Posts Tagged conscious evolution

The Big Flush

I’ve been in the middle of very massive energetic shifts lately, haven’t been able to work at all. However all of these energies are getting flushed like in a toilet bowl. In the past, we’ve done massive work (for years) on spiritual lunacy and they’ve fallen completely irrelevant and got out of the way. We’ve done work on Black Lives Matter and Antifa (social engineering movements funded by Georges Soros) and I haven’t heard of them for a long time. Lately the focus has been on libtard lunacy portrayed by the media. Everything the libtards believe is the exact polar opposite of everything I teach, by design. For example, the two most powerful concepts I work with are Yin/Yang sexual polarity, and your foundation and self-identity. The libtards completely corrupt the concept of sexual polarities, and fuse their self-identity around that corruption. Corrupting both core aspects at once. That’s what makes it so dangerous.

Well, it’s all going down the drain. Everyone on my Facebook is absolutely fed up with the libtard lunacy. As this major flushing was going on, the media has been focusing on a huge scandal that has been everywhere on social media: Trump separating families of immigrants like a nazi racist. However, the photos that circulated were fake or from the Obama era, and most of the arguments used by the libtards were false. Too much lies mixed into it to know what’s really going on, but after some research, this post summarizes it the best.

“Bill Clinton …Read More

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Operation Insomnia Progress Update

2 weeks ago I posted a video about Operation Insomnia, and this operation has been a huge success. The liberal insanity train is heading towards a cliff at full speed, and various signs are showing that the moderates are now distancing themselves from this insanity. Now I want to give important updates on some of the other developments.

And first, since Rion Kati is here in Mexico near my home, we’re considering maybe hosting a joint retreat before I leave towards China. It would have to be in June or beginning of July so the timing would be tight; and after that we won’t host any joint event for a long time. Last one was in Chiang Mai, Thailand, nearly 2 years ago. We’ve hosted joint events in Columbia (sold out in 2 days), Montreal, Hungary, Thailand and various other places around the world. You can view testimonials from the Bangkok 5-days intensive event here, here and here. Clients literally anti-aged by 5 years within those 5 days, on top of massive inner awakenings. I want to have an idea of who is interested in another such events. 5 days of intensive energy work and coaching with both I and Rion Kati, in a small intimate group of 5 to 7 clients. Investment is $5k each (which means $2.5k for me and $2.5k for Rion, we can’t go any lower). We have to interview each participant to see whether …Read More

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Owning the Financial Grid

Major activations are going on these days, sorry for those waiting for energy readings or crystals attunement, major energies are boiling right now. There’s some major development in regards to the financial grid and financial veil. For those who missed the previous articles about it, the financial veil is an energetic barrier preventing money from flowing between the old matrix and people of high-frequency of Divine Feminine energy, the new energetic grid. In a pyramid business to purchase gold that was growing at insane speed, an entire downline of over 100 people froze overnight when I reached the break-even point. Bitcoin took a serious hit the day I put my first $100 in it in December, and started going down the day I published the Bitcoin Predictions from a Psychic video — on those exact dates. That’s how serious the financial veil is. What I found is that it didn’t matter what was the source of income, it would always freeze and block at the break-even point with such force that it could stall any large organization or even crypto-currencies.

We’ve been trying to pierce the veil which got thinner and thinner, but it never completely broke.

A few days ago I did a few global merging. First, I requested that the Heavenly Father cannot be invoked anymore without the Heavenly Mother. Kali shall also be present. Second, I merged the essence of Kali with all currencies worldwide, which have since gone from a vibration of -400 to a vibration of 1900, …Read More

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Force of Life Training Repaired

Several people wrote me saying the Force of Life Training videos were down. Apparently Google decided that these videos were violating their terms of service? Not sure what is prohibited, embedding Google Drive videos on my website, or having videos of myself? Or it’s just part of the increasing censorship. The MP3 link at the bottom was still working though.

Well the videos are up again so if you couldn’t go through it now it should be all good.

You can sign up for the Force of Life Training here.

I also started working on a new version of the training that brings it to a whole new level — but like many other things, it’s taking a while to get it done. Need to clear up a lot of messy energies first before things can get done.

Anyway, things should be good for now. If you encounter any other technical issue, just let me know.

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Remembering vs Learning: A Blueprint for Memory Recovery

In this series of channeled book summaries, here’s another one coming from Andromedia: “Remember vs Learning: A Blueprint for Memory Recovery”. I’ve been using the new knowledge on DNA and memory structures to recover memories of an unknown past life in China, and got the memories of the whole lifetime with somewhat good clarity. However, remembering to speak the Chinese language is a different story. It requires changes to the brain structures, and 40% of the “brain cells” required for language are actually in the stomach. Thus, this article will help clarify what role the brain has in relation to the DNA memory structures.

A blueprint for memory recovery. In advanced nations, incarnation often comes with a partial loss of memories. This is due, in part, to the dissonance between the old and new environment of past and present incarnation, creating a gap in memories, and a dissociation of realities. The other reason is that many aspects of the psychic function not only through the soul but in a finely-tuned coordination between the physical body and ethereal soul.

The simplest way to look at it is this. The body is the container and the soul is the content. Let’s say you speak English in your current incarnation and Chinese in your past incarnation. Let’s say English has a round shape and Chinese has a square shape. Your body is wired to take a round shape in. If you try to put a square within the round container, it won’t fit, or you’ll …Read More

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