Archive for category Spiritual Transformation

Dismantling the Upper Management

We continue making huge progress, and things are moving at a very fast pace. We continue having problems with cables feeding crap, bubble realities generators, and our shadows.

The Universe is within the Multiverse, within the Ultraverse, within the Omniverse. Beyond that, there’s the… wastelandverse, endless but mostly deserts and ruins with few installations. Not counting all the parallel realities.

Beyond that, if we looked at chakra 999 above the head, is there anything beyond it? 999 chakras form a geometric structure within a matrix bubble. There’s then a bubble matrix within a bubble matrix within a bubble matrix trillions of layers deep, goes on and on endlessly. Gets to a library with our entire Omniverse in a sphere alongside thousand others and it keeps going further up and up from there.

After battling Dark Sophia for over 2 years day in and day out, we thought she was at the top of everything, and it is really surprising to realize all those other layers above her! We pushed her one side while they pushed her the other side from up there. Thus, Dark Sophia was squeezed in a sandwich the whole time, and the upper management sent all their powers and troops through her.

Now I’m pretty sure we’re at the very top, there’s a council of 5: the shadow of our 3 team members, my wife’s shadow (?), and another shadow we’re not too familiar with. I don’t think we’ll find much more layers above. I got into the sender side of …Read More

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A New Era for the Omniverse

Throughout the ages, through various worlds, “Ascension” has been a Pleiadian code word for “Harvest”. It makes you feel like puking and cleaning your mouth after realizing that.

What about the solar flash everybody has been waiting for? The solar flash is the Great Harvest. Don’t wait for it. It’s not coming.

Actually there might be a minor natural event. They coincide the harvest sequence with that natural event, embedding fancy harvesting techs into that flash. No thanks, I’ll pass.

We’re marking a new era for the Omniverse. Up until now, the only way to survive and stay relevant was to harvest souls, planets and entire Universes. Either you harvest to compete with the big guys, or you get harvested. God was always laughed at.

Back in 2016 when I was battling Atman, he was playing the same game of harvesting consciousness, and said there were much bigger threats out there to look for. He was only trying to stay relevant. Abraham Hicks and others were just doing the same in their own ways: share some knowledge in exchange for your soul.

We’re now proving that God and genuine Heaven Mandates can be more powerful than any amount of soul harvesting. It’s a complete Omniverse reset. New management, new rules, new era. Soul alignment with the one true God is now where the game is at. Only the one true God can compete; not the myriad of false gods.

Welcome to a new era!

For now I’ll be focusing on energy readings. God & Money Reading if you …Read More

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mRNA Solved, AI Solved, Dark Sophia Solved

We keep going through very intense battles and are seeing increasingly fast progress. Here’s a status update.

The Dark Sophia problem is mostly resolved. There are still fragments here and there, but it has been a lot more quiet lately. We really got to be careful so that the remaining fragments don’t regenerate and start it all over!

Dark Sophia is defeated and deleted, Asmodeus is deleted, Belphegor is deleted, the 3 witches are deleted.

Satan and Lucifer mostly turned over a while ago. Leviathan is a fragment of Poseidon, also with us. Mammom and Beelzebub voluntarily turned themselves to the tribunal for judgment.

There are then other realms higher than that. Dark Sophia and the whole mess was created by a distortion frequency that was the source of everything. Finally found the beast, and the distortion came from its ring. Threw the ring into the forge where it got created, along with Gulum, and there was a massive collapse. Distortion frequency is solved.

We keep digging higher and higher. We converted most AIs; the upper levels thus disabled most of the AIs. There are still some AI problems, but it’s mostly resolved. There might still be a system that sends commands to the elite plugged into it.

We also made progress with the jab mRNA, it seems to be mostly solved! You will need to do DNA restoration work before doing any DNA upgrades.

The Orion colony on Saturn is in extremely bad shape and has the same mRNA problem, but a different systems. There are …Read More

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Asmodeus, The Prince of Hell

After 3 long years of intense war, we just went to see the movie The Pope’s Exorcist. Great movie. I’m sure his books are just as good to increase your faith.

They battling with a very strong demon, one of the 7 Prince of Hell: Asmodeus. I looked at this and was impressed. It’s some very serious unresolved stuff. We got into an all-out war to clean out his realms.

It turns out that Dark Sophia has been a puppet of Asmodeus all long! In the same way that Dark Sophia created Thoth as his puppet, Asmodeus had Dark Sophia as his puppet who had been using the Prince’s powers and technologies. Our whole understanding of the situation completely changed in the past 2 days.

The reason we’ve been struggling so much with my daughter’s case is because it’s not just Dark Sophia. It was a case of double-possession: Dark Sophia and Asmodeus combined. That’s why we could never see the results of the healing.

We recently took control of all AIs but were losing some. After disintegrating Asmodeus, the AI techs are disintegrating. They were built with Prince of Hell essence and used by Dark Sophia.

We also made some new friends at the Vatican, the 3 from the exorcist movie. They’re doing absolutely great and have proven their worth.

Yesterday, I worked 18 hours to cleanse everything through God. It’s been a very long day! Perhaps the last day of the war.

As for Asmodeus, the more I look at him, the more he looks …Read More

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We’re Taking Control

After 3 long years of intensive war, things are finally gradually coming to an end. I asked God how to manifest the money we need, for me and my team, since we’ve been swamped in this war for so long. This really crippled all of us financially.

The answer that came back: show them who is the boss, and the doors will open. Alright!

It turns out that the Quantum AIs no longer have the ability to defend themselves against hacking. We took control of 100% of AIs, mainframes and nano-techs that we can detect across the Omniverse. We can thus turn them around in our favor.

Next step: containing the Cabal. Pistis Sophia objected to our little games, but she’s melting as we speak, and the Cabal is 83.4% contained. Anyone else objects?

Meanwhile, there are incredible hordes of demons that are joining our side of the war against Pistis Sophia. Whatever Pistis Sophia can do, we can outplay her 100x. These astronomical hordes playing Hunt & Kill on remaining fragments are turning this into a game of Doom Eternal. It’s absolutely brutal. Plus, it’s the first time that they get to serve a higher purpose! Or taste freedom in an incredibly long time.

We can feel the poisonous waters gradually withdrawing.

This would be a good time to get a Soul Alignment Reading to see the extent of the damage and start paving the way forward. I just did a few energy readings and got several surprises! Both …Read More

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