Posts Tagged divine femininity

Apocalypse of 2016

This message is channeled from a member of the Planetary Counsel of Light who wishes to remain unnamed. This is not something I would want to speak of myself, but I’m doing my job of passing along the message. It is easier to predict future events by looking at the evolution of the energetic landscape from above. He also chose the title of this article. The rest of this article is channeled from him.

I am a member of the Archangels working under Metatron and Izael’s commands to ensure the safe transition and survival of the human race. This message is a warning to prepare for major events that will soon unfold in the United States of America. These events have been prophesied in the Bible and in various ancient texts and are unavoidable: The Fall of Mystery Babylon.

Very powerful energetic structures and generators have been activated through the American continent that will unroot evil forces and transmute the whole system with absolute power of love. It is ripping apart the very fabric of society and the transitional effects won’t be pretty.

Meanwhile, the United States continue their dominion over the world and keep pressuring Russia with economic sanctions and military installations. War is escalating on many fronts and the tensions are rising.

The objective is to defeat the Anglo-saxon axis of power that dominates the world while reducing the destruction and loss of lives to a minimum. The Russians have asked us, the Planetary Counsel of Light, permission to use an EMP …Read More

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Writing History

I recently announced the upcoming live event next month. I’ve been receiving a lot of interest and curiosity over the new information I’ve been sharing lately. At the same time, very few people took it seriously at all and I’ve been hearing the most ridiculous excuses to avoid the event. Here we’re talking about writing history. I’ve done my job. A team of high spiritual beings and Archangels is now taking over the organization of this event. Below is a message channeled from their messenger.

My name is Izael, right-wing of Metatron, commander of the Archangels. As we speak, we are entering a new cycle of time. The dark forces who had controlled this planet for millennials have been contained and are no longer in control. High military operations are taking place on a daily basis in the higher realms by the Orion, Lemurian and Slavic spirits among others. All high-ranked Archangels are participating in this offensive full-time, while lower rank angels are attending the deads. Essentially, a portal has just been opened to anchor the divine realms into the physical realm.

There will be many casualties during this transition. The cabal stroke in Paris and will attempt to strike again. Meanwhile, a majority of the members of the cabal may die in the process, with many of their supporters. Etienne is no longer responsible as for who lives or dies, nor to the pace of how the transition will unfold from now on. It’s in the hands of God, and everything …Read More

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Vestiges of the Past, Seeds of the Future

I want to talk about some of the ancient civilizations that were here on Earth. Why should you care? Because we’re not empowered to create our future unless we have an accurate understanding of our past. I also want to make the point that everything that was available back then, including the knowledge, technology and wisdom, is still available to us today. Which brings us to the idea that, contrary to what we’ve been thought, evolution isn’t linear but cyclical. You can quantum-leap by connecting back to the previous cycle. The objective of this article isn’t to bring solid proofs to convince skeptics, but rather, to bring enough solid pointers to stimulate your own memories if you have past lives in those areas so that you can access your own wisdom and knowledge.

Everybody heard of Atlantis. Most believe it is a myth, while the most famous philosophers in history believe it is real. Many have glimpses of past life memories in Atlantis. Where was it located? Right here: Fingal’s Cave in Scotland. These pillars of vitrified rock were the foundation. The foundation stones extend from the Hebrides all the way to County Antirm in Northern Ireland, where they appropriately refer to the formations as “Causeway of the Giants”.

Here’s some information about vitrified rocks. Modern science cannot yet reproduce this type of architecture, which you also see …Read More

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The People of Orion

Update: The full story of the Orion Federation and how we ended up here is described in my new book The History of the Universe, and the Psychic War of End Times.

I am now authorized to publicly share information that I couldn’t before. There are security protocols to follow, and the threats are gone. Several people, lately, looked into my eyes and asked bluntly “what planet are you from?” A few others recognized me. My physical body? From this planet. My soul? From a planet of the Orion Belt that no longer exists. We were 13 feet high giants with advanced spiritual and technological knowledge.

When I went to China in Wudang Mountains, at the birthplace of Taoism, what did I find? 13 feet high statues of Gods, 90 ton stone tablets on a turtle, and pyramids on surrounding mountains. Plus giant coffins in a museum. I could feel a strong energy of Orion, and could speak with the spirits living in those temples, many of whom recognized me. The Chinese ancient knowledge comes from Orion! The reason they had hundreds of “Gods” is because those were the people of Orion who came from the sky. We were originally 13 feet high and could live hundreds of years. Then we re-incarnated into physical bodies that were sized for this planet.

I could tell the 90 ton stone tablets were much older than they thought. However, the writing has been replaced by an emperor who conquered the area. There are imitation …Read More

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Who Are the Dracos

When talking about the Dracos, the first thing that come to most people’s mind is David Icke talking about shapeshifters. His article “Who Are the Reptilians” does explain quite a few things. However, there is no such thing as shapeshifters, and there’s a lot of misunderstanding as to the nature of Dracos.

At the event I just hosted in Playa del Carmen, I have to thank José who flied from Spain to be here. He has an affinity that somehow allows him to tune into the consciousness of the Dracos and answer fundamental questions. This allowed me to get a much deeper understanding of the nature of the forces I had been facing.

First, the Dracos are an alien race. However, they do not have the ability to incarnate. They are an energetic parasitical construct that plugs into a host soul to feed from it. The reason they require to feed from fear to survive is because they are not a soul and require fear to maintain their grip as a parasite.

They are energetic constructs of the 5th density, which means they possess very strong psychic abilities. They can control people’s minds to fulfill their agenda, and some have exceptionally strong mind control powers. The Dracos are the underlying power structure behind the elite who controls the planet. They provide the host great powers in exchange for control of their soul and using them as a source of energetic food.

The satanic rituals of the Illuminatis, as well as the sacrifices, …Read More

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