Posts Tagged conscious evolution

Interview Part 2: Galactic News, Space Wars, California

The 2nd part of my interview with Hock Yeoh is now ready!

We went into what’s been happening at a global level since the publication of my book The History of the Universe.

I’m measuring 99.96% accuracy and a vibration of 25 billion and above.

Watch it here!

If you haven’t seen part 1 yet, you can catch it here.

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Shifting The Business

The business is growth and shifting, slowly but surely. First, I killed the brand Emergence Guardian after seeing what it led to in the article A Peak Into The Future. The brand is dead before even being born, and a couple of things I want to mention about that.

When you build a project and it’s all about your clients and God isn’t included into it, the project must see completion to reap the rewards, otherwise it dies and is completely forgotten. When a business, project or vision is built in service to God, any actions taken by various people are cumulative and ever-lasting, whether the project sees completion or not. Emergence Guardian is dead but it has had very massive impact on the lives of many people who have stepped up to play a much bigger role in this transition this planet and Universe is going through. And their continual efforts compound on that like ripples. Emergence Guardian has served its purpose and it is time to move on. It couldn’t fully take shape because it was a place-holder brand that only makes sense in the context of ascension, and would be outdated after that. The soul of a brand must be ever-lasting.

Things are starting to take shape in the direction of building your own Inner Temple in the image of God. It’s all about growing the Inner Silence within, which is not stillness and not empty. Silence can grow and expand into creation, and your mind can be …Read More

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Activation of Earth’s Merkabah

I haven’t written much lately because energies have been very frantic with a lot to deal with ever since the mid-term elections, California wildfires and caravan started, plus dealing with a lot of stuff in China which I haven’t really spoken about. I’ve been busy.

I wanted to give some updates in regards to the global situation. 99.8% of organized dark forces on the planet are now gone. However, only 14% of it has unfolded into physical manifestation. What’s left are people’s shadows, fears, and lack of responsibility to build something to replace the old crumbling system. The awakening of the people will be a longer process, and don’t get me wrong, it won’t be pretty.

To be clear, those who are purely focusing on the dark forces and Cabal (as victims) are wasting their time. We’ve transitioned from a war against dark forces into a civil war and disruptive transition of consciousness. The focus must now be in growing ourselves to overcome the challenges to come.

What’s interesting is that nobody wanted to be involved in the energetic war and I was left mostly on my own, with very few people following. Now, for those people who did the hard work, things are going to get a lot easier, and for those who didn’t want to be involved, things are going to get harder. We’re all going through this shift one way or the other. The sooner you do your part, the easier it will be afterwards. The more you wait until …Read More

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Friends & Boundaries, a Cosmic Perspective

I was meditating on a value conflict between being humble and equal to my peers, and standing in my greatness. A value conflict is where there are two things you value that appear to conflict with each other, and you must reach a higher level of awareness where both aspects can work in harmony. Such value conflict cannot be solved just by merging the energies. There is a lesson that must be learnt first.

Many coaches say that you are the average of your 5 closest friends in every aspect, and that you should be very careful as to who you surround yourself with. Does that mean one should live secluded and aloof from his environment to stand in his own greatness? Then those very same people will go to Africa to help them and they’ll be very open to everyone, where they hold a special status. Why should one be aloof in one environment and open in another? I feel there’s more to explore in that topic, and that nobody ever brought a satisfactory answer to it.

To find answers, let’s go to my favorite place: cosmic libraries. Here’s a channeled summary of a book I wrote in a distant past life as first commander of Orion. The original text vibrates at 807000.

Friends & Boundaries, a Cosmic Perspective (summary translated to English and transmitted by Metatron)

Many leaders stumble upon a very common issue: how to relate to their environment in their daily lives. Let’s take a military general. In duty, …Read More

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Meltdown of the False Light Matrix

For the past 2 years, I worked to try to disconnect CEO Space from the False Light Matrix. Instead, the whole False Light Matrix is melting down. I guess that will do.

Current status: the Disney-Vegas grid is 99.6% down, which affected 100% of the US population and 25.8% of the world population. The False Light Matrix is 93.8% down, which affected 25.8% of the US population and 13.5% of the world population. The Libtard grid is 96.8% down, which affected 13.5% of the US population and 1.6% of the world population.

You can definitely expect some major fires with this meltdown. We’re trying to contain the explosions so that people consume themselves without causing too much external damage — which is very much what is currently happening.

Finances have also definitely shifted, with $11k USD of income this month, and $33k over the past 5 months. This is definitely melting some debts. Several other people are also reporting major opportunities showing up or major increase of income, which is a confirmation the financial grid has shifted. Now the Cabal will gradually start experiencing the “financial veil” issue, and their cashflow will gradually slow down and jam. There are also others working for the Light who still haven’t seen finances opening up, but once the grid has shifted, it will come in due time.

That’s all for now, just wanted to give a quick update.

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