I came to realize that talking about femininity really triggered many women’s defenses. This really wasn’t my intention. My intention is to empower you so that you can live the way you truly desire. I came to realize that there are lots of ideas and stigmas related to femininity which distort the message. To rectify this miscommunication, let’s talk about the unshakable power of femininity.
Many people see femininity as being weak and bending to someone else’s will. It’s quite the contrary. Femininity is about having the power of winds and oceans which can shape any cliffs and mountains. It is about having such fluidity that it becomes unshakable, unstainable and unpredictable. Does water bend to the will of boats, or do boats follow the flow of water? Does the wind bend to the will of cliffs, or does it shape the cliffs?
There has been a great movement of women’s empowerment over the last 30 years which restored the rights of women which is a great thing because women have really been disrespected, abused and silenced in the past. The modern woman has become very educated and very competitive in business and in the marketplace. Many women are also telling me that they are getting annoyed by the competitiveness and rivalry of women in personal relationships. This growth of competitive power is a required phase to awaken your full potential, and I think this phase has been successful. The next phase would be to grow from competitive power to cooperative power. That’s what feminine empowerment is really about.
Here are some aspects of feminine cooperative power, with analogies to winds and oceans.
Feminine power is beauty. Harmony is beauty; beauty is power. Thus, ultimate harmony is ultimate power. If you seek true beauty, no amount of make-up can compensate for a competitive attitude or anger. What gives you true beauty? When you are naked in the morning, what makes you beautiful? It’s certainly not the clothing. When life flows through you and you live harmoniously with your environment, you can’t help but be beautiful at all times, naked or dressed.
Feminine power is cooperation. Most of our society is based upon the idea of lack. People compete for the limited jobs. Businesses compete for the limited markets. Food industries regulate productions to ensure prices remain competitive. Women even compete for attractive men! Yet, all of this is an illusion. The world has so much needs that there are plenty of constructive, productive and innovative things to do. The markets could greatly improve their lives with lots of things that are currently almost impossible to find or that are yet to be invented. Apple with his iPads was not competing with anyone but itself, striving to be the best it could be. There is plenty of food to feed the world, but we simply don’t currently have distribution mechanisms allowing that to happen. There are plenty of men for every woman. There really are no needs to compete with anyone else. I am not competing with anyone with my business. In fact, I associate with anyone who shares a similar message and intention to strengthen the message and movement. Instead of competing for the biggest part of a pie, you can work with others to build a larger pie.
Feminine power is synergy. Water flows through the ecosystems and allows life to exist. It feeds the plants and composes 60-80% of our bodies. It does not bend to the will of plants. Rather, it nourishes the plants and allows them to grow. In the same way, femininity allows men and people around you to grow. Trying to shape a man is like pulling a plant off the ground to see how the roots are growing. When you feed a man with unconditional love, support, light and water, it will grow and glow on its own, just like a plant.
Feminine power is flow. Water has no shape and for that reason, it cannot be bent or broken. The wind offers no resistance and for that reason, you cannot move or redirect it. You can shape a stone with a hammer, and the wind can shape the entire cliff. When your will has the fluidity and strength of the wind, nothing can stop it from influencing and shaping your environment.
Feminine power is vulnerability. A butterfly is beautiful because it is vulnerable. A flower is beautiful because it is vulnerable. They do not need walls and protection. Vulnerability is naked power. Naked power is beautiful. Raw beauty is powerful beyond imagination.
Feminine power is love. We’ve been thought to love people as long as they behave well and as long as they do what we want. That’s conditional love. Unconditional love is about loving people no matter what they do and no matter how they behave. Unconditional love is also not directed towards anyone. It is about shining love to everyone and everything on this planet and beyond, including your father, your ex-boyfriend and the stranger on the street. Unconditional love has nothing to do with relationships. It is a way of being that you carry with you and shine through the world.
Feminine power is absolute. It is a connection to God, the source of life, the universe or however you want to call it. Life flows through you through that spiritual connection, and because its source is absolute, the feminine power is absolute.
All the principles described above are also essential for men to bring balance to their life and actions.
I am aware that there is a huge gap between the image of a modern powerful woman and this description of absolute feminine power. It can be difficult to bridge that gap to make these abstract concepts more real in the modern world. Take a sheet of paper, turn it horizontally and separate it into three columns. In the first column, write what your life currently is in terms of beauty, cooperation, synergy, flow, vulnerability and love. In the second column, write how you would like your ideal life to be regarding each of these aspects.
Now, let go of any preconceived ideas of women or femininity you may have, for the purpose of this exercise. The Shine video is the video with the strongest feminine energy ever produced in history. Although it is very different from the common idea of women power, this exercise will allow you to understand how it can bring an immense healing, awakening and empowering effect to me and many other men. Many men have overcome porn addiction, developed great self-confidence and became comfortable around women, just by watching videos like this. There is definitely some mysterious power here. Watch the Shine video and pay attention to the specific aspects of beauty, cooperation, synergy, flow, vulnerability and love, and write your observations in the third column of your sheet.
Finally, for women, I’d like to know more about YOUR idea of femininity. What was your idea of female power before reading this article? What was your idea of femininity before reading this article? How did it make you feel? Post your comments with your point of view! Only by clarifying our visions of the words can we clarify the communication.
So far, 4 of the 6 people who came to Medellin, Colombia, for the Self-Awakening and Transformation Live Event are also coming to the Montreal event. There are currently confirmed guests to the Purpose and Prosperity Live Event flying to Montreal from Canada, United States, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland and United Arab Emirates, with several others who aren’t yet confirmed. However, there is currently only a single woman registered. It would be great to have more women take part of this transformational experience. What really distinguishes me from other purpose and money coaches is that, as an Alchemist, I work intensely with feminine energy and its powerful transmutation power.
Lastly, please share this article on Facebook and to the women you know. The authentic power of femininity is an idea that deserves to be spread, debated and elaborated.
Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
>> Get a Soul Alignment Reading to kick-start your awakening journey!
#1 by Doug on June 13, 2012 - 12:09 am
HI. I tend to agree with your notions but I am not a female. I’m interested in acquiring beautiful females so if you could help with that I’d definitely appreciate.
#2 by admin on June 13, 2012 - 12:11 am
If you can see the female beauty within them, you can bring it out of them. Sex is the by-product of connecting with a woman. It’s the simplest thing in the world.
#3 by Rosalyn Goh on June 13, 2012 - 5:25 am
I was reading some of your thoughts on the prior articles and I thought I'd add that I had been discussing some of your entries with my boyfriend recently. He and I had a really interesting discussion that paralleled some of your comments on the prior blog posts related to this one regarding feminine energies.
I never thought about feminine energy this way but both him and I came to discuss what we thought was feminine and what was not. He said just what you did here, that he did not see passive behavior as feminine. I made some observations about the hardness of some of the women I meet here in southern California who feel they have to be very masculine to be successful.
He also commented about how he felt a good number of men also did not fully embrace their full masculinity. It's interesting because to a good number of people, since he likes to cook, garden, is nurturing, and peace oriented, a large number of people have mistook him for being gay and not straight (though I have no idea what they saw.. I did not feel this way about him).
I'm glad you clarified what can be mistaken as femininity. I feel the current perceptions of passivity as being feminine are way off the mark. I was exploring some of this in my early 20's with another ex and we both started researching Goddess archetypes.. I have recently come to find there are God archetypes for men as well. I found it interesting that a good number of them are quite powerful but in their own ways.
I also explored my sexuality a great deal during that time and came to find a way of expressing that differently. It is interesting that you wrote about tantric sex because I don't know much about it but I have found the flow with my boyfriend is very different and .. there is a definite flow as he puts it between us that takes thing to another level. One night he actually put it in terms of "closing the circuit" between us. I find the sexual flow to be extremely compelling. It is definitely rooted in the energetic connection between us.
I could go on and on about this but I find your posts clarify things I have observed myself in my own life.
Another note: I have found personally I am more drawn to balanced men who embrace femininity and are also masculine. That is difficult to find though and oftentimes those men comment about how many people mistake them as gay or try to classify them as metrosexual in an attempt to box them in.
I have also noticed personally that men who are very used to "feminine" as being "passive" are severely threatened by my connection to my femininity and with that, a connection to my sexual power as well. I have noticed those men (especially if I have to work with them) tend to become aggressive and very controlling in response to me. I don't think this is conscious. I lived in a rural area for a few years with very backwards ideas of feminine and masculine and found I threatened people just by existing. That was an odd experience.
I have found the types of men I tend to like are not threatened at all and tend to have female friends. I don't think this is a coincidence. As you could expect, macho macho guys who think men don't feel, are rigid and controlling, aggressive do not interest me and those men tend to only be interested in my physical looks.
Anyways this is getting too long so I'll stop here. Thank you for posting and discussing this topic in detail. I believe it will be of great assistance to those who might have never thought about it otherwise. I found it clarified and confirmed my own thoughts and observations, which is a great thing.
I definitely feel feminine is not passive. It is extremely powerful but … differently. I find it expresses itself in an unpredictable, flowing fashion just as you put it, like the oceans and winds.
#4 by Doug on June 13, 2012 - 10:42 am
That’s what I prefer to do but it seems like women shun that notion and their own femininity which is a shame. I love feminine beauty but can’t seem to access it regularly despite my good looks and charm. Can you help that situation?
#5 by Chris on June 13, 2012 - 10:49 am
Talking about you & your power to shake up
others at start
As per Darla
Try maybe:
Women would you like to be more …
Would you like to achieve….
And then, hell , why bother just women?
People : would you rather/ want/ have deep
Strengthen sexual power?
Make more money?
Have life clarity?
Sent by iPhone with wishes for joy, love, abundance & clarity in your life NOW….
#6 by Bushra on June 13, 2012 - 11:07 am
What a wonderful piece of article that was! Congrats on that! You always bring the suttle yet the most powerful aspect of any topic out and provoke some deep soul searching, knowing and realization!
You are so right on all what Feminine Power is……. I now live in that power, coz I know that its true and its there. Culturally women have been supressed and that made a general impact that women dont equal up to men…
For me feminity is feeling beautiful right from the center of the soul, Feeling attractive without any artificial lashes or colors. Feeling powerful even in the toughest times of trial..Feeling empowered with what she already is bestowed upon by God!
BTW, am I the only woman you referred to as part of the registrants so far? I guess your website gave an impression out that, its mainly for men. Whether it is to attract the opposite sex, or even in terms of the programs you have offered like Rions.
I so want people to know about your work, and more women to come forward to know your work and be part of it, so I have posted it on FB, Twitter and LI.
You know what? I can already feel this amazing man energy from the workshop, and all this while I have been thinking that it could only be a thought……..but now I see this lovely time at the workshop, learning, sharing and empowering….! I wish the class is friendly and fun as well:-) All excited about the first trip outide Asia, and to attend the workshop!
Any decision on the hotel? I wish to book for an airport transfer, as already my flight lands at 7:20AM on the 29th and have to hurry…to freshen up and be there on time! Also I wanted to check with you, if I can avail of Halal food (without pork and alchohol)..Let me know..!
#7 by Barry Hammer on June 13, 2012 - 8:50 pm
I am a man, and am comfortable with my masculinity, but I have many of the gentle, cooperative, yet very powerful, qualities that you describe as being "feminine". To me, these qualities are not particularly "feminine" or "masculine", but, rather, they are found in people, of either gender, who are psychologically mature and spiritually evolved, compassionate, warmhearted, "old souls." It is time for both women and men to accept this natural aspect of their "human-being", and appreciate its true strength, beauty, and weakness, instead of dispising it as somehow being "weak", "contemptible", and "inferior."