Posts Tagged energetic protection

The End of Taxation

There has been a lot of debates in regards to taxes. You pay money to the government, and very little comes back to you in any way, shape or form. Yet you certainly enjoy the benefits of roads and bridges which do cost a lot of money. Where do you draw the line? Here’s a really good definition of tax I like very much: a non-reciprocal or unbalanced transaction.

Here are some examples that fit that definition, besides governmental taxes that are unbalanced transaction and mafia protection fees that are non-reciprocal. Gasoline refineries steal on both ends, placing producers under economic pressure by paying peanuts for the raw oil, and selling it at a very high price to the consumer, without regards to the law of supply and demand, because they control the supply chain. That’s an example of taxation on both ends.

Schools in the USA are another form of tax. They are crushingly expensive, teach literally nothing, and college students in the USA are no more educated than high-school graduates in any other country, according to this video.

Then I just learnt a big one with credit cards. Cash withdrawals charge you more than twice the displayed interest rate, for life or until the balance of the card reaches 0. How do they do that? Let’s say you have a card at 9.9%. Cash withdrawals will charge 10.9% compound interest applied daily, which adds up more. At the end of the month, the 9.9% is added on TOP of the …Read More

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CEO Space / Orlando Cleansing Status

Back from CEO Space. What a week! So much to talk about, and huge progress. I went there chasing Cabal agents, and I found them. I neutralized 9 targets before going there, and only 2 of those were present in the room. There were 4 other targets that were better cloaked that I didn’t detect ahead of time and found there. I found what I was looking for.

There was only 1 or 2 people in the room who knew what the Cabal or the Deep State is, and only 1 or 2 people who knew what the Hawkins Scale is, so when it comes to the energy work I’m doing, we’re talking about pre-kindlegarden level. Only 2 people in the room I’d even consider taking as clients if they’d hire and pay me so not much point in pitching my business. I was there looking for a team member to join a project to bring suppressed technologies into the market and I got the message “not here not now” so I stopped asking for that. The project also isn’t ready for funding so I’m making connections but no point in looking for funding. I really wasn’t there to work on my business. I was there to work on the club and hunt Cabal agents while using the project of suppressed technologies as a bait. When I say I want to bring those suppressed technologies to the market, it goes way above most people’s heads. A few will get it and …Read More

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Why Hurricane Irma is Hitting America

I heard a lot of people talking about geo-engineering, but recently we installed many large metaphysical root chakra generators around the planet to unroot dark forces and allow the light to take roots. I was hesitant to do so because the previous generators caused very bad reactions from the population, but I was requested to do so by Source. The number of such generators went from 38 to 130 during the solar eclipse. When I did some large clearing work back in 2015, there were 3 large hurricanes in the Pacific simultaneously (5 worldwide at the same time).

Three major hurricanes pictured together over Pacific for first time – ever

— Independent US (@IndyUSA) September 1, 2015

These 130 generators have an energy output 32 times higher than our planetary electric consumption. These are expected side-effects. According to Fairsight Institude who use remote viewing to predict the major events of the upcoming month, Irma *will* hit America and will be worse than Katrina or Harvey.

Many ‘lightworkers’ are trying to calm the storm and fight against it. It will only make it worse. We’re dealing with an overflow of unintegrated high-vibration energies. You can’t avoid it by fighting against those unintegrated energies. You soften it by integrating them. Each individual can serve as a channel to integrate those into their environment and network. Many generators were installed into the oceans where energies can shift more fluidly, and thus America is being hit from the coasts. You’re …Read More

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August Geo-Political Update (War/Eclipse)

A lot has been happening lately on every level. Many people are reporting energies shifting like crazy and getting their ass kicked, while Rion Kati has been living in my house in Mexico for nearly 3 months. We’ve been focusing on breaking through very heavy energies and awakening a lot of powers. I’ve been unable to work on my business during that time so that’s why I’ve been quiet. Focusing on the bigger work.

So what’s new? As Christopher Greene points out very simply, we’re on the brisk of war. He’s been warning about it for 10 years and nobody was listening, and now that everything is exactly as he said, still very few are listening. His last few words sum it all up: “People literally won’t wake up. Until the blast hits.” On the divine plan, it is why it must happen.

Even today, the majority still denies that anything serious is happening at all, or try to use their creative power to prevent the inevitable from happening. Our focus should instead be in getting it done so that we can adapt and move on quickly from a new paradigm, but I got the feeling this whole process is going to be as gruelingly slow as it is starting. So be it.

When it comes to predicting events, everybody got the timing wrong; and every follower is way too attached to the timing. From my perspective it’s not WW3, it’s simply transitional chaos that the population is creating through their …Read More

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Geo-Political State of Spirituality 2017

I haven’t written anything for a long time (42 days). The reason is that I didn’t want to connect more active denial into the work being done; thus it was better to just do the energetic work without talking about it much.

Today we’re reached a milestone: fear-based spirituality is officially dead. It’s a dead-end.

Let me explain. While most everyone is focused on preserving their safety and beliefs (98% of those consciously using the Law of Attraction do only that), I have been focusing on opening a transition path for this planet. For over a year, the #1 challenge has been overriding the collective intent of millions of spiritual people living in fear-based spirituality pretending to know that topic.

Massive work is being done in the Yucatan area to cleanse out what’s left of dark forces, and astral cities of Immortals are being built here as a safe haven, as the astral planes are in total chaos right now. I’ve just done some work on the “black goo” after receiving some specific information on the topic: some of it is good and part of the planet’s process of creation, and some of it is corrupted by a parasite. I worked with the positive black goo to cleanse out the parasites and take over the energy lines. A lot of work is being done in grid-realignment. Every coach and healer is pulling a group of people into a different direction and we’re got thousands of misaligned grids colliding on each other and causing …Read More

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