The Purpose and Prosperity Live Event was last week-end and it was really amazing. I really gave my maximum (10am to 10pm for 3 days) so that the guys get the results. They had a very profound inner transformation and now have clarity about the exact actions to take for their desires to become a prosperous reality.
Since we had a woman from Dubai in the group, I could see the impact of Self-Awakening videos on her and the way she resists or reacts to it. There was resistance to the feminine energy. That’s because femininity means vulnerability which exposes all the fears and insecurities within. That’s the reason why women have resistance to the feminine energy.
In order to awaken the feminine in a safe way, it may be important to first ground masculinity to the earth in order to create a zone of protection. Once that masculine core is grounded and a woman can energetically protect herself without walls, then it becomes safe to open up her beauty like a flower.
Also, I previously talked about the concept of dominant polarity. The issue is not really about that. Masculinity and femininity are two different and separate aspects, like your left leg and your right leg. There’s no point in comparing them, you need both. The solution is to simply honor and respect the feminine as much as you honor and respect the masculine. Once a woman honors, respects and develops her femininity, everything naturally falls into proper balance. Masculinity is essential …Read More