It is just incredible to watch the strength of the financial veil I talked about. I mentioned that it had jammed an entire downline of 109 people in Karatbars overnight once I reached the break-even point. Now watch how it crushed Bitcoin since the day I purchased some on December 8th.

Warren Buffet recently said “If China can’t stop Bitcoin, then no one will.” On December 8th, Bitcoin transaction fees went up from $7 to $27 per transaction, and are now up to $55!! That’s not natural at all. There’s a coordinated attack on Bitcoin indeed coming from China. Bitcoin value nearly reached $20k and it just peaked down to $11k, currently standing at $13k. Yet, the predictions I made about Bitcoin rising 4x still appear valid according to my energy measurements.

The financial veil was at 83.4% 2 weeks ago. Yesterday it was down to 21.4%, and is now at 8.3%.

Now look at this. Trump just issued an executive order to seize all assets or anyone involved in the Uranium One deal and pedophilia rings, including Obama and Clinton (although I have yet to validate the accuracy and significance of it all). The “powers that were” are literally getting crushed by this clash of financial matrices!

We’re seeing 2 trains crashing against each other. Let’s see which of the 2 beasts is the biggest. Personally I’ll bet on Bitcoin, and I expect the financial veil to finally break on Christmas Eve. The coordinated attacks on Bitcoin won’t last forever. I get the feeling those pushing the attack are going to get hacked pretty hard on Christmas Eve. Also, considering the rumors that the anonymous author of Bitcoin may be an AI from the future, I wouldn’t be surprised if the attacker is going to be hacked by that same AI, and that feels highly accurate.

So now that Bitcoin is at its lowest, it’s a *great* time to invest. If you’re in the USA, UK or Europe, you can create an account on Coinbase (using my referral link to get $10), then use GDAX which is used by CoinBase to purchase with much lower fees. If you’re in Canada, use Quadrigacx or Gemini.

I’m getting the message that the best time to buy is today December 22nd between 6pm and 10pm EST. I don’t expect it to go any lower, the financial veil should rip apart on Christmas Eve, and here’s what I’m still measuring in terms of probability afterwards:

Probability of value being ____ on January 2nd
– below $25k: 0.4%
– below $50k: 4.2%
– above $75: 75.4%
– above $100k: 63.8%
Accuracy check: 92.5%

Probability of peak being on
– December 31st: 0%
– January 1st: 1.0%
– January 2nd: 62.3%
– January 3rd: 31.3%
– January 4th: 0%
– January 5th: 3.3%
– January 6th: 2.1%
Accuracy check: 99.2%

Once the veil rip apart and the attack stops, the value will skyrocket back up but won’t stay there. I started with Coinbase (with 4% purchase fee!) and it only allows to purchase $250 per week, and I’ll purchase whatever it allows me right now this evening, and then on January 2nd I’ll move it into ETH. I don’t think Ethereum will last on the long term but it’s fine for now and I don’t want to put strain on Litecoin yet.

Lastly, why does the financial veil kick into effect when *I* get into it? Simply because of the energies I represent, and the energetic matrix that surrounds me. I have all the Archangels behind me and my presence represent the emergence of a new world. Most people who energetically resonate with my work also have been affected by this veil to varying degree based on their soul’s destiny and path. Some are in a more disruption path than others, and those are the ones affected the heaviest. This is all going to change soon.

Merry Christmas to all of you!

Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
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