I was contemplating the question: how many starseeds are on Earth, exactly? At least 70 million, but what are the real numbers?
First, what are starseeds? Starseeds are souls from other worlds who chose to incarnate here on Earth to assist us through our period of ascension. Most of them are 6th density and above. They lost their memories to integrate within our dysfunctional society, and most greatly struggle to reconnect with their mission.
In the Satrimono Publishing website that I’m about to release, I’ll be describing a simple methodology to measure any question by connecting with your higher self. It can be done using muscle testing or a pendulum, among other ways. Using this approach, I measured the starseeds population as percentage of the population. This reading is particularly difficult because the soul structure and memories are occulted. I had to repeat and validate the reading several times to get to a sum of 100% and a high accuracy check.
I’m reading the starseed population per density level, which represents the level of consciousness. Plants and minerals are 1st density. Insects and animals are 2nd density. Humans are 3rd density, and we’re transitioning into 4th and 5th density. During the energetic shifts, starseeds will recover their native density level.
Percentage of the population on Earth per density level:
– 3rd density: 41.42%
– 4th density: 13.44%
– 5th density; 12.62%
– 6th density: 13.46%
– 7th density: 11.27%
– 8th density: 5.18%
– 9th density: 1.24%
-10th density: 0.19%
-11th density and above: 1.16%
Accuracy check: 99.61%
If we look at it that way, the population of 6th density and above is 32.5% of the world’s population! On a population of 7 billion, this represents 2.275 billion starseeds! It really depends how we look at it. If I ask “what percentage of the population had their first incarnation on Earth”, the number I get is 31.6%. This would technically make 68.4% of the population starseeds. The “local” population is lower than I expected.
Let’s take a step back and do the same reading of population per density level back in 1990.
– 3rd density: 42.89%
– 4th density: 13.97%
– 5th density: 12.88%
– 6th density: 10.43%
– 7th density: 9.22%
– 8th density: 5.69%
– 9th density: 3.23%
– 10th density: 0.38%
– 11th density and above: 1.33%
Accuracy check: 99.82%
NOW that is VERY interesting!! I would have thought the starseeds population to be considerably lower, but that is not the case at all. They consciousness was however much more asleep. 2.59% of the population are currently 9th density and above, compared to 4.94% in 1990!!
What about 1950?
– 3rd density: 61.99%
– 4th density: 13.98%
– 5th density: 13.62%
– 6th density: 6.76%
– 7th density: 1.29%
– 8th density: 0.49%
– 9th density: 0.36%
– 10th density: 0.19%
– 11th density and above: 1.31%
Accuracy check: 99.62%
Now that is closer to what I would have expected, BUT the amount of incarnate souls of 11th and above was still the same as today. There was 1.86% of souls of 9th density or above compared to 2.59% today.
These were not the numbers I was expecting. I’ll have to chew on this one…
Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
>> Get a Soul Alignment Reading to kick-start your awakening journey!
#1 by Eniko on January 27, 2017 - 3:22 pm
Would you tell me my density level?
By the way insects are also animals. So it`s not insect and animals. Is there a reason why you separated them? Is there any exception? Or is it true for every animal without any exceptions?
#2 by Etienne Charland on January 27, 2017 - 3:23 pm
Density level: 32.
Whales are 5th density and dolphins are 6th density. Monkeys are 2.8.
#3 by Marko Pesic on January 27, 2017 - 5:50 pm
I got intuitive insight that I am 47th density now, but I was 27th.
#4 by Etienne Charland on January 27, 2017 - 5:50 pm
Seems accurate… things are shifting as different timelines are merging
#5 by Marko Pesic on January 28, 2017 - 10:32 am
Yeah Ole Gabrielsen and I have noticed that since 2017 have started.
#6 by Matt on January 27, 2017 - 10:50 pm
looking forward to your sites on satrimono publishing site.
I actually wanted to read into things since it’s mentioned on the cover of “The History of the Universe”,
but last time the page didn’t exist (or it’s blocked from Germany).
Contemplating that only ~ 30% are “natives” to Earth is really mind-boggling …
Anyway – I’ve been stumbling upon the concept of “organic portals” or “spiritless humans” recently on more and more occasions:
The aforementioned “empty” people have bodies and souls, but not spirits. In this way it is clear that they have some kind of conscious energy, but not the permanent core that retains continuity through incarnations.
Is that a reality here on earth or are people missing the bigger picture in that case ?
Can you give a clarification on this ? (e.g. Metatron’s take on this)
You’re right, Natural Grounding is the way to go, it seems that I had some pretty heavy ballast to work on and to throw away to finally “take off” (mostly 3rd density thinking heavily based on judgment, ego, etc.), there seems to be more and more momentum.
Related to highly calibrated material and highly evolved Souls/Beings:
Could you please give a comment on Lester Levenson ? His book “Keys to the Ultimate Freedom” helped me a lot, how high is that one calibrated ?
Seems like he had fully ascended abilities (teleportation, Instant-manifestation of e.g. food, listening into the thoughts of other people, …).
I’m using a combination of his “Release Technique”, David Hawkin’s techniques and Natural Grounding since (when going with David Hawkin’s calibration) it seems to be much superior than e.g. Ho’oponopono which calibrates rather low:
viewing everything related to basic wants/needs: approval, security, control
attachment vs. aversion, etc.
which seems to fit virtually in every situation and appears to have instantaneous effects [e.g. cancelling/surrendering energy field behind thoughts that come up and calming the mind] when viewing it from the background of the AGFLAP emotions.
Ultimately of course the goal is to step it up to Alchemy 🙂
Thanks for your answers to the previous emails
All the best
#7 by Etienne Charland on January 27, 2017 - 10:53 pm
I have doubts about spirit-less humans, I don’t think that’s accurate.
I also wonder about incarnate demons like Cain or Abel: incarnate demons or corrupt souls? I don’t yet have the answer to that one.
#8 by Penyimpan rahsia on January 29, 2017 - 9:57 am
I believe that all creation/soul that made into earth either to become human or unseen-non-human are being wiped out their memories and important things that reminiscent God. By the way, would you tell me my density level? Tq.
#9 by Kyle Woodworth on December 18, 2019 - 5:59 pm
I thought 12th density is the max before becoming one with everything so to speak. How are these other commenters 47 and 32?
Could you read my density level?
#10 by Etienne Charland on December 18, 2019 - 8:37 pm
It turns out that Dimensions and Densities are 2 separate things. 12D is direct oneness with source, but density levels can go much higher.
#11 by Marla Rodriguez on March 1, 2023 - 2:57 pm
Could you please tell me what density my soul is at?
The tarot readings & meditations I’ve done allude to my consciousness being 8D, but I don’t know how to determine my soul density.
#12 by Etienne Charland on March 2, 2023 - 12:59 pm
I can do a full soul reading here