Posts Tagged lifestyle design

Video: Bitcoin Predictions

I recorded a video with my Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies predictions. I was hesitating whether to do it only for insiders or make it public, but decided to give it publicly because a lot of lightworkers have really been struggling financially and if they play their cards right, they can completely turn their situation around — and this would have a major impact on their ability to move forward with their purpose.

Here’s the video. Enjoy!

btw if you haven’t yet seen my video about how to use healing crystals, watch it here

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Crystals Activation Testimonials

I woke up with this email in my inbox in regards to Crystals Activation:

“You can assume the quick re-order is because of the results of working with the first batch you activated. I am very very pleased with the last 72 hours or so, thank you for making the effort to talk about crystal activation.” -Mike (Canada)

Then another person posted this on Facebook:

“Anyone who hasn’t had their crystals activated really should do so as soon as possible. The energies are accelerating at an exponential rate. Even with a bevvy of fully-attuned crystals and one-on-one training, it’s a wild ride these days. Without that energetic support it’s downright dangerous.” -Rhett (USA)

A detail I want to clarify. To attune crystals, if you have 3 stones of the same type, you can count it as 1 because it’s just the same to attune 1 big one or 3 small ones. Also a bracelet with 10 beads won’t count as 10 crystals but as 1. Often there’s also the silver attached to a stone and I attune it but don’t count it. So it’s 1 per stone type or per piece of jewelry.

Here’s another testimonial I had some time ago:

“Ok and today i woke up with a buzzing vibrational physical feeling inside my head, its like a bee doing a sound, and also I started to see visionary type of images when i first wear them first night. And my experience these 4 days wearing crystals is, at first after i wear them …Read More

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lolz BitCoins on the Rise

haha! Big banks were injecting tons of money into BitCoins to inflate its value to then crash it afterwards to make people scared of it.

Well… marketplace NiceHash has been hacked yesterday. All the money has been stolen.

The information I then received is that 45% of the stolen money belonged to the Cabal, and that the hack was orchestrated by the Alliance, Anonymous backed by China. Accuracy check: 100%

A friend summed it well: “yep the wealthy cabal just lost their shirts.? my thoughts are, they were going to run up the price, take their money and crash it. ha ha jokes on them. will have to see how many start jumping out of windows.”

Accuracy check: 100% (again, validate it yourself)

All timeline probabilities completely changed. The Cabal no longer has the means to crash BitCoins, and the community has shown the resilience and support of BitCoins. I said it would go to $140k in 5 years. Now it could go to $600k in 2 years. Just saying…


Also we’ve been finishing off the remaining SSP/Cabal hidden bases on Earth.

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Moving Into a New Phase of Ascension

In 2015, there was an intensification of the psychic war with the Dracos, about 6 months of intensive energy work where I could barely do any work on the business, and then a series of spaceships being shot down (strange fireballs in the sky). The Dracos got eradicated and we moved into a new phase where the main energetic challenge is the denial from spiritualists and lack of spiritually-aligned leadership to replace the collapsing old power structures.

Fast-forward into 2017, and we’re moving once against into a new phase. Denial is no longer the primary factor creating reality in America. Denial has become irrelevant. Old paradigms are getting tipped over by new energies asserting themselves and the prophecised “events” are starting. Once again, we’re seeing a series of strange fireballs in the sky, most likely ships being shot down, in San Diego, Vancouver, Russia, and Calgary.

As I gave severe warnings to either step into alignment or get out of the way, in the United States, there has been 0.2% increase in alignment and 69% increase in people getting in the way. Bad idea, they’ll get crushed by the tsunami of energies. The way things are heading, the denial is transmuting into direct and violent opposition. As a new field of consciousness is asserting itself, I started receiving direct energetic attacks from the population, including from lightworkers, and this is going to amplify. As everybody is playing the victim and blaming the “events” on …Read More

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Beyond the Victim Paradigm

Here’s what I noticed on Facebook. I’ll post something, for example about the massive solar flares hitting the Earth, and get maybe 10 likes and 2-3 comments. Someone else will post the exact same thing and get 100 likes and 30 comments. The most viral videos on YouTube are generally the ones doing stupid stuff as it relates with the consciousness of the masses. What is the difference?

After thinking about it, the vibrational gap between paradigms is greater than the vibrational gap between languages. Even if I say the same words as someone else, mine energetically come from a different paradigm, and that’s where the difference lies. Depending on the community I’m relating with, there’s the gap between passive and active spirituality, the gap between rational and energetic growth and the gap between personal growth and impersonal inter-connected growth.

However, I think the greatest paradigm gap is this: victimhood. There are tons of videos about the Cabal, and all the obstacles we face as a society as we try to move forward. Almost all of them come from a victim paradigm, and that’s what people want to consume: information that reinforces their victimhood. For example, someone produced a video explaining how Hurricane Irma is due to geo-engineering by the Cabal, and it got nearly 40000 views. I write an article explaining why it’s happening from a creator (non-victim)’s perspective and it goes almost totally silent.

With Hurricane Irma approaching, which is still only a warning before the “real events” begin, it’s …Read More

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