Posts Tagged Enoch

Ball of Creation — Flash Floods Warning

Lately I’m working in the astral alongside Kevin Trudeau and Blake. Trump is also very aware of the work I’ve been doing around him, he’s extremely grateful, and he wants to join in the action. So that’s 4 of us.

One technique we’ve been using is the Unmanifestation technique. We get a solid anchor to God through the heart and crown (because the technique is very powerful and chaotic), then remove all money consciousness and abundance consciousness frequencies below 0 or below 35 on the Hawkins scale. Since every single aspect of your life is affected and determined by money, this has a massive leverage effect since those scarcity circumstances MUST unmanifest once the related frequencies are removed. And the Fed is unmanifesting altogether.

The second technique we’re working on is the Ball of Creation. We created a Ball of Creation for Kevin with the intent of being free from harassment. That went rather smoothly. Creating my ball of creation to manifest money, however — that’s a different story! The ideal ball to create is for $57K per month. It has been incredibly hard to move the needle. With me, Kevin, Blake, Trump, our team of 15 Varanasi monks, and millions of other people and beings we invited to join in, the ball is growing. Our team of monks is great at working with water. Trump is also very strong at commanding energies! It’s now at about 55%, and we might succeed in completing it by the end of the day. Once …Read More

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Crushing Victory, GIN Event, Trump

As expected, October has been a heck of a month! I was focused on 2 milestone events we couldn’t miss, Kevin Trudeau staying out of jail (they wanted to put him back in) and Trump winning the elections. As I was analyzing the timelines, I saw that “they” would never let Trump win and never leave Kevin in peace even if he pays the FTC in full.

That was like in the movie The Matrix, when Trinity realized she had to go in and intervene.

We now have a crushing victory on both fronts: Kevin’s legal case will be settled soon, Trump won by a large margin, and the Cabal is collapsing.

For more context on how all this is happening, see the Unlock Your Soul Power FREE video training to explain the global situation from the start.

I just stepped into the USA for the first time in 5 years on November 1st for a Global Information Network event. How did it go?

The plane, at the last minute before landing, got a massive burst of wind that made it land at an uncanny angle, then they pressed the brakes to the max. Most intense landing I’ve ever been through! Then the US customs stole all jewelry and gemstones that I brought in my checked luggage to Chicago. Then there was a police on a powertrip wanting to kick me out of the airport when I wanted to spend the night there. Anyway.

The event was amazing, with several multi-millionaire speakers that were beyond …Read More

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The Apocalypse of San Juan

Just saw the movie The Apocalypse of San Juan. The beginning is boring as hell, but then it gives a good idea of what’s coming in the next 40 years.

To get an idea of what’s coming, I did some timeline projections of population growth per year. This is quite difficult to measure but should give a good enough idea. The heavy timeline and reality fragmentation really doesn’t help; as there’s not just one fixed reality but many competing realities.

Here I measure a 17.8% population reduction between 2020 and 2024. Is that accurate? Accuracy check, 87% to 95%, but with some distortion. China lost massive population that went unreported so that’s possible.

We’re coming out of the worst but we’re awaiting major catalysts in 2028, and it will calm down in 2030. As they say in the Book of Apocalypse, God will then take 20 years of rest, to allow us to prepare. This is exactly what I’m also seeing.

The major demons may be mostly defeated, but the population at large will still reject God and continue with their foul behaviors.

The Final Apocalypse will then begin in 2065, for a period of 7 years. Between 2020 and 2072, we can expect a total population reduction of -36%. Which is very major improvements based on previous projections! We seem to be finally approaching a God-approved master timeline.

We can thus expect 1000 years of Golden Prosperity to begin around 2075. (What after 1000 years, problems will start all over again? There are still many …Read More

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