The last article about the top 3 beliefs keeping spiritual people stuck and broke was really profound and powerful. I should have concluded it with a call to action for those who want to play a bigger game, help others and live abundantly. I should have at least invited you to get your Energy Profile Reading. But I didn’t. Here’s why.
I know that the core of any successful business and helping others is the transaction of sale. I know that many of you have issues that you really would like to resolve. I know many of you are feeling stuck and would like to live a bigger and better life while expressing your true potential. Yet, I have been holding back from offering my 1-on-1 help.
I realized that my main challenge is that I would bring most people beyond what they’re ready and willing to step into. I challenge most people’s core beliefs and sense of identity. The reason I now focus on life purpose is because it leverages the whole transformation process, yet I believe most people need time and preparation to accept their life purpose. I challenge a lot of widely accepted ideas because the new perspective I bring is really the key to break through procrastination, yet I believe most people need time to reframe their core beliefs and be willing to go down a different road. I work intensively with Alchemy to change the way the emotional and energetic systems are wired in the subconscious mind, yet most people need time to accept the fact that all this is real as it goes against anything thought in schools.
I have this belief that it takes time for you guys to be ready for what I teach and I gradually open you up to new ideas with this blog and newsletter. I’m still not clear about whether this is a limiting belief and understanding I’m creating for myself, or whether it is a real situation.
If I’d work with someone who is not enough familiar with the concepts I work with such as life purpose, results-oriented spirituality and energy healing, then I would only provide information over the phone which is not a good use of my time in my opinion. What I’m really good at is helping you integrate the shift once you have the intellectual understanding. I had Sylvain St-Martin with me at the Montreal event, who is an excellent coach. He’s really good at opening people up to new ideas, but that takes time. He’ll work 3 hours with a client to open him up to new concepts. I prefer to work in a much more direct and profound way with people who are ready to go forward full-in. If I spend time to work around someone’s beliefs, I cannot spend that time teaching him deeper aspects. By the direct way I teach, I also trigger most people’s defenses. So what’s the solution to really help you solve the issues holding you back?
One solution would be to provide you digital products to give you a foundation and then work with you to shift in the inside to integrate that knowledge, but that would require time as I don’t yet have any products related to life purpose and energy healing.
Another solution would be to change the way I work to focus on altering your limiting beliefs no matter where you stand, instead of focusing on bringing you where I want you to be which is much deeper. This would make the coaching more customized to you but it would also bring more surface work. It would not bring the same deep shifts that result in a snowball of evolution.
Another solution might be to change the way I’m looking at this whole situation and look at it from a different perspective. But quite frankly, I currently don’t see any other options. You are here because you are interested in what I have to offer at least on a subconscious level, so the best would be to ask your feedback.
When I work with clients, it usually results in a snowball of evolution because I shift the core of what holds people back and things keep evolving over time. If I change the way I teach and provide anything less than that, I don’t feel like I’m making a good use of my time.
Understanding that the work I do is very profound, challenges some of your core beliefs and is very different than what is commonly accepted as the truth, what would be the best way to connect it with your real-life situation? I’m open to your suggestions.
Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
>> Get a Soul Alignment Reading to kick-start your awakening journey!
#1 by Jupster on July 19, 2012 - 3:08 pm
In my opinion the best exercise to do is to forget any intentions that you have ever had for your life, and honestly ask if you’ve been living your life the way you want, or in some sense at least the way someone else says is right (ie: Parents, society, etc). Recently, I realized I had never had an original thought. They all had been from somewhere else but I had been subtley blinded by my ego. This was a powerful moment.
Regardless of that answer (whether you are already in alignment in your business and/or other areas of life) it always helps to pray for Consciousness to work through you to determine the right way to proceed for you, and to then try to fully trust (let go and let God) over time in the guidance that you generally sense, regardless of any worldly circumstances that the mind wants to judge to appear to be at hand.
Also once there’s complete clarity, then consciously aligning emotion for the Glory of Divinity and gradually being willing to surrender the ego’s wishes more and more (if you’re not already), and then being that beautiful selfless living example in relation to others (sometimes without even saying a word). This can help others to open their hearts for the right reasons (despite what anyone is saying around you), in my experience.
I think that as people that choose Higher Consciousness often we are looking in the wrong places for the positive effects that we have had on others. In my experience, and I’m assuming in your life as well, every person that you have ever met or who has casually passed by you on the sidewalk has been positively influenced and has become curious in Spirituality and better worldly perspectives, simply by who you are.
Therefore, the nature of it is that we have a far greater impact on people than their egos will ever allow them to admit, mainly because they unconsciously and mistakenly value their mind over their Heart.
Unfortunately this is just how it is, but don’t ever underestimate it because you’ve probably influenced millions directly and then indirectly. It’s all changing anyway to where people value their Heart over their conditioning. This is the key to it all in terms of global transformation, as I’m sure you’re already aware.
If the Intention is pure and right for your life moment by moment and you’re always seeking Divine guidance, everything else always falls into place according to plan.
I also admire your perseverance to succeed which I am just now starting to cultivate.
#2 by admin on July 19, 2012 - 5:22 pm
> to where people value their Heart over their conditioning.
Thanks, this is great. This is probably an important key.
It still doesn’t bring a real and complete practical answer that can be implemented, but it brings me forward.
#3 by Bushra on July 19, 2012 - 5:20 pm
Now this gave me another zone to stand and think on, but I know with your coaching, I can’t stand there enough, coz you are dynamic and moves people quickly. I as a person, love that kind of a healing/coaching. And I would go with your 2nd solution, which is to just do it to people wherever they are in their current situation, rather than thinking of bringing them somewhere where yout hink will help them. I personally feel that in itself is a limiting belief. Becoz as you rightly said, if people have come to you, then they are already ready to take it in.
I have been moving at rocket speed ever since I am back from Montreal..Beautiful lucrative leads ares till continuing to come in, and whatever was stopping me earlier0the fears and belief systems are reflecting right in frnt of me, and the best part is I am at a much empowered place, where I am just ready to give everything a try. I am ready to go out and do it…no matter out. The openness has really come.. Its bcoz of your straightforward, no-nonsense direct questions and work…
I wanna get on with the 1-1 more frequently now and I am looking forward to make the payments for it ASAP.
Just a thought Etienne, will you wanna do something like ‘Coach the Coach’ Program for Energy Healers/Coaches? Suddenly got a download and I was compelled to share it with you…….
#4 by admin on July 19, 2012 - 5:26 pm
Yes, focusing on training coaches and healers is something that came though my mind several times.
It’s actually easier for those I train to provide their services to others because they are closer to these people’s situations.
As one of my coaches say, I just need to be one step ahead of my tribe. The real challenge is that I’m too far ahead of most people.
Going after a tribe that is not too far behind is another solution.
#5 by Bushra on July 19, 2012 - 6:49 pm
BTW, What if thats only a limiting belief that you are way too far, so that you wont have to see and go through other peoples’ problems and suffering? Coz ultimately whichever clients/students who come to you are of your vibrational level, so putting it that way made me think you might wanna check the belief Damien had!
Becoz from my experience, you are ahead of the game in the sense you can very clearly help people easily and the same time, you are able to relate as well…My observation though!
#6 by Daniel on July 20, 2012 - 12:36 am
These are my first thoughts:
1. Your new terminology is “Results oriented”. Don’t be afraid to ask your list of past clients for testimonials of results obtained. Despite anything people might think of your methods, REAL RESULTS ARE REAL. Real results opens people minds pretty quick, let me tell you. We, your clients, are the best proof you can get. You could get written, sound or video recorded testimonials from your past clients. Call them, email them, fax them , telegram them, make smoke signals, you get the point.
2. You travel around the world; you learned and applied so much in your life. You think big. Therefore, I ask: Do you have a brand identity? Whether it is now or later, you will need a brand identity for your business to grow with the right people. I know somebody from my Toastmasters training that could be a perfect match for you. She specializes in Image Management and Branding. Her name is Randa Mufarrij. Her website is
She is results oriented like you.
3. There are so many different healing methods. Why? My intuition tells me “Would the main reason be that there are myriads of mental filters from people? Besides energy and emotional blockages, would you say that mental blockages are your biggest challenge to connect with new clients? If so, do you think making a list of the top ten mental blockages for people to identify with would help your business? This would be aimed towards the general public, not your clients.
That’s all for now.
#7 by Zupster on July 20, 2012 - 12:20 pm
Ok I just read through your email. Here’s my objective business opinion holding nothing back:
-What is it that you offer that makes people truly NEED what your offering? In other words what is the true value that you offer that I just have to have, but can’t get anywhere else?
-While you’re probably great as an energy worker and do have profound healing power, it doesn’t matter if you aren’t hitting people’s hot buttons in your marketing messages. Creating enticing emails is its own art form. I would focus on building a relationship with someone who can fully understand your unique value and who is excellent at articulating concise marketing emails and have them create a marketing strategy and write some emails for you with the goal of every email that goes out the door having a call to action (ie: sell ebooks, book coaching, opt in to something, gain better understanding of people’s true needs).
-In this last email especially, and in others there are a lot of generalizations. I would completely avoid generalizations altogether because if I read an email and I don’t consider myself as part of the generalization, I feel disconnected from your message.
-I would also completely avoid stating your beliefs about your audience, as well as any assumptions about how people need time because what you’re doing isn’t mainstream, and about your coaching method being a certain way (as opposed to flexible). It might scare some people, and conveys that you’re not succeeding at some level at least. You have to always convey high value indirectly, by it just being assumed that you’re in high demand and have limited openings. I would just say that everything you’re doing is now mainstream, but using this as one example: it has to be said in a certain way. So despite your solid intention as a person, getting something like that wrong could be costly to your image. I know you want to be honest since this is valued and genuine (which is great), but not to any extreme where you’re asking people the manner in which their issues can be solved. This is the value that you have to offer. Obviously asking for their feedback here and there is also key though.
-I think the David Neagle thing is probably awesome, but there’s already a David Neagle out there. I would teach it in coaching sessions but not bring it up until the actual coaching session, and let people realize the value then, as opposed to leading with it.
-In terms of your image I see you as more of a shaman/alchemist. Shamans/alchemists offer very unique value and obviously have special talents. However, all people’s egos care about is what BENEFITS are you offering them. So it’s probably most important to almost exclusively write about benefit after benefit after benefit that your current clients are experiencing, and ideally have testimonials talking about benefits. So it’s like “If you’re not balancing the third chakra above the crown (or whatever), then you’re missing out on the benefit of more consistent peace of mind.” (or whatever) “Can you afford not to have that in your life?” (enticing questions that are COMPELLING and in alignment with what you can DELIVER on) So for example when you say that you are best at helping people with the shift once they have the proper intellectual understanding, what are the BENEFITS they experience that they MUST have as a result of you helping them implement the shift? These are the kind of insights a solid marketing communications person can help with once you define the endless pool of benefits that they can always pull from to create emails.
-When I watched the Jacques Tombazian interview, the thing that interested me the most spiritually was when he was talking about the need to crystaliz the various aspects of the soul. I got the sense that this was actually a necessary reason for being here on Earth. I don’t know if I interpreted this correctly, but if that’s true, that side of alchemy is extremely important, so I’d consider focusing on communicating the importance and benefits of that?
What do you think about these ideas?
#8 by Zupster on July 20, 2012 - 12:31 pm
I used to work for these guys for a couple years as an outside sales person in NY, I left in 2006. After being on the inside of this company though, I can tell you these people are insanely good at email marketing. They generally serve medium/large clients, although that was 6 years ago so maybe they have like $99 per month offerings by now, not sure.
The reason I’m pointing them out is because even just getting on their free newsletter and maybe reading different areas of their web site, will bring a lot of free (potentially interdependent) powerful value to your email campaigns. Specifically, they help with things like:
-determining how, how many, and which ways to segment your targeted email lists (ie: beginning natural grounders list, intermediate, veterans, production people, Thailand event, highly spiritual, dating, etc.)
-how often to send to each list
-how to see in real time who opened which email, what links were clicked
-who got to the order page, but didn’t order
-which emails actually got to the inbox (as opposed to spam, invalid email, or blocked by an ISP)
-how to create ideal landing pages that convert otherwise unattainable supplemental income
-how to get people’s attention to where they need you
-how to send the right message, at the right time, to the right
-how much money did an individual email generate?
-best practices for how to grow your subscriber lists
-one click unsubscribe
-utilize highly detailed personalization based on data attributes you get from subscribers when conducting short surveys
-and all kinds of advanced cool multi-level, personalized, automated email campaigns that is probably even more sick at this point
Anyway, this has my blessing, even if just to absorb their newsletter insights and then buy similar functionality from cheaper alternatives (ie: ConstantContact). However, like anything else you get what you pay for. As one example, they offer very high deliverability rates (like 98%) to the inbox because when you log into their web-based app, the emails you create are sent from their servers.
#9 by admin on July 20, 2012 - 12:31 pm
Internet marketing is very complex and its easy to get lost in the details and distractions.
The core of a business is in 1-on-1 conversations. If I can’t enroll someone properly in a direct conversation, the online marketing strategies won’t work any better. Thus, that’s not where I’m putting my focus for now. I already have all the clients I need. I just have to clarify what to offer and clearly communicate it.
#10 by Zupster on July 20, 2012 - 8:12 pm
Just to clarify, I only speak one language, you probably speak several. Your English is excellent. I’m just pointing out that the important nuances in marketing in any language requires a canny ability that usually only comes if that language is your native language, AND being very savvy with words.
Rion has it. I’m on other opt in lists with American marketers and they often hurt themselves in my opinion by things they say without seeing it. So it has nothing to do with your abilities as a writer, but more to do with “Americanisms” so to speak, assuming of course most of your audience is in North America?
My intuition is telling me that the world needs the Etienne with his Heart wide open, influencing others to want the same. Maybe something like.. “Uncover the Love That You Are Through the Gentleness of Alchemical Change, As I Have” or similar.
Some Alchemists I see in a brief glance online are pitching alchemy as a path to spiritual wholeness. All spiritual paths lead to the same place anyway. In one form or another that’s all everyone wants unconsciously or consciously, to be complete, even though most don’t realize it.
I think the most power is in who you are nonverbally, and demonstrating Love and Truth through Alchemy. Think about the power Ghandi had without saying much, although I don’t think he was an alchemist.
I think that you could be the person to make Alchemy more widely mainstream, just by saying it’s mainstream and being the embodiment of Love as where it can lead.
Then I think unique coaching projects could arise out of that core message, as uniquely tailored to each person. This is just my view. I could be wrong.
What do you think?