Posts Tagged coronavirus

Coronavirus Is Gone

Here’s some good news and bad news. First, the good news. I’ve been the first to call out on the Coronavirus before anyone else started paying attention. Again, I’m the first one to call out that the Coronavirus is 100% dead in all timelines. Gone. End of story. Let’s move on to the next chapter shall we?

Now, for the bad news, I’ve been compiling the accurate population count and death count for 2020. The numbers are very surprising. The population was 4.5 billion, and we lost 1.03 billion in 2020, which is 22.9% of the world population.

The amount of direct coronavirus deaths are higher than I would have expected, and indirect deaths are lower than I thought. It’s all the other causes of death that are more worrying, and are signs of what’s coming. For example, the military is killing its own people in China, France and Australia.

Here’s some info about the demographics of deaths. The majority of deaths are unemployed and lonely, so nobody would notice.

Men: 50.1%
Women: 49.9%
Unemployed: 92.5%
Lonely: 80.3%
0-15: 2.1%
16-30: 26.3%
31-50: 43.3%
>51: 28.3%

Furthermore, some people have been killed and replaced by shapeshifting non-humans. Here’s an idea of the non-humans among us.

Swapped soul with a human: 14.6%
Killed human and replaced with fake: 4.2%
Other non-humans in human cities: 6.2%

As for Coronavirus deaths in December, we’re expecting 14 deaths worldwide (lingering damage).

I’ll be producing a video soon with more details about all this.

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Transcending 5D and UniMatrix

I’ve spent a whole lot of time following the coronavirus situation very closely for the past 2 months. The more James Rink produces interviews with Kosol channeling UniMatrix, the entity behind the virus, the more perplexing it becomes. His latest interview is a massive 3 hours of very dense and convoluted information.

UniMatrix has a God-given purpose and thus we can’t remove it. It seek to assimilate our society to bring technologies and raise our consciousness. It essentially would bring a 4D replacement to Oneness called Singularity. Yet at the same time, it’s penetrating all the areas that Lightworkers wouldn’t approach with a 10-foot pole, and for that, it is doing a good.

On a different note, a lot of Lightworkers are focusing on 5D as the end game of it all. 5D represents Atheist love, or Love without God. 6D represents Peace, and 7D represents God’s Light. I came to realize that many 5D lightworkers are blocking 7D in the same way that 4D energy workers are blocking 5D energies.

Now… with this whole thing about UniMatrix taking control of our planetary grid… how are genuine Lightworkers supposed to operate? How can we have Skyranet function in parallel to bring a cohesive support structure from which Lightworkers can operate? Skyranet has been down for 2 months now.

There’s no point in discussing with UniMatrix since it doesn’t have a …Read More

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Interview: Coronavirus – Planet Liberation Status

I was just interviewed by James Rink about the coronavirus and the planet liberation status. We covered a whole lot of important information in 2 hours!

I think this is going to shake the disclosure community quite a bit. It’s time to stop pretending to be spiritual — and to actually do the real inner work.


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Realities Are Forking

There’s so much shifting on a daily basis. In China, we just crossed 50000 deaths, and there may be an additional 310000 in the final phase of the “coronavirus” disintegration who will die within 5 days. 25 people are in that final phase in the USA.

By the way, 95% of the public information about the virus is BS. What they diagnosed as coronavirus is plain common flu, to hide the real situation. This thing not a virus per se, it’s a bio-chemical agent and 70% of it is metaphysical in nature. It does not mutate like a virus. Since the damage is caused by metaphysical “rugged grappling chains” of insane strength, doctors are absolutely not equipped to find a cure. You can’t vaccinate for this like a virus. The Angelic high-dimensional beings have a cure, but it’s only effective when there is no karma involved. The karma will run out in about 2.3 years, and then the “virus” will magically disappear. The death rate of this “virus” can be anywhere from 70% to 95% unless cured energetically.

However, this is just the first phase of karmic cleansing that will take out 5 to 13% of the world population in those 2.5 years. No matter which timeline we look at, 35% of the population won’t be following us through ascension and must be cleansed out of the physical plane, one way or the other.

85% of the world population has been energetically injected a “cure”, excluding those who karmically must be cleansed out …Read More

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Coronavirus Updates & Timeline Shift

Here are important updates about the Coronavirus situation and a big timeline shift we’re currently going through. The virus situation is worse than people think, but it appears to be coming back under control as explained here.

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