Posts Tagged Wudang

Global Reset Now

We are really accelerating the pace of work. Wiped out the Black Sun. Wiped out UniMatrix (Kosol Ouch had been live streaming 6h per day since our last operation, in panic mode. I gave it another shot yesterday). Wiped out the Erdtree (pretty much what’s described in the game Elden Ring); Dark Sophia’s essence. Wiped out a bunch of minor Erdtree.

My technique now involves first taking full control of time and space around the target. Yesterday I wiped out 87.4% of all negative thoughts on the planet; those that were approved by God for deletion. I always include the filter “approved by God” when doing energy work. This makes the work faster and easier to not touch anything that really shouldn’t be touched yet. Wiped out about 35.4% of the black magic on the planet, particularly focusing on Nigeria-connected black magic. As for negative patterns and behaviors, 95.6% worldwide are negative. I deleted about 54.6% and will give it another round today.

Of course, this creates a massive vacuum, so it’s then a race as to who fills in that vacuum, so it’s very important to fill it first and intercept impostors along the way.

We anchored in the blueprint for the new Light Federation; it’s not just the Orion Federation anymore, the blueprint includes all of the major Light Federations. We first had the Orion Federation portal anchored in Wudang, Varanasi, Nepal, Orizaba volcano and a few other locations as a first beta. Now we anchored a new grid that makes …Read More

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The Karma of Wudang Virus

The Wuhan virus has been getting a lot of attention lately. Is there a genuine concern or is it a hoax? I’ve heard a lot of theories and perspectives, and we’ll go through that. It’s a long article but it contains a lot of important information. I know my articles tend to not get shared a lot because I don’t say what people want to hear — but it’s important to share this as it could save lives.

This information comes from psychic observations, remote viewing, and muscle-testing the accuracy of information. It is written on February 2nd 2020. Some people share articles and forget to look at the dates. The dates are very important.

First, why are most people unable to have an objective look at reality without going into fear? I’ve been criticized many times of “spreading fear by making them look at reality”. I think the answer to this may be the root of the whole Love&Light spiritual denial paradigm. Truth doesn’t create fear, it lifts the veil under which fear was already living.

Why do I call this the Wudang virus? The reason Hubei province was targetted is because of the rising frequency of the crystal mountains of Wudang. The reason it was allowed to happen is because of the karma of Wudang.

What karma? The ancient Daoist knowledge isn’t in Wudang anymore. The mountain turned into a cash cow for tourists. Someone accused them of charging money for teaching and that she’d never pay someone for spiritual teachings. …Read More

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Who is Behind the Coronavirus in Wuhan China

I’m not paying too much attention to chaotic events going on around the world, which I warned about for years. However, I’m taking this one more personal. I’m very busy preparing for the launch of the God & Money Masterclass but have to take a break to look into this.

You’ve probably heard of the Coronavirus outbreak in China. It appeared in Wuhan, very close to the Wudang mountains where I was last year. The energy of the quartz mountains area is rising and someone isn’t liking this. The virus is an attempt to bring the energy of the area back down.

There is nothing natural about this outbreak. Some people claimed China did this to control its own people. This is not true. First, they do not need permission to incarcerate or control people. Second, while the Dracos thrive in chaos and destructions, the CCP values social order above all else. They take care of their own people as long as they’re obedient. A virus outbreak like this is absolutely not how the Chinese government operates.

This is not coming from the Deep State either. It is coming from a group of Greys, one of the negative ET races. I’m not seeing any association between those Greys and any power structure on Earth. They do have several underground bases, and if the energy vibration gets too high, they won’t be able to handle it.

Right now, we’re working on neutralizing that group of Greys, and disintegrating the virus. I think things will …Read More

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State of Consciousness in China (Field Report)

After 5 months in Wudangshan in China, I finally left China at the end of January. I went through several waves of heavy attacks trying to interfere with my move out of China. 2 big waves of attacks from the Afghartians (Dark Elves) and also a round of attack from Daoist Immortals. Plus 2 agents were detected waiting for me at the boarding gate with mind swipe devices, and I couldn’t board that flight because I hadn’t purchased check-in luggage before boarding (could have purchased it during online check-in but was without internet the whole week). Had to purchase another flight the next day, which was the last of my visa. Then China has been known lately to arrest Canadians for any reasons, real or fabricated, and even to issue exit bans.

I was waiting to be out of the country before writing about it for safety reasons. Made it out safely. 3 weeks later, still haven’t written the field report. Time to do it now.

Many people in the West are scared of the growing influence
of China. Considering it has been the most powerful nation on the planet for
most of history, and considering my deep past lives background in China, I gave
it the benefit of the doubt. After spending 5 months there, I have to say…
what I saw in China really scared me.

As of right now, China is surrounded by tall golden energetic walls to protect the rest of the world from their insanity. There are lots of Immortal beings living …Read More

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Why Are Alchemical Wildfires In California 2018

California wildfires as of November 16th 2018, 63 confirmed dead and 9700 houses burnt. Why is this happening? Short answer was succinctly explained over a year ago in this video. Since posting that video, things are looking a little bit better for the United States, but otherwise everything is still heading exactly as explained. Now that more people are listening, I wanted to give more explanations.

These wildfires are alchemical fires of an energetic nature and have different properties from regular fires. When looking at the fires, we can make a few interesting observations:

– These wildfires started a few years ago when the collective consciousness of the trees (centered at the Amazonian Forest) accepted to take responsibility to anchor Heaven energies into the earth since humans wouldn’t do it. They took the heat and the fires immediately started.

– If you add water energy to the fires through the mind, it only causes energies to explode stronger, like adding oil on fire.

– Trees and telephone poles act as energy conductors and overheat like wires, thus they turn into charcoal red from within when the outside is still interact. Alchemical fires behave differently than regular fires.

– It is suspected that the fires started with electric malfunctions which can definitely happen due to burst of earth/fire energy. It’s hard to put it out when water makes it explode and when trees melt from within out of nowhere.

Many also observe that houses are burnt while trees often remain. Here’s …Read More

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