Everywhere I look, I’m hearing people being beaten down, massively in debts and totally exhausted. Even when I look at the energy field of the #1 business and money coach in the world, his two lower chakras are heavily damaged and this for sure has impacts in his life and finances. I’m not seeing many people for who things are going good and who are living in abundance. Money appears to be running out everywhere. You’re not alone.
Let me ask you. Have you lost faith? Are you beating yourself up and being depressed for attempting to improve your life and being in an even worse situation? Let me tell you, if you hadn’t been taking pro-active actions, things would be worse. All this is the result of the astral war that has been going on and everybody is exhausted on all sides. This has to stop.
I’ve had a very rough time energetically especially in the past 6 months. But when I compare to others who couldn’t protect themselves energetically in the same way, I’ve had it pretty easy. At least two grand-masters I know are in jail. Many are dead. Many energy workers are stuck. Whole countries are in bankruptcy. Most are experiencing energetic attacks they absolutely cannot handle. The banking system is collapsing. All sides of the conflicts are pushed to the edge, especially now that we passed the tipping point towards the emergence of a new global paradigm. I really had it easy.
Part of the astral war is …Read More