Posts Tagged energetic protection

Why Alchemy Is an Oral Tradition

Every now and then, someone sends me an email asking where they can learn about Alchemy. That’s what I teach is all about! But there seems to be a misunderstanding. I think the question they are asking is “Where can I find books or information without making an investment in working 1-on-1.”

Throughout history, Alchemy has been an oral tradition directly transferred from masters to students. Very little of it is written, the exception being 2 books from my Alchemy teacher Jacques Tombazian who died last November.

The reason Alchemy has always been an oral tradition is because it is a transfer of consciousness. It is not just knowledge and information. Just like if you want to get a Reiki attunement, there is no book you can read that will do it. You must have a master directly work on you. With the proper knowledge of meditation, you can open up your dan-tiens and chakras but it may take years of meditation, whereas I can open them in 10 seconds. That is the difference.

Giving you the details of the Alchemy work I do would be pointless unless you are in the right state of mind to integrate it and apply it, and I know from experience that most don’t follow at all when I say things that are too disconnected from their beliefs system. It has to be experienced. Nothing speaks like reality. That is why Alchemy will always remain an oral tradition and why you must experience it for …Read More

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Operation Night Visitations

This message is from Izael, right-wing commander of Metatron. A little update about the upcoming event as we are doing the organization. Etienne has been instructed to not use fear motivations for any of his marketing even though that’s what 95% of you would respond to. He also has been instructed to be flexible with payments as the participation for the upcoming event is more important that the money itself. Of course he needs money to operate and the idea for hosting such events is to get higher-end clients who will continue the work, but as of right now, the direct energetic impact through the participation of 6 individuals is a lot more important than any up-sell. Thus, he accepts payment plans to facilitate logistics.

Following the last communique from the Avians, an operation is currently taking place for the Avians and disincarnate souls of Orion to visit various people at a much increased pace. 1.2 million people have been visited in the past week alone. Most are still confused by the experience. What does it look like? You feel a strong presence, with often a clear picture, while you are sleeping, of beings of light working on you or sharing a message with you. The Avians do not respond to people worshiping them or looking for saviors, but they do respond to those who ask questions to grow their own understanding of reality to take greater leadership over their lives.

You may have been visited yourself. If not, you can attract …Read More

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Activate Your Crystals

The ancient civilizations, especially the Lemurians, had advanced knowledge and technologies related to crystals. Although most of their technologies and knowledge are lost, there still is a lot that can be done with crystals. They can be used for healing, stabilizing your energy field, integrating shifts, protection, opening up clairvoyance and telepathic abilities, condensing your energy into a laser for more power creation of intentions, among many other uses.

One of the things I started doing recently has been to attune crystals into extremely high frequencies. I attuned Rion Kati’s crystals and he reported that their effect definitely got 10 to 20 times stronger, although it does vary over time depending on what happens in the planetary collective field. Sometimes the healing stone is burning to a point that we can barely touch it for more than a few minutes at most. There was his Nuummite stone that neither of us could hold for 5 seconds…

Attuning healing crystals into such high frequencies definitely can boost your spiritual growth, and looking at the few clients I’ve done this with so far, it did force them to grow and heal beyond what they would have done otherwise. It’s kind of tricky actually. Most people want information and want powerful objects but don’t want to changes themselves (which is why energy readings are a LOT more popular than distance healing). This crystal activation service gives you an object of power without requiring you to change… and as a side-effect, it forces you to …Read More

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Interview with a Psychic Assassin

Although I haven’t written so many articles lately, I do post a lot of information on Facebook so you can follow me on Facebook here.

I’ve seen all kinds of weird things with clients, and one of the person I’m working with right now is a psychic assassin who wrote a book through a medium. I have to say that the forces that are controlling her are very powerful and spread throughout many galaxies. As I’m clearing those out, it’s also having a HUGE impact in freeing this planet.

Although I haven’t read the book myself, several people on Facebook showed great interest in it so I thought I might as well share it. Although more information is not what I personally need, it can help many others understand what’s going on.

The book is written as fiction but I feel that there is 82.3% truth within it, combined with 17.7% fiction. I suggest to read it with your intuition and to muscle-test the information as you go.

So here you go: Interview with a Psychic Assassin

The author of the book got massive energetic attacks after writing that book and supporting her financially by getting her book would definitely be useful. As for the psychic assassin, she said she wrote the book as fiction but what she wrote then turned into reality. Probably she was psychically peeking into the future when she wrote it.

In this interview she explores the journey of Ramona, recruited from her loving parents by a secret …Read More

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Vestiges of the Past, Seeds of the Future

I want to talk about some of the ancient civilizations that were here on Earth. Why should you care? Because we’re not empowered to create our future unless we have an accurate understanding of our past. I also want to make the point that everything that was available back then, including the knowledge, technology and wisdom, is still available to us today. Which brings us to the idea that, contrary to what we’ve been thought, evolution isn’t linear but cyclical. You can quantum-leap by connecting back to the previous cycle. The objective of this article isn’t to bring solid proofs to convince skeptics, but rather, to bring enough solid pointers to stimulate your own memories if you have past lives in those areas so that you can access your own wisdom and knowledge.

Everybody heard of Atlantis. Most believe it is a myth, while the most famous philosophers in history believe it is real. Many have glimpses of past life memories in Atlantis. Where was it located? Right here: Fingal’s Cave in Scotland. These pillars of vitrified rock were the foundation. The foundation stones extend from the Hebrides all the way to County Antirm in Northern Ireland, where they appropriately refer to the formations as “Causeway of the Giants”.

Here’s some information about vitrified rocks. Modern science cannot yet reproduce this type of architecture, which you also see …Read More

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