Posts Tagged soul freedom

How to Find the Right Supplements for Your Health

Most people consume a few of their favorite supplements. Is it actually helping you or wasting your time and money? How to find the right ones? The truth is, there’s a LOT of crap out there. There’s also some really good stuff. The challenge is to find them.

I’ve been working hard on the Supplements Efficiency List. I added a lot more companies to it, and tweaked the score calculation formulas. It’s getting to be a pretty comprehensive list!

I also will have a few more Hyper-C(oncentrated) extracts available. I had Hyper-C Cordyceps, Chaga and Reishi. I can also have Snow Fungus and Lion’s Mane. Snow Fungus is ranking incredibly well!

You can view where my various extracts rank here.

I also added the information about Moxa-6 Spagyric Tincture and the various other extracts.

Now, the first several orders are definitely taking longer to get ready. Everything has to pass through several hands. The Immunity oils leaked and have to be replaced; but she ran out of oil so need a week to prepare a new batch! We’ll be switching from 10ml to 14ml bottle format. Furthermore, shipping oils without labels is against the regulations so I must prepare labels for the Hyper-C oils. Once my processes are setup, then things can be mailed out much faster.

I also just realized something that is a bit ironic… so far I mostly sold Immunity Oil, Crown Chakra Oil and Cordyceps Hyper-C. Those are actually the 3 lowest in the benefits score list! Really got to …Read More

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How to Prepare for ‘The Event’

All my predictions so far have been very accurate. Here’s what’s going to happen next and how to prepare for it.

In 2012, we transitioned into a new area of the Galaxy that has a much higher vibration. Because we weren’t ready for it, and to prevent a catastrophic collapse of society, the Avians have installed many thousands of spheres throughout the solar system to diffuse the tsunami of higher-vibration energies. Now the protective veil is being lifted since last Friday.

Immediately, a major snow storm hit the Eastern Coast of America killing 48 and affecting 80 million, a 7.1 earthquake hit Alaska and a 6.1 earthquake hit the South of Spain. These were pre-existing accumulated tensions that instantly released due to the increase of energy.

These events will intensity. The plan was for the Avians to ask Russia to use an EMP on the Eastern Coast of America to disable all electric systems. Nobody wants to do this. There may be an alternative, and this will be the backup plan.

The Washington-based American corporation has an iron grip over the world. This clashes with the new waves of cosmic energies and is already causing earthquakes and storms. To allow for the new energies to be integrated and avoid a disaster, now the plan is for me to create new energetic structures with enough intensity to disrupt and break the iron grip. The Avians want to know whether I can pull this off… I believe I can with the powers I have unlocked, the …Read More

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