Posts Tagged wealth energy

April Updates

It’s been nearly 2 months since the last update. After the week of travels in Belize where I got 6 months worth of energy work done within a week, energies fell back down like crazy and I haven’t been able to do any work since then. I know these past few months have been rocky for various people. I’ve been focusing mostly on healing myself and working with clients who also have been seeing amazing transformations. There is so much to talk about. I’ll just throw in a whole bunch of topics; each of which could easily take a whole article to cover properly.

First, money-wise, I made $20k in the two months before this trip to Belize for the first time, and although I haven’t been able to do any work since, I still had recurring income covering my expenses so this really hasn’t affected my finances. I knew there are periods where I can’t function properly because of shifting global energies and designed my business in consequence. Also, I just went to Los Angeles for a business mastermind event and this trip was unbelievably inexpensive: $331 for Cancun-Los Angeles round-trip and $151 for hotel. By creating a recurring source of income, I can focus on doing only healing work without having to worry about the money. Talking of finances, I’ll soon be hosting a 4-part training series specifically about creating financial freedom.

Second, I came onto a video of a Chinese grand-master who could push people around with his energy. …Read More

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7 Reasons Money Is Important For Awakening Souls

In the article 21 Traits of an Awakening Soul, many commentators of the original article mentioned that they had difficulty with money. One of the main reason they mentioned is that Awakening Souls tend to see money as dirty, corrupt and useless. Yet, this poor relationship with money brings a lot of suffering. Let’s explore 7 reasons why money is important for awakening souls. If you don’t value money in itself, you must at least value the outcome it brings into your life.

1. Money is power, and you cannot do good without power

Let’s face it. Money gives you access to resources and access to people. It allows you to get, have or achieve anything you want or anything you need, especially since you can always hire others to do what you can’t do on your own. If you want to help orphan children, for example, perhaps you can help 2, 5 or even 10 children on your own, but you will need money to give support on any significant scale.

Money is power, and is neither good nor bad. It’s what you do with it that makes it either good or bad, and you need it to have a significant positive impact in your community or in the world. Also, here’s the reason charitable organizations fail to improve the state of the world. They provide value out of donations, and can only do so much until they run out of money. It is not scalable. If, however, they could solve specific problems while generating a …Read More

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How to Adapt To Energy Shift (FREE Video)

A lot has been happening lately around the world. Among other things, a simultaneous violent protests/war/coup in Ukraine and Venezuela, and the same thing might happen in Thailand. Legit protests from the people are generally peaceful, and when they turn violent, it is usually because Western authorities, or what I call the Cabal, are manipulating the crowds for their own agenda. They have been doing it over and over again with great success, generally on rogue countries who start acting against US’ interests.

And on the good side, the Cabal, who is trying to control the world, has been defeated on the energetic level. As a result of that, things will be shifting on a worldwide scale on a very deep level. Our society may shift up-side-down very soon, in a good but challenging way. Several people have been writing me over the last few days because of extremely heavy stuff going on in their lives. So, if you are feeling things shifting within or outside of you and are having a hard time with it, here is a video that will help you adapt to the energy shift. Enjoy!

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Talking About the Force of Life With Others

For years it has been a challenge to talk about the spiritual knowledge I’m sharing related to the Force of Life. It is very different from what most people are used to, even in the spiritual community. If you’ve been following me for a while, you’re also probably having a hard time talking about it with anyone so you keep it to yourself. I keep hearing this over and over again.

However, things really start to grow much faster once you start sharing ideas and breakthroughs back and fourth with friends. You are then creating a mastermind. When two minds join together to talk about this, it doesn’t bring twice the results, it brings 5 times the results. If you continually share with 3, 5 or even 10 people, then you’re really creating a different reality at lightning speed.

So how can you find people who are aligned with where you are going? Although the friends you currently have may not understand anything when you talk to them about this stuff, I’m sure some of them are open to new ideas. The Force of Life FREE Training I’m hosting on August 3rd is designed to reach people who are totally new to this and get them to understand this new reality.

I’m sure that at least 2 or 3 of the people you know would be open to at least check it out, and then you can ask them their opinion about it. Don’t try to convince people. Just speak your …Read More

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