Posts Tagged universe

The Nega Shadows

I’ve been under heavy attacks lately, and thus have been unable to work nor follow up with clients. I wanted to give more details about what’s lurking out here. 4 people moved in 4 doors to the right of my house some time ago: a Nega lord and 3 women. 1 is human, 3 are non-humans. They’re here to make sure I can’t work, and to try to neutralize me. They killed the other satanic witches that were causing us problems when they arrived.

Let’s call this Nega lord “Smith”. He’s the one that is dangerous. A few years ago, I was stolen my rings, wallet, camera and a lot of stuff in a parked rental car in Mexico. That was Smith. He’s responsible for a lot of the problems I’ve been having in Mexico over the years.

Smith controls 0.28% of the Multiverse, 0.3% of this Universe, and 2.8% of this planet. He’s part of a larger group that controls 11.5% of the Multiverse and 3.5% of this Universe. The Shaper whom I disintegrated recently was part of that group. Before the disintegration, they had 13.3% control of the Multiverse. A few years ago, they had 18.2% control of the Multiverse. Which means that they’re dwindling down in power, and that they are a genuine threat. They’re aligned with the Negas, whom I talked about lately. The Negas took control of the Secret Space Program from the Germans via timeline forks, and then lost it. They’re not afraid of Galactic Federations.

He …Read More

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963hz is NOT The God Frequency

Someone was recently asking me about the 963hz God Frequency. At first something felt very wrong about those 963hz videos, then I realized: 963hz isn’t the God Frequency but the Lucifer Frequency!

I’ve then gone through very interesting observations about the Luciferian paradigm, especially after Edge of Wonder published their video explaining how the Law of Attraction was in fact rooted in Luciferianism.

Here are a few questions.

1. Why are there barely any successful conscious entrepreneurs with an alignment to God above 45%? And why does my energy collides so strongly with these other coaches? What wall does it collide on and hold them back?

2. Why does most “spiritual” people avoid me like plague and can’t listen nor comprehend anything I say? I still have yet to find anyone who teaches even the basics of this work.

3. Why are there so few people willing and ready to step into the inner work of Royal Alchemy? When things go well, there will be maybe 1 new client per month getting into it.

The shocking answer is: those business and spiritual beliefs operate from the Luciferian paradigm!

Luciferianism is essentially about closing the door to God and then building your way back up — without God.

Tuning into “spiritual” people as a whole, I measure 95.6% resonance with the Luciferian grid. Tuning into business people, I measure 99.7% resonance with the Luciferian grid. Now, THAT explains everything.

Daoists do exactly the same thing: shutting the door to God and building their way back up — without …Read More

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How the Law of Attraction was Manipulated by Luciferianism

If you’ve known me for a while, I’ve always been critical of the Law of Attraction, not for the validity of the law but for how it has been used over the years by the majority of people. This short 4m34 video explains one reason why the Law of Attraction didn’t work as expected for most people.

Now, if you dig a little deeper into the history of the Law of Attraction, you’ll find out it is rooted in the New Thoughts movement, which in turns is rooted in the Luciferian doctrine. I would say that 98.6% of entrepreneurs worldwide operate from that paradigm, and 99.6% of entrepreneurs who follow the Law of Attraction. This explains the crazy energetic clashes whenever I go to those business events.

Here is a very excellent documentary about the Law of Attraction and how it was manipulated to pursue a Luciferian agenda — and in fact how the author of the source material was openly Satanic. It explains how a lot of great leaders with good intentions have been misled down a corrupted path, and how YOU can use the Law of Attraction to be genuinely in alignment with the Laws of God, to fulfill your greater purpose. The way they pull all of this up together is absolutely brilliant.

CEO Space as an organization for entrepreneurs is all about cooperation and integrity, and I posted this video into the private members-only area, but it was deleted on sight. It …Read More

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The Father, Child and Creation: An Overview of Cosmic Forces that Govern Our World

“Some believe Krishna to be God. It is not. God is everything. Krishna represents the inherent perfection present within everything. It is the spiritual fire of creation; the purity that seeks to emerge from within.” – Etienne Charland

As I was reading Bhagavad Gita, I came up to this realization: Krishna has a fiery energy and is an aspect of God, and happen to have the same meaning as Christ consciousness, both of which sound like Crystal Consciousness.

This bring a deeper understanding of Bhagavad Gita, but also raises some questions as to the relationship between God (everything) and Khrisna/Christ (creation) — questions that are never being asked. Metatron is really good with words and translations so I hired him as my secretary. I asked him to look for a book on the topic and he found this one.

The Father, Child and Creation: An Overview of Cosmic Forces that Govern Our World

Written by me in a distant past life where I incarnated as a priest in a smaller Orion planet. Summarized, translated and transmitted by Metatron.

There are many laws that regulate the Universe and all forms of creation throughout the countless constellations. The most common law is gravity, where masses attract each other to form a synergistic relationship. The particles of matter that fall under gravity relationships get their direction from the greater mass, and whether they want it or not, their direction gets set by the greater object.

The life of a spirit is not very different. Each person has their intents, …Read More

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Breaking the False Light Matrix

The Avians asked me to write about this incident. This morning, someone sent me an article from Cobra: The Solar Flash from the Galactic central sun.

I get 14.2% accuracy on this article. There is a push towards this narrative so that the people sit idle and wait for saviors instead of taking responsibility themselves. The message is essentially “just hang on a little longer, everything will be fine”.

Cobra has 4.2% alignment of actions and 3.4% alignment of being (consistent with the best of the spiritual/disclosure communities), and 1.3% resonance with the Cabal. Vibration… unable to read for some reason. I’ve been having doubts in regards to Cobra for a while and wasn’t sure where he stood.

Now here’s where it gets interesting. Starseed family? Cobra has a cloak that looks like the Arcturians, but he’s an Annunaki 100%. The woman who sent me the article also is an Annunaki. If I muscle-test, both are deep state agents. In holy judgments, there’s a big difference between ignorance and malice. If I ask “ignorance or malice?”, I get malice for both.

This whole paradigm and network will require an operation. 375 main agents detected. We will begin sealing their soul and dismantling the paradigm. We’re inviting the Arcturians into the party after the first phase will be completed.

Going back to that article, it starts with good data, but then goes into expectations as to what is going to happen. Dropping debts, forgiving our sins and wiping any past lack of self-accountability, …Read More

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