Posts Tagged divine matrix

Our Recent History Is Wrong

I haven’t written in a while because energetic shifts have been absolutely insane, and making tremendous progress on which I will report later. For now, I’ll keep it short.

How can we get our ancient history right if we can’t even get our modern history right?

Someone on Facebook shared some links, which I measured as very high accuracy, but the information is extremely disturbing. I’ll just throw the red pill out there.

According to muscle testing, the Great Wall of China wasn’t built by the Chinese, but by the Tartarians, not a thousand years ago, but around 430 years ago! Test this for accuracy yourself.

Furthermore, something that I found strange is that the monk in Journey to the West, who was accompanied by the Monkey King, lived between the years 602 and 664, while the book was only published in 1592. How did the author recover the flow of events in such details a thousand years later, and how could it become the most popular story of China deeply ingrained into their culture if it came out of nowhere like this so far from the actual events?

Answer is… there is no 1000-year gap. The years 500 to 1500 were fabricated as a foggy myth in around 1850 when the Gregorian calendar was established. Jesus was thus born only 1019 years ago. Now muscle-test this one for accuracy.

Makes me remember the movie The Matrix: you’re not in the year you think you are.

I talked about 2 great destruction in my book Read More

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Partial Alignment Isn’t Enough

In the coaching world, many coaching are being told by their mentor that they’re good enough and they’re ready in spite of their self-doubts. I’m here to tell you otherwise. Let me explain.

The coaching industry is very large. Billions of dollars are being spent into coaching every year. Yet, when it really comes down to it, the coaches are all doing the same thing over and over again, bringing new clients in and moving to the next, but without really moving forward into any meaningful vision or purpose. Sure, helping clients is nice, but that’s not nearly enough.

One of the main problem is that everybody must down-level themselves to the paradigm of their clients in order to serve them. In doing so, they stay stuck in the same old paradigms and try to improve upon something that must be changed altogether. In today’s context, that means all these coaches will suffer the same fate as the clients they’re trying to help: their foundation will crumble and they’ll be swept by the flow of life.

Now, some do have a greater purpose. However, all of the most known consciousness coaches have only 40% to 45% alignment with God. Why? Because they are more committed to their clients than they are committed to serving God. They operate from their clients’ paradigm, partly to be able to relate to them. This makes sense business-wise, but in the long run, leads to running in circles while not going anywhere.

To name a few, Bob Proctor has …Read More

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