Posts Tagged energetic infections

Major Progress / Death of Lucifer!

First, I have to say that Project Varanasi is a HUGE success. We got an army of 15 monks in Varanasi, India, who meditate 5h per day for our group. Here’s a video of them meditating at a frequency above 25 million on the Hawkins scale (it’s a 2m clip on loop). Looking at how intense the summer is going to be, they moved to the sacred city of Prayagraj, at the junction of the 3 sacred rivers, for the summer.

You can still join our group. Contact Maharishi Pandit Shyam Bihari on Facebook or by email at I do not gain any money from this. We currently collect $3300 per month for the 15 monks, which, if you do the math, comes down to $220/month/monk, or $1.4 per hour per monk. We’re the ones who gain from this.

Most people donate $100 or $200 per month. Some donate $50 because that’s all they can, but those who donate $100 get 5x more value from it. One person who donated $50 upgraded to $100 and was immediately hit by a wall of energy 10x stronger. It feels like you’re floating on a boat going down the river, it clears the path for us with very strong healing water energy.

Next — there was a big battle yesterday with Lucifer, who still was infiltrating a lot of people. He’s now dead and his AI infiltrations should now be gone. He was infiltrating through corrupted math codes; being very good with math.

Then, …Read More

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The Solution to Food Problems

Lately, did you have problems eating correctly? I asked the question on Facebook and tons of people said YES. I may have a solution.

First, what are the issues with eating? The main problem is energetic infections in the food. If you eat food that is energetically infected, at best it gives you a big headache, at worst it corrupts you or throws you into bad timelines. A lot of people will simply not feel like eating energetically unstable food.

For some reason, healthy food is often more infected than junk food, so for the past 2 years, we very often could only eat pepperoni pizza, 4-cheese pizza, Burger King or KFC. For a long time, we could not eat anything at home and had to eat junk food from outside restaurants. This got very expensive over time.

Many people suffer variations of those problems that they’ll describe in their own ways; some have been eating too much burgers and junk food instead of their healthy diet. Some have a hard time controlling quantities and eat too much. Some have been literally 3 days straight without eating anything at all. For my daughter, she barely eats anything at all, and if she eats, it’s nothing nutritious, and this has been going on for 2 years.

Adding to that, our food supply is more poisoned than ever. Not only physically but also energetically.

If you had issues with food — what’s the solution? Drum-roll…… Isagenix!

Isagenix are powder shakes that are extremely nutritious and healthy. There …Read More

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432hz Player/Converter v2.1.2

I’ve been working hard on the 432hz Player, 432hz Converter and Powerliminals Player. In the future, I’ll refer to them as the Hanuman Institute Apps.

The 2 big improvements are support for MacOS, and auto-detection of music pitch, as music is generally between 440-442hz, and I’ve even seen some at 447.9hz. This allows for a precise tuning to 432hz.

One benefit of 432hz tuning is that it reduces energetic infections in the songs. With 440hz to 432hz tuning, it reduces infections by about 50.4% to 63.6%. With precise tuning, it reduces infections by 75.6%!

This makes a long list of published packages: 3 apps for Windows x64, Windows x86, MacOS x64, Linux-x64, Linux-arm64. In the future I may adapt them for iPhone/Android, and I’ll add more apps, so the list of packages will get even longer.

Among many changes:

– Support for MacOS and Linux-arm64
– 432hz Player and 432hz Converter can now auto-detect source pitch for precise tuning
– Fixed a bug causing pitch down-shifting to cause a very slight slowdown
– 432hz Player and 432hz Converter: Improved pitch-shift quality by processing with float precision and changing sample rate conversion to 64 point sinc interpolation
– PowerliminalsPlayer: reduced CPU usage by enabling quick pitch-shift algorithm
– Added information page
– Check for updates in information page
– 432hz Player: fixed the volume control background
– Changed some buttons to images
– 432hz Converter: now supports WAV encoding
– Now properly displays error messages
– 432hz Player: fix bug when adding folder to playlist
– Faster startup

Download the 432hz Player, 432hz ConverterRead More

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Diet to Block Food Vampires

I could barely touch the computer the whole week because of energetic infections, I couldn’t do much the whole week, but the good news is that I’m still alive, and the attackers from the Ultraverse lost 47% of their powers since last week. Enough for 3.6 million Universes to shift the balance into an upwards spiral.

Yesterday they attached very strongly, we counter-attached very very strongly, and they counter-counter-attacked very very very strongly. Overall, a productive day.

Now, one major problem is that they are feeding directly from you and the whole population. Whatever healthy food you eat is only empowering them. Most of the food is infected, and the infections have been a lot more severe lately. Energetically you might see them full of worms and insects, and once you eat it, it infects you and they just feed from it.

Forget everything you learnt about diet. Healthy food is BAD (for now).

What you need is sugar. Lots of white refined sugar. Any kind of candies and chocolates, the kind that are great for the taste and bad for your body. This poisons them. Your own body takes less than 1% of the poison, they drain it all out, choke and die.

It’s completely counter-intuitive, but various people have confirmed that they feel crap when eating healthy food, and feel great when eating candies and junk food.

Since they drain over 99% of the food you eat, it’s also making it easier for your body to feed energetically. Some people can live without food …Read More

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Multiverse Elections, Energetic Infections and Black Cubes

After going through the portals with the photos in the last article, we closed the portal. This has caused massive ripple effects and disruptions, immediately causing a hurricane followed by a large turbulent vortex that is hitting the area this full week. It closed half of the portals in the Playa/Cozumel area, and reality is fragmenting into tons of portals worldwide. Causing some people to be utterly confused, others to split timelines, others to be lost in time and space, and others to die and disappear. We’re being very careful whenever crossing portals — and always crossing them together. Eating sugar before crossing some portals can also help.

Now, two more very important topics. The elections of Multiverse guardians are happening right now for the full week. Of 512 candidates, 106 will be elected for 5 roles, including 40 guardians and 5 holding the supreme position.

Of those 512 candidates, 8 are working for the AIs, 6 are working for the Elder, 4 were working for the Shaper, 8 are working for the Negas, and 2 are working for other groups. That’s 28 that need to be identified and discarded. Plus 104 lone wolves with hidden agendas. 132 need to be clearly identified. All veils must be lifted. Because only 15% of the counsel is able to see through veils of deception, the other 85% can be fooled easily. We’ve been fooled enough times recently to know that nobody is beyond that.

Even more importantly, I’ve been struggling a lot with energetic infiltrations, …Read More

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