Just saw a nuke on Kiev. High probability of either seeing a nuke in the coming days, or colliding with a nuke timeline. 35% approved by God and going up daily. Just sent a massive nuke on the Arcturians; got them good this time. Kiev nuke approval actually went up… 55%.
The Russians psychically contacted me ask whether they were authorized for a nuke. A “yes” would be ~70% approved by God… what should I tell them?
If it is approved by God, it cannot be stopped, unless we find another way of resolving the situation. Can the Bildenberg/Arcturian/Obama group be stopped fast enough to render this unnecessary?
I would suggest meditating on Eastern Europe. Not in trying to stop what needs to happen, but in preventing the after-effects from degenerating into a greater conflicts. Meditating for God’s will to unfold smoothly. Meditating to prevent endless retaliations and a nuclear war.
Or simply meditating to bring stillness to the situation.
A nuke, even in alternate realities, would bring a massive shockwave across the timelines spectrum.
If you’re living in that area, I’d recommend 500km distance from Kiev for the next 15 days…
The next 5 days will be particularly important, there will be very major timeline collisions.
On a different topic, the Unlock Your Soul Power video training is progressing. I already have 10 videos written. It starts slow and then goes incredibly deep. I’m really curious as to what feedback I’ll get from that! There’s so much important topics to cover… I haven’t even yet started talking about God, nor given healing techniques. I really don’t know how much I’ll be able to fit into 3 modules. The content is already massive and extremely impactful.
You can sign up here for free and you’ll gain access once it’s ready.
Accuracy check: 85-92%, highly fluctuating.
Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
>> Get a Soul Alignment Reading to kick-start your awakening journey!
#1 by Leo on August 10, 2024 - 4:20 am
Damn God your going hard-core on Kiev and Etienne I’m definitely looking forward to the training series, it sounds like each entry will shatter my tiny mind.
#2 by Etienne Charland on August 10, 2024 - 9:22 am
Ukraine has gone attacking in Russian territory, and the Cabal is absolutely all-in to try to destroy Russia.
#3 by Leo on August 10, 2024 - 9:52 am
What is Russia’s goals and are the cabal supremely stupid enough to fight you a being who has smited mega souls? Also on the 2024 chart article somebody made a point about the demons in your network of allies. You have been betrayed a number times so are you sure they are truly your allies and won’t strike against when an opportunity prevents itself. Maybe a thoughrough check to just make sure. I just don’t want you to be set back after all you have gained just because some demons are still power-hungry.
#4 by Etienne Charland on August 10, 2024 - 12:00 pm
The Cabal has planned Russia’s destruction for a very long time, it’s a critical part of their plan. Russia’s goal is simply to survive. They’re being attacked from all sides.
About demons, there are also still very dark fragments of them in other timelines, and dark fragments of all the good people around us. It’s just something we deal with daily.
Only the biggest players are smart enough to see the bigger picture and course-correct. The ones lower-down like the Cabal are pretty stupid. They have no ability to see the bigger picture nor to change course. It’s a train heading towards a cliff. There are also big parties still active, so enough fuel to keep them going for a while.
#5 by Leo on August 11, 2024 - 11:11 am
Thanks Etienne. That comment just worried me.
#6 by Leo on August 10, 2024 - 5:04 pm
Alright thank you Etienne, that comment by that person just had me worried. The only reason the cabal has survived is because they can lean on the stronger entities but they seem to be on the losing side of the moment since they either join you or are severely weakened or even erased. Where I live in England there has been a lot of violence with riots against the government. Is this because of the cabal, astral war finally hitting 3D or both?
#7 by FlyByNight on August 13, 2024 - 11:43 pm
Hi Leo / Kelly
It was my comment about demons and I still stand by it.
We can all be duped at times via demonic negative forces.
Etienne in my opinion is fighting a good fight on the team of positive.
However, anyone asking for a covenant / mandate before God isn’t right. Study his course of Life Force at the end he asks for your enegery.
Alobar / Alastair is the same.
He changed tactics to enhance his own energy and like a better power up. He asked for prayers and spiritual energy.
The guy tried it in my dreams but got short changed.
He spoke a completely different alien language. And morphedinto what I can only describe as a plant alien person. His real self.
Don’t fall for stuff.
Protect yourself and be you, always.
If you need help, I’m here.
#8 by Etienne Charland on August 15, 2024 - 10:27 pm
What do I ask for at the end of the training? I produced that like 10 years ago, please remind me
#9 by Fly By Night on August 16, 2024 - 4:49 pm
You ask for a mandate for yourself.
A covenant / contract.
#10 by Fly By Night on August 16, 2024 - 5:58 pm
Ps my last post was deleted.
You ask for a mandate putting yourself before God.
In my opinion no one should do that.
That said I found your course, I formative and very good.
#11 by Etienne Charland on August 16, 2024 - 6:55 pm
> You ask for a mandate putting yourself before God.
#12 by Fly By Night on August 17, 2024 - 5:42 am
It’s on page 18 of your Build a God based Business program.
You ask for 3 pledges
Pledge to God.
Pledge to you as a custodian of God.
Pledge to Bill as a custodian of God.
* ps. The course is excellent, I would highly recommend it to everyone in business.
It was the pledges that I highlighted in earlier posts.
Take care.
#13 by Etienne Charland on August 17, 2024 - 10:16 am
We lost Bill.
Ya I’m not 100% sure on that either. I’d tweak that part.
#14 by Leo on August 17, 2024 - 8:01 pm
Thanks for the warning but if we don’t have those mega souls as allies then that’s a big disadvantage. To be fair as Etienne put before there are dark fragments of all of us our shadows. It seems these demons let their shadows overcome them a long time ago. However as every soul has light parts atleast I assume and perhaps those light parts of those mega souls are finally coming out at least in this reality.
I imagine in other realities I have very dark fragments. I don’t know but maybe the mega souls are more complicated than just being manipulate demons. Perhaps they are at odds with themselves with all their different fragments scattered about creation. I also agree you shouldn’t put yourself above God because really if you think about it God is our one true parent who gave us life itself. In a way every soul even the demons are all siblings or atleast all related and we’re all fighting each other because some want to domination and power yet it has only wrought and destruction to their fellow souls. They have hurt themselves by losing the good parts of them to powerlust. Sorry about rambling just some thoughts I have.
#15 by Fly By Night on August 17, 2024 - 11:23 am
No need Etienne.
Maybe it’s just me?
I’m still learning even years later.
I didn’t mean to scare people.
One thing about you, is you have God with you where as others others don’t believe in God.
Keep up the good work!