The feedback to my last article has been very… silent. Essentially, I said that we lost 11.4% of the North American population and will lose another 39.5%. We did some progress, and now it instead looks like 35.6% reduction. In China, we already lost 27.0% and will lose another 53.5%. That hasn’t changed.
It’s a big pill to swallow for all of us. I’m not so much concerned about the deaths, but more about a prolonged 20-30 years of constant hardship. Rebuilding Earth feels like an impossible mission. Yet, our performance will set the baseline for the recovery of all other planets.
Or how about we evacuate? Earth’s health is at 12.5%. It is the 3rd planet in best health in this Universe. 2nd planet is an Avian planet isolated in quarantine with 35.4% health, and 1st is an Orion/Sirius planet in 80.4% health isolated in quarantine — and will remain isolated for at least another 100 years. Earth is the non-quarantined planet in the best shape, so evacuation won’t be an option. No.
I wanted to look at this from a different perspective. I really only care about the part of the population that can be salvaged, not the empty shells that needs to vacate the physical plane.
I will measure the following aspects.
Salvageable now / in a year / not salvageable
Death toll within 25 years of each group, excluding natural deaths
Fertility in 5 years of adults 18-40
Energetic hardship for next 5 years
Health hardship
Economic hardship
Current hardship levels for whole population: Energetic / Health / Economic
All numbers …Read More