First, I have to say that Project Varanasi is a HUGE success. We got an army of 15 monks in Varanasi, India, who meditate 5h per day for our group. Here’s a video of them meditating at a frequency above 25 million on the Hawkins scale (it’s a 2m clip on loop). Looking at how intense the summer is going to be, they moved to the sacred city of Prayagraj, at the junction of the 3 sacred rivers, for the summer.
You can still join our group. Contact Maharishi Pandit Shyam Bihari on Facebook or by email at I do not gain any money from this. We currently collect $3300 per month for the 15 monks, which, if you do the math, comes down to $220/month/monk, or $1.4 per hour per monk. We’re the ones who gain from this.
Most people donate $100 or $200 per month. Some donate $50 because that’s all they can, but those who donate $100 get 5x more value from it. One person who donated $50 upgraded to $100 and was immediately hit by a wall of energy 10x stronger. It feels like you’re floating on a boat going down the river, it clears the path for us with very strong healing water energy.
Next — there was a big battle yesterday with Lucifer, who still was infiltrating a lot of people. He’s now dead and his AI infiltrations should now be gone. He was infiltrating through corrupted math codes; being very good with math.
Then, …Read More