The Force of Life FREE Training I just hosted was really powerful. Here are a few interesting things that happened since
– The next morning, I energetically felt cascading beliefs systems collapses; collective illusions crumbling and causing ripple effects
– Various people messaged me with questions as to how what I shared fits with what other highly conscious people are teaching
– Just this morning, I cleaned 140 energetic attacks. I’m ready for the next wave.

Let’s clarify a few things when it comes to how the Force of Life relates with the connection to stillness. If you look at Eckhart Tolle, he is extremely connected to stillness but not nearly as connected to the force of life and the physical and emotional polarity energies. In contrast, Elvis Presley was very connected to the Force of Life… but he almost doesn’t have any connection to stillness. He had a strong connection to power but also a strong shadow side. So, both aspect are important.

Simply put, here’s how the Force of Life and Stillness relate with each other. When you remove the emotional noise and reconnect to stillness, it removes what prevents the natural expression of the Force of Life energy. But if you don’t directly value and tap into that Force of Life energy, it will only awaken indirectly and you will only be connected to it to a certain extent. For example, in Thailand, there are lots of Buddhist monks and they focus only on their connection to stillness, and it is only men who become monks. This opens an energetic space that allows women to naturally be more connected to the Force of Life energy.

Also, someone sent me a question as to how this fits with this information channeled from an Archangel

The energy that you resonate (give out) is the energy you will attract. The higher your resonance the higher light energy and resonance you will attract. For like attracts like. If you are living from emotionally fueled vibration then you are not connecting to your soul source vibration. The stiller the mind, the greater connection with the silent voice. There is no higher resonance than the connection to the silence within you. Where peace and harmonious vibration resides. For what you “feel so you become”

> The higher your resonance the higher light energy and resonance you will attract
Yes, this is how the feminine spiritual law of attraction works, which is one of various universal laws.

> If you are living from emotionally fueled vibration then you are not connecting to your soul source vibration.
Here, he is talking about fear-based emotions, not in the broader definition of pure source energy in motion.

> There is no higher resonance than the connection to the silence within you.
Nobody ever made the distinction between stillness and the force of life. A higher resonance than this would be that level of resonance to stillness plus a high level of resonance with the force of life. Also, Archangels do not have a physical body so they are not the best to talk about your connection with your physical energy.

Then, during my meditation this morning I identified 12 layers of resistance preventing you from stepping forward with this opportunity of learning about the Force of Life. I haven’t filtered them out with the mind, I just wrote what came to me. I would invite you to look at each of these 12 layers and explore how that shows up into your life.

1. Fear of not being good enough for this
2. Confusion, not knowing what is true anymore
3. Wanting to hide and stay quiet
4. Lack of urgency, delaying action for later
5. Lack of trust in yourself
6. Anxiety about what people think of you
7. Fear of jumping off the cliff into the unknown
8. Feeling abandoned and not cared for
9. Feeling judged by your friends and family
10. Wanting to cry of despair
11. Prohibition by religious fanatism
12. Wanting to die (?)

You have the opportunity of getting the Force of Life Blueprint and the price is permanently going up tomorrow night.
Click here to get the Force of Life Blueprint

Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
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