Posts Tagged lucifer

Elon Musk Take-Over Explained

As you probably know, Elon Musk just purchased Twitter. What’s really going on?

There also has been tons of timeline merges lately. A lot of lightworkers really got hammered the past few days. My daughter stayed up two nights straight saying it wasn’t safe to sleep. What’s going on?

I’ve also had Elon’s face in my mind a lot lately. What’s going on?

One morning, after my daughter stayed up all night and I barely got any sleep, I was about to catch some sleep, then saw Elon immitating shooting a gun with his hand while making the sound with his mouth; warping timelines. Is he using timeline warps to target lightworkers?

Another question. If he’s such a defender of free speech, why threaten the existence of Truth Social by purchasing its direct competitor right in the middle of the launch? Why not purchase it a year before or a year after? It’s a question worth asking.

We worked on clearing veils and illusions around him, and now can clearly see the intent of purchasing Twitter vibrating at -25 million, and his core intent vibrating at -95 million.

He’s purchasing Twitter for two main reasons. First, to cut Truth Social dead in its track, and second, to use it to push the transhumanism agenda. He’ll require every human to authenticate with their credentials, and will add NeuroLink into it.

Is he doing a good job of defeating the Satanists while a new group gains more power?

My Satanist shadow is responsible for this mess, so the Satanists definitely …Read More

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The Death of Thoth and March Updates

What a year! We’ve been battling my shadow for months, Dark Sophia for months, Dark Lucifer for months, and then Thoth for months. I am pleased to announce that Thoth is officially dead across all timelines. On the exact same day as the Ukraine war escalated. Curious timing. There remains just a few tiny fragments roaming around, to keep a watch on. I get the bragging rights for killing Thoth, who was WAY above my level. It’s like playing a computer game and killing the lvl89 boss with a lvl25 character.

There remains my shadow (Satan), Lucifer’s shadow, and Sophia’s shadow to clear across all timelines. I worked the whole week to clear Sophia’s shadow on all levels, which is further causing a massive collapse of dark forces. I’m now working on my shadow below ground, as 85% of the aggressive energies in Mexico are my own soul energy.

This collapse of dark forces is causing timelines to collapse and merge, healing the timeline fragmentation. This means that you’ll be facing weird shadow versions of yourself merging with you, and it’s a fight for survival as to which version of yourself will survive. Many people are struggling with this. Honestly, the best support to deal with those merging timelines is to have stable anchor points with Juggernauts. Other than that we’re all on our own path. We had 48 billion timelines. It’s now at 200 million timelines. We’ll have 565000 timelines left within 2 months. Fasten your seat-belt.

My coaching practice is also …Read More

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Thoth – The Elephant in the Room

In the last article, I exposed the planetary harvest plan of Metatron, and noticed that Thoth was above both Lucifer and Metatron. Strangely, neither the Ethernals movie nor the seminaire video even mentioned anything related to Thoth. Is it the big pink elephant in the room that nobody has been allowed to see?

He’s using top-level magic to hide himself while working from the shadows behind his minions.

Now that I’m starting to deal with this situation, I’m seeing that Thoth operates at a much higher level when it comes to illusions. He already fooled me several times in a few days, so we have to be very careful. He’s not fooling my daughter though.

I talked about 2 big problems that I’m seeing right now. First, people who get vaccinated have DNA modifications that trap their soul in a matrix-style incubator within 3 days. Covid antigen test traps about 14% of the soul each time and has the same effect as the vaccine after 6 times. None of the detox methods help in any way in this regards.

It makes the soul part of a giant bionic brain, and the soul is harvested at death to remain part of the bionic brain. One important belief to implant pre-harvest is “we are all one” (48.4% accuracy). Another belief that is heavily implanted is “everything is an illusion” (14.6% accuracy), which is important to get us out of the way but it doesn’t produce the ideal harvest.

The second problem are timeline …Read More

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Planetary Harvest and Metatron

To plug the pieces together of everything that happened since the beginning of the pandemic, the movie Ethernals gives half of the answers, and this video about the Fall of Metatron explains the other half. From there, all the pieces are starting to connect together.

According to that video, the drama started 250 billion years ago with Gate 11 blowing up. Accuracy check? 38.2%, distortion 1.0% It talks of the Elohim Orion group guarding Gate 11 and the Draconians guarding Gate 10 being at war with each other. Accuracy of this being the case? 100%. I’m getting that this is part of the story but it doesn’t start there — but ancient Orion wars 250 billion years ago are a big piece of the puzzle. Perhaps Elohim herself can comment on this?

The video then talks of the Eye of Brahman, which looks like the Eye of Horus in Alchemy at 12.5D to access the higher planes — which completely restructured and dissolved this year. After the dissolution of the Eye of Horus, we went from having access to 9 stable rays of creation into having access to 64 unstable rays. It also talks about the Eye of Metatron created at 11.5D that was a one-way reflection lens to stabilize the shadow matrix.

It talks about how through a series a bad experiments, it got to a situation where 89% of the Jehovani-Metatron collective turned into reversal. The shadow parts were still connected …Read More

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Spiritual Money… or Luciferian Money?

Back when I launched the God & Money Masterclass in early 2020, I talked about the financial veil that was completely blocking the flow of money for many people. It’s like hitting a solid wall. I would literally buy BitCoins and the market could crash in that instant, and there has been many such incidents.

I talked about the collision between the old Matrix and the new Divine Matrix, that are mixing like oil and water. Since then, the backbone of the old secular matrix has collapsed.

Some of you might be thinking: I’m just manifesting it, and that there are wealthy spiritual people out there.

Let’s take a fresh look here.

I was looking at all the spiritual money coaches and measuring these two questions using muscle-testing:

What % grip has Lucifer over their inner financial center?What is their willingness to let it go?

When you have Luciferian entanglement, money will only flow in when you have conscious or non-conscious agreement with the Luciferian agenda.

I cannot find a single spiritual money coach that has less than 30% Luciferian entanglement and more than 10% willingness to let it go!

What about Bob Proctor? I like Bob Proctor. I really like him. I measure that Lucifer has 32.4% grip over his financial center, with 1.2% willingness to let it go. Bob Proctor consultants have on average 43.8% Luciferian grip with 0.5% willingness to let it go. Working with them would lead to an energetic collision.

David Neagle, 75.3% Luciferian grip, with 3.2% willingness to let it go.

Mind Valley… 95.8% …Read More

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