I woke up with this email in my inbox in regards to Crystals Activation:
“You can assume the quick re-order is because of the results of working with the first batch you activated. I am very very pleased with the last 72 hours or so, thank you for making the effort to talk about crystal activation.” -Mike (Canada)
Then another person posted this on Facebook:
“Anyone who hasn’t had their crystals activated really should do so as soon as possible. The energies are accelerating at an exponential rate. Even with a bevvy of fully-attuned crystals and one-on-one training, it’s a wild ride these days. Without that energetic support it’s downright dangerous.” -Rhett (USA)
A detail I want to clarify. To attune crystals, if you have 3 stones of the same type, you can count it as 1 because it’s just the same to attune 1 big one or 3 small ones. Also a bracelet with 10 beads won’t count as 10 crystals but as 1. Often there’s also the silver attached to a stone and I attune it but don’t count it. So it’s 1 per stone type or per piece of jewelry.
Here’s another testimonial I had some time ago:
“Ok and today i woke up with a buzzing vibrational physical feeling inside my head, its like a bee doing a sound, and also I started to see visionary type of images when i first wear them first night. And my experience these 4 days wearing crystals is, at first after i wear them …Read More