3 different people asked me why I am hosting a transformation event for women. It looks this is an important detail. Here’s why I want to bring this to women.
I have been in this awakening journey for many years and have seen a very drastic and fast shift in my own life. I have also seen many male clients’ lives transforming and evolving very quickly. One of the secret keys that unlocked everything for me is pure Goddess energy. The healing powers it provides are mind-blowing. What I’ve notice is that while men are drawn to that purity, women tend to be afraid of that level of vulnerability. Goddess energy is really about openness and vulnerability. Since people have all kinds of beliefs about what femininity is and what power is, tapping into peak states of Goddess energy and surrendering to that higher inner truth also threatens the beliefs women build around these topics. What I’m talking about here is an intensity of energy that most have never experienced in their entire lives. This also holds tremendous power.
While men get tremendous healing benefits from this Goddess energy and become very grounded, it also creates a disbalance between men and women as they can hardly find any women around them who are in touch with that Goddess energy and who are at their level energetically. There are many female healers and coaches who greatly develop themselves energetically and spiritually, yet very few tap into that Goddess energy. In order to heal the disbalance …Read More