“You Know You Have a Higher Purpose You Are Not Living”

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Free Training: The Fastest Path to Cash

Do you have dreams you would like to achieve? Would you like to live abundantly from your life purpose? Your life purpose can sometimes be a scary path to step into and to follow through in a successful way… and I can tell you from personal experience that one of the main reasons is that traditional marketing and business strategies simply do not work for spirituality-oriented businesses. After hiring various coaches and marketing specialists for thousands of dollars who haven’t been able to help me at all, I found Max Simons who has been able to provide me exactly what I needed to take my business off the ground to make it work in a way that feels fully authentic to my own unique path. He’s one of the few coaches on which I am continually relying to bring me forward, and he has a great FREE opportunity coming up which I wanted to pass over to you!

It’s called… The Fastest Path To Cash.

Wouldn’t you love to cut through all the confusion and noise and know the exact next steps to take based on where you are at now?

And YOUR own unique path?

The great news is you can.

My friend Max Simon is offering a free online training all about the 4 stages of entrepreneurial growth and how you can take powerful, aligned action that is completely appropriate for where you are at NOW.

This LIVE training is going to be amazing! Read More

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Women Complementarity Controversy in Tunisia

There is currently a huge controversy in Tunisia about the draft of a new constitution that promotes women complementarity instead of equity. What strikes me the most is the strength and vivacity of the violent opposition to this concept of complementarity. Even my own mom got in strong reaction to this news on TV which has nothing to do with her. Having taught about relationships for many years, I wanted to bring my own perspective to this controversial issue.

First, let’s look into the concept of equity for which people are violently fighting. If we look at what it has done in Western countries, it has brought everybody to the same level. It has removed the contrasts and colors of life, creating a society with only shades of grey. We fought for equity but we got sameness.

Sameness is not oneness. Uniformity is not unity. Unity, or oneness, is complementarity, not sameness. Sameness is uncreative… and boring.

I wrote this almost 3 years ago in this video montage.

From a professional perspective, equity is definitely not something to aim for at a personal level. If you’re on my website, I suppose you are seeking to be the most successful person you can be in all areas of life. You are not seeking to just be like everybody else. You are not seeking average success in life. In order to live at your full …Read More

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Self-Awakening and Transformation Event in Thailand

I’m hosting a Self-Awakening and Transformation Event in Thailand with Rion Freeberg and we’re opening up registrations. Spots are very limited. There are currently 6 spots left and the invitation is going out to 6000 people in my list and Rion’s list.


The Self-Awakening and Transformation Live Event in Medellin was legendary and this time we’re bringing the whole experience several levels further up to really break through whatever is holding you back from living the way you really want: free of fears, free of limitations, free of lack, with great relationships, with great inner peace and while positively impacting the lives of those around you.

You just have to send a $100 fully-refundable deposit and I will call you to see whether this event is a good fit for both of us. This is my most advanced event so far and this is not for beginners. It is moderate to very advanced.

The last event sold out in 2 days. Register now before the spots are gone!


See you soon in Thailand, the “Land of Smiles” 🙂

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We Are Pure Shining Diamonds

We are pure shining diamonds covered with mud just waiting to be uncovered. This is a core principle of Self-Awakening and Self-Transformation. We’ve been thought to believe we must learn and develop skills and competences. We’ve been brought up to believe it takes discipline, perseverance and experience to reach higher emotional and spiritual states. These are limiting beliefs.

I do not work with beliefs and theories. I do not take anything for granted, no matter who it comes from. Everything I teach is experimental. I try new things and observe the results. Let’s take for example learning to ride a bike. Nobody can teach you how to ride a bike. You can read dozens of books on the topic and you still won’t be able to ride a bike. You’ll then get on the bike and fall because you don’t have the awareness of how to keep your balance. Is that ability to keep your balance a skill you must learn, or an inherent ability you already have within you that you just have to uncover? When studying spiritual truths, it usually comes down to reminding you of what you already know. Is that universal truth a competence to learn, or something already within you? I would go as far as saying that nobody can teach you anything except what is already within you. I’m not talking about memorizing information; that’s not learning how to use your brain. I’m talking about learning how to use your own brain to achieve things.

This …Read More

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I Have a Confession to Make

The last article about the top 3 beliefs keeping spiritual people stuck and broke was really profound and powerful. I should have concluded it with a call to action for those who want to play a bigger game, help others and live abundantly. I should have at least invited you to get your Energy Profile Reading. But I didn’t. Here’s why.

I know that the core of any successful business and helping others is the transaction of sale. I know that many of you have issues that you really would like to resolve. I know many of you are feeling stuck and would like to live a bigger and better life while expressing your true potential. Yet, I have been holding back from offering my 1-on-1 help.

I realized that my main challenge is that I would bring most people beyond what they’re ready and willing to step into. I challenge most people’s core beliefs and sense of identity. The reason I now focus on life purpose is because it leverages the whole transformation process, yet I believe most people need time and preparation to accept their life purpose. I challenge a lot of widely accepted ideas because the new perspective I bring is really the key to break through procrastination, yet I believe most people need time to reframe their core beliefs and be willing to go down a different road. I work intensively with Alchemy to change the way the emotional and energetic systems are wired in the …Read More

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