Just saw a nuke on Kiev. High probability of either seeing a nuke in the coming days, or colliding with a nuke timeline. 35% approved by God and going up daily. Just sent a massive nuke on the Arcturians; got them good this time. Kiev nuke approval actually went up… 55%.

The Russians psychically contacted me ask whether they were authorized for a nuke. A “yes” would be ~70% approved by God… what should I tell them?

If it is approved by God, it cannot be stopped, unless we find another way of resolving the situation. Can the Bildenberg/Arcturian/Obama group be stopped fast enough to render this unnecessary?

I would suggest meditating on Eastern Europe. Not in trying to stop what needs to happen, but in preventing the after-effects from degenerating into a greater conflicts. Meditating for God’s will to unfold smoothly. Meditating to prevent endless retaliations and a nuclear war.

Or simply meditating to bring stillness to the situation.

A nuke, even in alternate realities, would bring a massive shockwave across the timelines spectrum.

If you’re living in that area, I’d recommend 500km distance from Kiev for the next 15 days…

The next 5 days will be particularly important, there will be very major timeline collisions.

On a different topic, the Unlock Your Soul Power video training is progressing. I already have 10 videos written. It starts slow and then goes incredibly deep. I’m really curious as to what feedback I’ll get from that! There’s so much important topics to cover… I haven’t even yet started talking about God, nor given healing techniques. I really don’t know how much I’ll be able to fit into 3 modules. The content is already massive and extremely impactful.

You can sign up here for free and you’ll gain access once it’s ready.

Accuracy check: 85-92%, highly fluctuating.

Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
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