that takes time. He’ll work 3 hours with a client to open him up to new concepts. I prefer to work in a much more direct and profound way with people who are ready to go forward full-in. If I spend time to work around someone’s beliefs, I cannot spend that time teaching him deeper aspects. By the direct way I teach, I also trigger most people’s defenses. So what’s the solution to really help you solve the issues holding you back?

One solution would be to provide you digital products to give you a foundation and then work with you to shift in the inside to integrate that knowledge, but that would require time as I don’t yet have any products related to life purpose and energy healing.

Another solution would be to change the way I work to focus on altering your limiting beliefs no matter where you stand, instead of focusing on bringing you where I want you to be which is much deeper. This would make the coaching more customized to you but it would also bring more surface work. It would not bring the same deep shifts that result in a snowball of evolution.

Another solution might be to change the way I’m looking at this whole situation and look at it from a different perspective. But quite frankly, I currently don’t see any other options. You are here because you are interested in what I have to offer at least on a subconscious level, so the best would be to ask your feedback.

When I work with clients, it usually results in a snowball of evolution because I shift the core of what holds people back and things keep evolving over time. If I change the way I teach and provide anything less than that, I don’t feel like I’m making a good use of my time.

Understanding that the work I do is very profound, challenges some of your core beliefs and is very different than what is commonly accepted as the truth, what would be the best way to connect it with your real-life situation? I’m open to your suggestions.

Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
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