Archive for category Science of Spirituality

Philosopher’s Stone Part 2

A lot has been happening since working on the Philosopher’s Stone. This is a follow-up to the last article “What Is the Philosopher’s Stone“. As far as I know, I am the second person in the world (alive today) to complete the Philosopher’s Stone. Here I will share many breakthroughs that have been flowing since.

In the picture I posted before, what didn’t show up in the reading is that the expression of all the energies, or the way it is being received by others and circulating, was very low. With Natural Grounding, the expression/receptivity readings are what matter the most, as it determines the power of influence and what gets externally created. So, I had a very high embodiment and very low expression/receptivity. It is becoming clear that embodiment and expression/receptivity are two different things. I could do energy readings for either one.

When there is embodiment without expression, the energy is very stable but it isn’t being received by others so it doesn’t manifest much physically. When there is expression without embodiment, it more looks like a cartoon or a house of cards. It manifests things physically, but there is no control over what actually gets created, it feels like crap and it can all fall down with the next wind.

I realized I can build a second Philosopher’s Stone on a larger scale for the expression of all the energies. This one is even more powerful, but also creates a lot more chaos. Or perhaps puts order into the …Read More

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What Is The Philosopher’s Stone

The planetary astral war is over. The ultimate goal of Alchemy is the construction of the Philosopher’s Stone, or Enlightenment, and I am now in the final phases of completing that work. Alchemy is the art of transmutation of self and transmutation of energies, but what is the Philosopher’s Stone? Let me share what I am discovering as I am finalizing it. If you look at my picture, the energy is now extremely clear and grounded to both Heaven and Earth.

The Philosopher’s Stone is the crystallization of consciousness into a perfectly pure field of energy. It provides unlimited power of protection, creation and transmutation. In this picture, it’s not perfectly pure yet, but it’s getting very close and you can see the crystalline energy structures. The “stone” is a state of consciousness.

How many people on the planet have completed the Philosopher’s Stone? Nobody currently incarnated on the planet has completed it.

It appears there was an energy grid based on passive spirituality grounded in Nepal that was stabilizing the planetary field with advanced but incomplete knowledge. That energy grid blew up as the planetary vibration kept raising with the active force of life expanding, causing a massive earthquake and destabilizing the planetary field. It knocked me out for a few days. Building a new energy grid based on accurate knowledge becomes even more important. As Nepal self-heals, we’ll emerge into a new era.

My Alchemy teacher, Jacques Tombazian, is very close to completing the Philosopher’s Stone but hasn’t fully completed it yet. …Read More

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Definition of Chakras

One very fundamental concept in spirituality is a chakra. We can consider there are 7 main chakras in the body, with a Yang polarity in the back and a Yin polarity in the front (14 main chakras), and there is an infinity of smaller chakras within your soul and body, an infinity above your head and an infinity under your feet. There’s also 999 sub-chakras within each chakra.

To understand how your energy field work, and to understand how to reprogram your reality for more joy, better wealth and closer connected relationships, you must first understand what are chakras because your reality is a direct reflection of the data stored in those energy centers.

Since this is a very important and fundamental topic, I created a dedicated page for this on the main website.

>> Read here: What Are Chakras

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2012 Energy Shift, Where Are We 1 Year Later?

1 year ago, on December 22nd 2012, was the end of the Mayan Calendar. I wrote about what happened then here. 1 year later, where are we now, and what happened during that time?

Very major things are happening. First, on the energetic level, there is very little of the powers that were controlling the world. There has been scandals after scandals that have blown up in the media, one of which is the NSA scandal. What’s left of their power is eroding day by day.

On a society level, people have become more and more polarized than ever, with many people going higher into consciousness and many people going deeper into unlivable situations.

On a personal level, spirituality has grown by about 300%. Yet, advanced spirituality and transmutation of energy seems to remain mostly unexplored. Most of those calling themselves spiritual are struggling with their pains and fears. Most of the past leaders are deceased and the world is waiting for a new generation of leaders to step up.

On a technological level, I just watched an episode from David Wilcock on GaiamTV about the science of dematerialization. This guy is light-years ahead of anybody else in terms of science and technologies based on spirituality and vibrational physics. He’s to physics like I am to spirituality. He looks at all the stuff going on in the scientific world and tells exactly where they’re right, where they’re wrong and where they’re getting close. In this particular episode, he shows real-life …Read More

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Energetic Density, Bending the Laws of Physics

So much has been going on lately. I just moved out of Budapest and settled in Playa del Carmen in Mexico a few days ago. I was a sponsor at the Enlightened Business Live event in San Diego and that event was legendary. I could write a whole series of articles just on that. Energies have also been shifting tremendously the whole month. Although I could immune myself against energetic attacks, I was severely affected by the way realities are now colliding. We had to find a creative solution to this, and we found one: bend the spiritual and physical laws, or work with a different set of laws. Warning: this article is extremely advanced.

There is a concept which I had never heard of before: energetic density. There are 7 density levels and the spiritual and physical laws are different at each density level. If you wonder where this information comes from, most of it is downloaded from the source itself.

Plants and minerals are 1st density.

Animals are 2nd density.

Humans are 3rd density.

Psychics and healers are 4th density beings, which allows all psychic and telepathic abilities.

Master Zhou, who can heat metals and move objects, is a 5th density being. I now believe this density level allows all abilities related to moving and altering objects. That would explain why I could do lots of extremely advanced things but can’t directly alter any physical object in any way. That also explains why Master Zhou can do things no other Qi Gong master can …Read More

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