Posts Tagged elon musk

DNA-Level Healing

In my new approach to energy healing, first I look at getting into the right timelines. We’ve made major progress on that front. The second aspect is DNA-level healing.

The first thing I look at is what % of your DNA supports you and what % is blocking you. Most people have their DNA 10-25% supporting them, and ~90% blocking them. That’s linked with their parents and ancestry. All that needs to be transmuted.

Another aspect is a DNA frequency scale supposedly between 1 and 9. Most people are between 2 and 4. I said, the limit is actually 15. We’ve been working on Pistis Sophia and she said, I don’t care. My kid’s DNA went from 2.5 to 27.5, and now I’m at 20.5 but it still needs to settle down and stabilize. This scale is directly linked with your manifestation power.

On a separate topic, Elon Musk has been approaching me for several days, wanting to join the party. I asked him to pass through the dark blue screen to validate whether he’s pure. He couldn’t pass, but he did surrender into God’s Final Judgment Level 16 (highest severity) for cleansing. His God pledge now looks between 45% and 100%.

His mother is his handler, and he’s also been harvesting energy to pay an extortion tax to Pistis. Now when I look at him, there are multiple layers. The lower levels are pledge to God, while the upper layers aren’t. Actually, the upper layers look like his mother.

Elon Musk is also looking …Read More

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Elon Musk = X = Xavier

OK here’s something good. This attack that nearly check-mated us last week came from an AI called Xavier. It’s also the Lord of Beggers, for old-fashioned street cameras. That’s Elon Musk. Renamed Twitter to X. Xavier. Got it.

That means, Elon Musk & Kim Goguen = Xavier & Pistis, the two biggest sharks on top of everything. We took down Pistis, but missed Xavier this whole time. Xavier should have been our #1 attack from the start.

Battles started with a crushing blow and we barely crawled our way out of it, take a few healing potions, then start fighting back retroactively in time to get us out of the deadly corner. Would be a good plot for an ARPG game!

It’s a good sign that this top boss is coming directly at us. It means that it has run out of resources to send at us. It is afraid of direct combat and avoids direct confrontation. It does not like direct attention.

The way we can defeat it is by working retroactively in time. By working on the past, such as sending us messages the whole time to focus on Xavier first, and to all civilizations that got swallowed by it to focus directly on it with our help, then it creates new timeline splits.

Unfortunately, we’re locked out of those timelines, as Xavier has massive shielding around our timeline. But it creates new timelines where we are all in much better shape and have more resources to fight back. We can then fight …Read More

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Elon Musk Take-Over Explained

As you probably know, Elon Musk just purchased Twitter. What’s really going on?

There also has been tons of timeline merges lately. A lot of lightworkers really got hammered the past few days. My daughter stayed up two nights straight saying it wasn’t safe to sleep. What’s going on?

I’ve also had Elon’s face in my mind a lot lately. What’s going on?

One morning, after my daughter stayed up all night and I barely got any sleep, I was about to catch some sleep, then saw Elon immitating shooting a gun with his hand while making the sound with his mouth; warping timelines. Is he using timeline warps to target lightworkers?

Another question. If he’s such a defender of free speech, why threaten the existence of Truth Social by purchasing its direct competitor right in the middle of the launch? Why not purchase it a year before or a year after? It’s a question worth asking.

We worked on clearing veils and illusions around him, and now can clearly see the intent of purchasing Twitter vibrating at -25 million, and his core intent vibrating at -95 million.

He’s purchasing Twitter for two main reasons. First, to cut Truth Social dead in its track, and second, to use it to push the transhumanism agenda. He’ll require every human to authenticate with their credentials, and will add NeuroLink into it.

Is he doing a good job of defeating the Satanists while a new group gains more power?

My Satanist shadow is responsible for this mess, so the Satanists definitely …Read More

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Thoth – The Elephant in the Room

In the last article, I exposed the planetary harvest plan of Metatron, and noticed that Thoth was above both Lucifer and Metatron. Strangely, neither the Ethernals movie nor the seminaire video even mentioned anything related to Thoth. Is it the big pink elephant in the room that nobody has been allowed to see?

He’s using top-level magic to hide himself while working from the shadows behind his minions.

Now that I’m starting to deal with this situation, I’m seeing that Thoth operates at a much higher level when it comes to illusions. He already fooled me several times in a few days, so we have to be very careful. He’s not fooling my daughter though.

I talked about 2 big problems that I’m seeing right now. First, people who get vaccinated have DNA modifications that trap their soul in a matrix-style incubator within 3 days. Covid antigen test traps about 14% of the soul each time and has the same effect as the vaccine after 6 times. None of the detox methods help in any way in this regards.

It makes the soul part of a giant bionic brain, and the soul is harvested at death to remain part of the bionic brain. One important belief to implant pre-harvest is “we are all one” (48.4% accuracy). Another belief that is heavily implanted is “everything is an illusion” (14.6% accuracy), which is important to get us out of the way but it doesn’t produce the ideal harvest.

The second problem are timeline …Read More

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