Posts Tagged concrete results

What’s Keeping Spiritual People Broke Part 2

When I joined the Miracle of Money certification program, I made a commitment to help my clients break through financially. So far, I have seen them going through massive inner transformation and having huge insights and breakthroughs. But I don’t sell insights and breakthroughs, I sell concrete results. This brought me to question what’s missing in order for that specific tribe to get the financial results. Even though I officially left David Neagle’s Miracle of Money certification program, this changes nothing to my commitment. It really doesn’t matter who supports me or who gets in the way, I’m going forward anyway.

One of the reasons for the lack of financial results is value conflicts with the rest of what I’m teaching as explained here. Value conflicts are fairly easy to resolve. It simply requires a higher level of consciousness to bridge both my system and David’s system together. There is another reason for the lack of financial results, and this one is tougher to resolve.

If you look at the way money circulates, whether you have a job or a business, money flow in from like-minded people and flow out into the things you value. The easiest way to make money is to find groups of like-minded people seeking what you offer and get in front of them. I am mostly attracting young spiritual people such as indigo children and millennials. The problem is that this emerging spiritual tribe isn’t yet organized and there’s not much money circulating between …Read More

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Free Training: The Fastest Path to Cash

Do you have dreams you would like to achieve? Would you like to live abundantly from your life purpose? Your life purpose can sometimes be a scary path to step into and to follow through in a successful way… and I can tell you from personal experience that one of the main reasons is that traditional marketing and business strategies simply do not work for spirituality-oriented businesses. After hiring various coaches and marketing specialists for thousands of dollars who haven’t been able to help me at all, I found Max Simons who has been able to provide me exactly what I needed to take my business off the ground to make it work in a way that feels fully authentic to my own unique path. He’s one of the few coaches on which I am continually relying to bring me forward, and he has a great FREE opportunity coming up which I wanted to pass over to you!

It’s called… The Fastest Path To Cash.

Wouldn’t you love to cut through all the confusion and noise and know the exact next steps to take based on where you are at now?

And YOUR own unique path?

The great news is you can.

My friend Max Simon is offering a free online training all about the 4 stages of entrepreneurial growth and how you can take powerful, aligned action that is completely appropriate for where you are at NOW.

This LIVE training is going to be amazing! Read More

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The Universe’s Map To Financial Abundance – Part 2

In the first part of this article, I covered how you must focus on the cause in order to experience the consequence of money, and how to make decisions from a different place to get different results. Now, let’s look into clarifying many of the beliefs that came up regarding whether the Universe is truly abundant and unlimited.

You could say I don’t fully believe in unlimited abundance from this perspective. My belief is that I will be provided everything I need at any given moment.

This is a universal law I have been studying and it seems to be always the case: if your consciousness level is just above survival level, you will always be provided what you really need when you need it. I have yet to find an exception. You can call it a divine protection of some sort. You can also manifest your wants, and there’s a completely different energy in manifesting your needs vs manifesting your wants. You simply haven’t experienced the latter.

If there is any reason not to believe it AND apply it on our lives, it probably is because we do not know how to navigate inside this Universe. I just need to learn the map so I can navigate myself.

GREAT answer! You need to learn the proper map to be able to make it happen. In order for the map to be of any use, you must also know exactly where you stand on the map, and where you want to go. Otherwise, …Read More

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