Posts Tagged 2012

2012 Consciousness Shift, What Happened?

Yesterday was the end of the Mayan calendar. It’s not the end of the world; it’s the end of the calendar. Many associate that date with the beginning of a new golden age of consciousness and prosperity. Those who don’t know will say nothing happened, and those who know will say everything happened. What has been your experience on December 21st 2012? Here’s my experience.

First let me explain how the Mayan calendar works. It represents cycles of evolution where each new cycles is 20 times shorter and 20 times faster than the previous cycle. That would explain why everything seems to be speeding up in our society. Around 1998, we went from an era of 13 periods of 20 years to an era of 13 periods of 1 year. That’s about when the spirituality movement first started emerging. During the whole year 2012, we went from an era of 13 periods of 1 year to an era of 13 periods of 20 days, and lots of stuff has been happening during that year. On December 8th 2012, we moved onto an era of 13 periods of 1 day. The explanation of the 2012 consciousness shift I posted over a year ago has proven to be very accurate.

Ever since December 8th, I have been feeling a whirlwind inside and haven’t been able to get any work done. I asked a few other people and there are many others who started feeling itchy, all over the place, distracted, with high …Read More

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The Next Level

There’s a lot going on right now, and a lot of crazy stories. I arrived in Thailand last week and I’ve been integrating a very different energy which amplified a profound shift in me. I’ll share some of what’s going on to give you an idea of what it is like to live at the next level.

First, business-wise, I finally clarified where I really want to head with all this. Really, I’m here to make a real difference in the world and to empower people into living a greater life. My life purpose or dharma is to guide a specific tribe to achieve something specific with their lives. The connection with that tribe is really like an electric wire, where the current (and communication) either passes or doesn’t. I realized I could intuitively measure to what percentage the current connects through that wire. I help spirit-driven people break old habits and integrate new knowledge to make a real difference in the world. My intuition says the current passes 99.3% with these words. This is a big shift with my business, and this is what will allow me to reach a whole new level. I figured out it would be easier to take people living their purpose and bring them into spirituality, than to take people in spirituality and bring them into action; and the action part is really what leverages the whole transformational process.

Then, I had forgotten 95% of the Thai basics I had, and I learned back conversation-level Thai …Read More

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Biggest Self-Transformation Event Ever

Here are some updates. Up until now, I only organized small intimate events with 6 or 7 clients for a powerful transformation experience. 4 of the 6 people who fled from United States, Denmark and Sweden to the live event in Medellin in Colombia are also coming to the Montreal event, which is great. The focus of the Montreal event has shifted to help people awaken their inner powers from a higher perspective, to step into their life purpose in a way that can earn them good money. So far there are 10 people confirmed for the event with a few more that are not yet confirmed. Yet, there is only a single person from Montreal joining, and a single woman. This makes it the largest event I ever organized, and this event will be an intimate group of probably around 15 people which will allow us to work specifically on the situations of every attendees. This is great for me, and great for you.

This new approach to self-transformation definitely addresses a huge need. There are so many people in spirituality who want to make a positive difference in the world yet have no clue how to make money from their ideas… and traditional business approaches often DO NOT WORK for spirituality-oriented projects and businesses. That being said, my approach is not for everybody. What I teach is for spiritually-conscious people, especially men, who respect and honor the feminine energy and who are serious about taking bold actions to achieve …Read More

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Could a Moneyless Society Exist?

Jacque Fresco of The Venus Project released a new documentary: Paradise or Oblivion. Here’s my review of the movie.

First of all, I have to say I have immense respect for Jacque Fresco. The critics I’m bringing here are not to devalue his work but to bring the discussion to a deeper level in order to bring the ideas closer to our lives and reality.

The critics he makes about the financial systems are true. What he doesn’t mention is that there are currently actions being taken to remove the group causing corruption from power. A lawsuit has been deposed against the G7 Central Banks, CEOs of banks are resigning in record numbers and a mass-arrest is being organized to arrest those involved in that high-level corruption. You can read about all the details here.

On the other side, he doesn’t make the distinction between the financial system and the energy of money. Money is energy and energy will always exist, no matter how it is expressed. It is what allowed society to evolve the way it has. Money is what allowed the internet to exist. Money is a tool to extend service beyond physical reach. Think for a second about what it requires to bring you a computer. It requires rare minerals and materials coming from several continents. It requires high-level technologies that have been developed in different countries. It requires a …Read More

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