Posts Tagged annunaki

Post-War Assessment, Status of Starseeds

This is a follow-up to Status of the War (June 2024). I’ll be touching a variety of important themes here, including the financial system, status of starseeds, and other.

I’m aware that few will see this report. When I sent videos to my list of 2450 people and only 200 see it, I know the list has gone cold turkey. Some criticized me for talking too much about war; but go even more silent when I stop talking about it and move on to other topics.

First, in regards to Alobar, one client had a talk with him last night: “He is trapped in a timeline outside of ours. He said he has agents (including my coworker), but they are limited in power, and I could defeat them. He said the attacks on my womb are intentional. He was reading my timelines and saw the one where I give birth to a special baby. A strong lightwarrior soul. He tried using his human agent to destroy my womb.”

If you’ve been getting extra attention from the dark forces, it might be because of “what you would become”, and not because of what you’re doing. Indeed, I’ve been locking him out of our timelines. Alobar is a fragment of Chaos, who is still a threat. Still working on locking Chaos out from Earth and from our timelines.

Second, in regards to the financial system, we’re not authorized to work on that directly yet. People have made too many bad choices to be given a …Read More

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Planetary Harvest and Metatron

To plug the pieces together of everything that happened since the beginning of the pandemic, the movie Ethernals gives half of the answers, and this video about the Fall of Metatron explains the other half. From there, all the pieces are starting to connect together.

According to that video, the drama started 250 billion years ago with Gate 11 blowing up. Accuracy check? 38.2%, distortion 1.0% It talks of the Elohim Orion group guarding Gate 11 and the Draconians guarding Gate 10 being at war with each other. Accuracy of this being the case? 100%. I’m getting that this is part of the story but it doesn’t start there — but ancient Orion wars 250 billion years ago are a big piece of the puzzle. Perhaps Elohim herself can comment on this?

The video then talks of the Eye of Brahman, which looks like the Eye of Horus in Alchemy at 12.5D to access the higher planes — which completely restructured and dissolved this year. After the dissolution of the Eye of Horus, we went from having access to 9 stable rays of creation into having access to 64 unstable rays. It also talks about the Eye of Metatron created at 11.5D that was a one-way reflection lens to stabilize the shadow matrix.

It talks about how through a series a bad experiments, it got to a situation where 89% of the Jehovani-Metatron collective turned into reversal. The shadow parts were still connected …Read More

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State of Consciousness in China (Field Report)

After 5 months in Wudangshan in China, I finally left China at the end of January. I went through several waves of heavy attacks trying to interfere with my move out of China. 2 big waves of attacks from the Afghartians (Dark Elves) and also a round of attack from Daoist Immortals. Plus 2 agents were detected waiting for me at the boarding gate with mind swipe devices, and I couldn’t board that flight because I hadn’t purchased check-in luggage before boarding (could have purchased it during online check-in but was without internet the whole week). Had to purchase another flight the next day, which was the last of my visa. Then China has been known lately to arrest Canadians for any reasons, real or fabricated, and even to issue exit bans.

I was waiting to be out of the country before writing about it for safety reasons. Made it out safely. 3 weeks later, still haven’t written the field report. Time to do it now.

Many people in the West are scared of the growing influence
of China. Considering it has been the most powerful nation on the planet for
most of history, and considering my deep past lives background in China, I gave
it the benefit of the doubt. After spending 5 months there, I have to say…
what I saw in China really scared me.

As of right now, China is surrounded by tall golden energetic walls to protect the rest of the world from their insanity. There are lots of Immortal beings living …Read More

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Breaking the False Light Matrix

The Avians asked me to write about this incident. This morning, someone sent me an article from Cobra: The Solar Flash from the Galactic central sun.

I get 14.2% accuracy on this article. There is a push towards this narrative so that the people sit idle and wait for saviors instead of taking responsibility themselves. The message is essentially “just hang on a little longer, everything will be fine”.

Cobra has 4.2% alignment of actions and 3.4% alignment of being (consistent with the best of the spiritual/disclosure communities), and 1.3% resonance with the Cabal. Vibration… unable to read for some reason. I’ve been having doubts in regards to Cobra for a while and wasn’t sure where he stood.

Now here’s where it gets interesting. Starseed family? Cobra has a cloak that looks like the Arcturians, but he’s an Annunaki 100%. The woman who sent me the article also is an Annunaki. If I muscle-test, both are deep state agents. In holy judgments, there’s a big difference between ignorance and malice. If I ask “ignorance or malice?”, I get malice for both.

This whole paradigm and network will require an operation. 375 main agents detected. We will begin sealing their soul and dismantling the paradigm. We’re inviting the Arcturians into the party after the first phase will be completed.

Going back to that article, it starts with good data, but then goes into expectations as to what is going to happen. Dropping debts, forgiving our sins and wiping any past lack of self-accountability, …Read More

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