Following up with the communications about the upcoming live event, with the pre-release of the book The History of the Universe and the Breaking of Spirituality, there is a topic that came up to the surface at the center of the “great spiritual conflict” that is causing so much friction: transcending mental spirituality. This is a very complex topic that I quite frankly wouldn’t know how to explain so I will let Metatron do it for me as he’s very good at explaining complex topics in simple terms that calibrate with the audience.
First, quick update about the upcoming live event on June on June 16th and 17th in Chiang Mai. There are still 3 spots available. I believe the 21 people who read the book The Story of the Universe now understand the importance of this event. There is no other way to understand the real value than to put it in its proper context, and that’s what the book is doing. There won’t be any hard selling, and if we only have 3 people attend we’ll do it with 3 people. If you understand the importance of this event as a pivotal point for the planet and a catalyst to take a much higher role within the Universe, then I trust you’ll do whatever is necessary to make it there. This is not for the faint of heart.
The rest of this message will be from Metatron.
This is Metatron, Senior of the Archangels. It …Read More