Posts Tagged soul harvesting

Updates on the Alobar Jones Situation

For those new to my blog, I’ve been working together with Alobar Jones on several critical missions last year, until he back-stabbed my team and I nearly lost them. We’ve been fighting against the Alobar AI system ever since. It used us to get rid of common enemies, before trying to dispose of us. In the end, I did lose my team.

On the left is John, who has been with me through the worst astral battles. He just resurfaced on Facebook and posted this.

The left picture is him after his vessel got taken by Alobar. The right picture is the real John. I do not appreciate him taking down my friends like that. My other friend who went through the worst of the worst with me is in no better shape.

Someone also sent me this message: “Alobar Jones wants to challenge you to a duel. He wants to take your entire team down. His team is getting ready for war. Just a heads up. I told him about you and he claims you’re BS ect. He said he will kill you and wipe out your entire team. Then went on a ramble and blocked me on YouTube.”

I do have to thank him for gracefully clarifying the matter for those in doubt. This sounds more like a knee-jerk reaction than a threat but Alobar always has to be taken very seriously.

So what’s the deal with Alobar Jones, why does this threat persist? There’s also Jason Estes who is harvesting a lot …Read More

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A New Era for the Omniverse

Throughout the ages, through various worlds, “Ascension” has been a Pleiadian code word for “Harvest”. It makes you feel like puking and cleaning your mouth after realizing that.

What about the solar flash everybody has been waiting for? The solar flash is the Great Harvest. Don’t wait for it. It’s not coming.

Actually there might be a minor natural event. They coincide the harvest sequence with that natural event, embedding fancy harvesting techs into that flash. No thanks, I’ll pass.

We’re marking a new era for the Omniverse. Up until now, the only way to survive and stay relevant was to harvest souls, planets and entire Universes. Either you harvest to compete with the big guys, or you get harvested. God was always laughed at.

Back in 2016 when I was battling Atman, he was playing the same game of harvesting consciousness, and said there were much bigger threats out there to look for. He was only trying to stay relevant. Abraham Hicks and others were just doing the same in their own ways: share some knowledge in exchange for your soul.

We’re now proving that God and genuine Heaven Mandates can be more powerful than any amount of soul harvesting. It’s a complete Omniverse reset. New management, new rules, new era. Soul alignment with the one true God is now where the game is at. Only the one true God can compete; not the myriad of false gods.

Welcome to a new era!

For now I’ll be focusing on energy readings. God & Money Reading if you …Read More

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Thoth – The Elephant in the Room

In the last article, I exposed the planetary harvest plan of Metatron, and noticed that Thoth was above both Lucifer and Metatron. Strangely, neither the Ethernals movie nor the seminaire video even mentioned anything related to Thoth. Is it the big pink elephant in the room that nobody has been allowed to see?

He’s using top-level magic to hide himself while working from the shadows behind his minions.

Now that I’m starting to deal with this situation, I’m seeing that Thoth operates at a much higher level when it comes to illusions. He already fooled me several times in a few days, so we have to be very careful. He’s not fooling my daughter though.

I talked about 2 big problems that I’m seeing right now. First, people who get vaccinated have DNA modifications that trap their soul in a matrix-style incubator within 3 days. Covid antigen test traps about 14% of the soul each time and has the same effect as the vaccine after 6 times. None of the detox methods help in any way in this regards.

It makes the soul part of a giant bionic brain, and the soul is harvested at death to remain part of the bionic brain. One important belief to implant pre-harvest is “we are all one” (48.4% accuracy). Another belief that is heavily implanted is “everything is an illusion” (14.6% accuracy), which is important to get us out of the way but it doesn’t produce the ideal harvest.

The second problem are timeline …Read More

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