I’m just done hosting an intensive Immersion Celebration Party with Rion Freeberg with guys flying from all over Europe. I’m extremely energetically burnt out today, and the shift has been very profound for everybody.

There are lots of healing techniques out there and the way most people see it, it brings slow, gradual and intangible progress. You keep releasing and hope things will someday get better. Many people still aren’t happy with their lives after years of releasing. I would like to bring a different perspective and understanding on energy healing.

When I energetically work on an issue, I’m not just sending energy to feel better and raise the energetic frequency, which would make part of the effect only temporary. I’m completely transmuting the issue until it is 100% clean. This is work of precision to do clean jobs. For example, whenever I find issues about myself (a lot of judgments came to my awareness over the last 2 days), I write them down on a list. I take each item on my list, clean it until it is 100% gone, put a check-mark next to it and move on to the next item on the list. That way, I don’t keep bumping over the same issues and I don’t get mental noise because of the remains and “energetic debris” of past issues.

This is really about raising the standards in the field of energy healing. General healing that brings slow and gradual progress makes it hard to measure the progress, it doesn’t build momentum and it allows the deepest blocks to remain hidden. By working with precision and by doing clean jobs, it allows you to get real-life concrete results right away, although there is always more emotional baggage to also clean. It’s like if you want your house to be perfectly clean. You start with one room and put it in order. Then you move on to the second room and do the same, then do the same with a third room. Then you clean the floors, then clean the windows, then clean the walls. By doing clean jobs one after the other, the house will look gorgeous after a few days.

As to how you can get these results, I am currently working on producing the Force of Life Blueprint to lay down the whole methodology. Then, the challenge is to become aware of what specifically needs to be healed within you in order to get the specific results you want. The best way of getting that awareness is by working with someone who is where you want to be.

Energy healing doesn’t have to be this abstract concept that brings intangible results anymore. When you know how to properly harness energies to change the way your emotional and energetic systems are wired in your subconscious mind, it becomes something as concrete as architecture.

Etienne Charland, Emergence Guardian
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