Correct me if I’m wrong… but did our heart ‘magically’ shift into the center? Not only that, but it’s almost twice bigger. Don’t believe me? Look at any anatomy picture in Google and see if it matches what you remember! It took me a week to digest this before writing about it… I think I will let Metatron do the speaking on this one while I get my head together. I believe 86.6% remember the heart as having been on the left, while 13.4% remember things to have always been the way they are right now, which makes this whole effect even more interesting.
This is Metatron, Senior of the Archangels. There has been a lot of questions and confusion regarding the Mandela Effect. Usually it happened with small unimportant details that could go unseen. This time, however, it happened with your own bodies. How? Why? What else changed? Let’s bring some clarifications.
The Mandela Effect is caused by the merging of timelines. Under normal circumstances, our time is not linear as we think but it is still a continuous flow. In Dr. Strange movie, when Dr. Strange played with time, he was rebuked that he wasn’t controlling time but breaking and fragmenting it. Such fragmentation of the timeline is what creates anomalies. As described in The History of the Universe, there has been a time travels war during the psychic war that has fragmented the timeline into many trillions of timelines. It has been predicted that such …Read More