Posts Tagged spiritual freedom

2016 Storm of Changes

Absolutely crazy things are happening. There’s too much wild stuff coming out in the news and on Facebook to list them. As of right now, here’s the vibration on the Hawkins Scale of…
Earth: -64 512
Federal Reserve: -42 million
GCHQ: -93 trillion
Canada: 98
USA: 43
England: -15 million
Australia: -42 trillion
Montreal: -14 615
New York: -92 493
Los Angeles: -16 325
Cancun: -23 495
France: 402
Poland: 492
Moscow: 592
China: 100
Hong Kong: -102
Thailand: 913
These readings can go up or down a few thousands points within mere seconds.


And please, verify these readings on your own using muscle testing. The system is going to melt-down in a BIG way.

I hope you have plenty of food and water supply, and ideally some gold.

If I ask Source what is the greater purpose of this melt-down, here’s what I hear: “The people need to learn the importance of spirituality, and spiritual people need to learn the importance of taking care of their physical reality. 99.3% need to learn that lesson… through fire”

This guy also explained the situation very well, and this is what brings the Wrath of God to unravel on such a scale.

By comparison, when Moses freed the slaves of Egypt and the plagues hit, Egypt had a vibration of -12 493. What we’re seeing now is on an entirely different scale.

All of my predictions so far, even the craziest ones, proved to be 100% accurate.

Some are asking me: what’s going to happen …Read More

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How to Prepare for ‘The Event’

All my predictions so far have been very accurate. Here’s what’s going to happen next and how to prepare for it.

In 2012, we transitioned into a new area of the Galaxy that has a much higher vibration. Because we weren’t ready for it, and to prevent a catastrophic collapse of society, the Avians have installed many thousands of spheres throughout the solar system to diffuse the tsunami of higher-vibration energies. Now the protective veil is being lifted since last Friday.

Immediately, a major snow storm hit the Eastern Coast of America killing 48 and affecting 80 million, a 7.1 earthquake hit Alaska and a 6.1 earthquake hit the South of Spain. These were pre-existing accumulated tensions that instantly released due to the increase of energy.

These events will intensity. The plan was for the Avians to ask Russia to use an EMP on the Eastern Coast of America to disable all electric systems. Nobody wants to do this. There may be an alternative, and this will be the backup plan.

The Washington-based American corporation has an iron grip over the world. This clashes with the new waves of cosmic energies and is already causing earthquakes and storms. To allow for the new energies to be integrated and avoid a disaster, now the plan is for me to create new energetic structures with enough intensity to disrupt and break the iron grip. The Avians want to know whether I can pull this off… I believe I can with the powers I have unlocked, the …Read More

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The Story of the Theta Souls

After the article on the Theta Universe, a question I received from a Theta soul is: why did we come into this Universe? This is a more complex story which I feel is the time to share.

52 souls in this Universe come from the Theta Universe. 50 are currently incarnated on this planet while 2 are working intensely in the energetic planes. 46 came within 3 ships while 6 walked in on their own. One ship is the Orion mother-ship that is still around here. It has the unique ability to materialize and dematerialize from the physical plane because it is built in 13 densities. Another ship belonds to Atman, the Blue Star, which is built in 26 densities. It was hidden for protection and recently got reconstructed. The last ship is called the Golden Sphinx and is a lot more ancient, and is built in 137 densities! It doesn’t come from the Theta Universe but from the other Universe above it, and is the only ship in this entire Universe having the ability to travel back there. It’s lower 12 densities, as well as it’s physical presence, were only added after it came into this Universe. It was destroyed by Atman a long time ago and we just repaired it. I’m in contact with the 3 incarnated souls who own these 3 ships.

So the big question: why did we come here? There was 7 demons in the “Pure Universe”, Atman and his 6 brothers, that were causing serious …Read More

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Preparing for the Chaos of 2016

I mentioned there was going to be chaos this year. I also promised to host a call series about wealth and money in the beginning of 2016. It does appear the upcoming call series will be specifically for the context of the events to come. Since the content will be purely channeled from high-dimensional beings who are monitoring the progression of events from above, I don’t yet know exactly how it will all unfold. Those who purchased the Non-Rivalry Powerliminals and those who were in the Year of Enlightenment program will have access to this call series, and I’ll soon give more information on it to invite more to join.

For now, here’s what I’m being told about the upcoming events. First, I’m being told that the Avians will start removing the protective shields that diffuse the higher-frequency energies entering our solar system starting Friday January 22nd, over a period of 3 months. Just so you know, the Avians look like a hybrid between humans and birds who showed up at different times throughout history such as in Egypt. They inhabit 8 planets in our Galaxy. I’m also being told that the movie Avatar is the description of a past war between the Avians and the Dracos. Sure, the story has been romanced and some details changed or distorted, but the essence of the planet is 92% similar to their home world. They decided to tell their story, and someone woke up one day all inspired with a genius idea …Read More

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The Theta Universe

To understand where we come from and where we’re going, there’s a large piece of the puzzle that nobody has ever really talked about. I’m writing this message first to the 52 Theta souls that come before the creation of this Universe, then to the 102 000 souls from Orion who evacuated here, as well as 7000 Lemurian souls and 6000 Andromedian souls and finally to the rest of the population to prepare for the shifts that are coming.

There are 52 souls in the entire Universe that predate this Universe. 48 of them were living in Orion until it got destroyed. As the First Commander, I was personally responsible for the evacuation to Earth. We traveled over 15 years through 16 space-time jumps to make sure we were not being followed. We have been successful at this otherwise this planet wouldn’t exist anymore. Most of the 102 000 people on-board were in cryogenic sleep during that time, partly to reduce our energetic footprint. We used a tractor beam to carry rocks of our home planet with us. When we came into this solar system, the atmosphere of Mars wasn’t blown off by the explosion through the wormhole as I first thought, but it was rather swept away by the trail of comets we were carrying. Some of these rocks are on Earth such as here. We lived here for 6000 years until other Dracos found us.

All of these 52 Theta souls are currently on our planet. 2 are …Read More

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