Does your path require a deeper soul foundation to reshape your reality? Do you want to live in full alignment with the Light without compromising on your integrity nor getting distracted by the illusions of the matrix we live in? Do you want to amplify your soul power and learn to shape your reality from within, and also through concrete practical actions? Or perhaps you know you’re using only a tiny fraction of the power locked within your soul and want to recover more of it?
Great news! I will be hosting a joint Soul Foundation Retreat with Rion Kati in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. We’ve done several such events in the past in Montreal (Canada), Medellin (Columbia), Bangkok (Thailand) and Chiang Mai (Thailand) among other places and these events are extremely rare and powerful (hosting one ~every 2 years).
>> Apply for the Soul Foundation Retreat here
You’ll get access to both me and Rion Kati for 5 intensive days with 5-7 clients to reshape your understanding of reality and unlock your inner powers to shift the way you create reality. It might sound a bit vague, but when we shift deep aspects of your foundation, every aspect of your life evolves like a snowball. Clients in the past have anti-aged by 5 to 10 years within those 5 days, attracted much better relationships, learned to heal themselves and transcend their own limitations, and most importantly, gained clarity as to who they are and what they are here for.
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