Posts Tagged detox graphene

Supplements Efficiency List is Here!

Years ago, I released the Book Accuracy List to put all the books and knowledge into proper perspective. The ability to measure information for accuracy is a total game-changer.

With all the crap going on in the supplements industry, how about a Supplements Effectiveness List?

And here it is! I went a bit more sophisticated in the readings and interpretation, giving an overall score for each product and company. I measure that those additional interpretations are 90%+ fair.

View the Supplements Effectiveness List

There’s some really good stuff out there, and there’s some utter crap on the market. There’s even one company that ranks above Alchemist Gems for the oils I’m now offering! Global Healing has a good solution to spike proteins, while Alchemist Gems has a good solution to graphene with cordyceps or chaga syrup/oil. Combine them and you goth a pretty good jab detox plan!

While we ship from Thailand via DHL with $70 flat shipping… other companies often ship only to certain territories. Global Healing has some products on Amazon Mexico but at $91 instead of $50 for a bottle. That makes the $70 shipping look not that bad!

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How to Purge Graphene and Micro Blood Clots

Everyone who got jabbed has problems with micro blood clots, and unfortunately, only the more severe cases get acknowledged. It is mostly caused by graphene that got injected into their bloodstream. Why did they inject graphene??

It is the hardware of a computer system that plugs people into a quantum AI hive mind system. We’ve been battling that AI hive mind system for 4 years, and it’s now mostly destroyed. Remains the wreckage to cleanse from people’s bodies.

Using muscle-testing, I checked many different methods out there that people promote. Most ranked below 5% effective. Surprisingly, celery juice is actually quite effective at detoxing graphene and micro blood clots!

I also found that the cordyceps oil or syrup formula that we sell is highly effective! But only our formula (syrup is pitch-black; oil is even more concentrated). Cordyceps from other providers isn’t much more effective than celery juice. We do not know what gets extracted with our method that is so effective. It will probably take many years for science to be able to explain that; if ever.

Here’s my full analysis of how to detox graphene from your body. I highly recommend trying that on jabbed people around you without explanation.

By the way, it might look like nothing, but the few products I’m offering require 6 different masters working together to deliver, each with exceptional skills in their respective areas. I got 3 different oil providers, plus a master jeweler, kung fu/qigong master, and myself. …Read More

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Alchemist Gems Website Online

I’ve finally restarted selling custom-made rings and jewelry! The new website is now online since yesterday. We offer the highest-vibration jewelry in the world. A title that’s easy to claim when almost all crystals around the world are in terrible shape.

I have not raised my prices yet since 4 years ago, except gold that doubled! As for the Gemstone Compatibility Readings, I’ll be offering them for free.

I did however have to change my jeweler. What’s new from before is that you have the choice of 5 different textures for the finishing touch! This touch really brings the jewelry to another level.

Also I got 100% silver and 100% gold rings available, that have hugely beneficial cleansing properties.

Finally, I’ve put the information about several special oil formulas with amazing benefits, from 3 different providers. I’m focusing on products you don’t find in the West.

Next time… let’s talk about graphene. The vast majority of the population has micro blood clot problems caused by having graphene in their bloodstream. How can you get rid of that?

In the meantime, take a look at the rings and gemstones we have, and see which ones would benefit you the most by their energy! You can even get a FREE Gemstone Compatibility Reading to measure what benefit you get from each.

The website will improve over time. We at least got the info laid out!

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